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Old October 8th, 2003, 01:43 PM   #166
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"Compatible" HD-DVD News from Japan (not BLURAY)

* Blue (the AO) the disk was origin of a word, as for to the AOD " the " " HD DVD "
First, furthermore Yamada of the Toshiba digital media network corporation head skill watch the will person explained the system summary of the HD DVD.

Yamada " of the AOD " propelled " until now with name, but therefore as for this with the company internal development name, the blue which used the blue laser (the AO) the disk you be able to call the AOD. " It keeps propelling from now on as the HD DVD " ", it quarried out.

In addition, " you say it tries to be able to handle video / audio / the data et cetera with one disk, goal of DVD start-up beginning is achieved rather, thinks the disk most succeeding until now ", it did.

In addition, " of manufacturing technology keyword of the optimum design, " progress of display " and " LSI/MPEG-2 " which thought " " Hollywood participation " and et cetera was listed concerning the reason of success of the DVD. You say the HD DVD is located as the standard which continues the success of the DVD such as that.

After that, such as maintenance of rear compatibility and guaranty of production margin, application of existing equipment and reduction of the necessary capacity with the adoption of the up-to-date codec the theme of the HD DVD it introduces. Presently 1 layer 15GB, the ROM of 2 layer 30GB is prepared, but because 1 layer or 2 layer almost do not change cost, you say you think of 2 layer as standard. In addition, while rewriting and the ARW of type (the Advanced ReWritable), while assuring the compatibility maintenance of the ROM, actualizing the increase of capacity, filling up the specifications which such as random access to the PC and ???????????? are required, you speak it corresponded to also AV use.

Summary of AOD technology
MPEG-2 and H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) with comparison

In order to be able to do the mass production which utilizes the existing equipment of the DVD, besides the fact that production margin is guaranteed, you adopt the H.264 as a codec. By comparison with the MPEG-2 of DVD video, you say it can assure compression 1/2 - 1/3 at capacity. With the adoption of the H.264, you say 90% of the existing movies can be covered, we assumed " 132 minutes ", with full HD resolution at bit rate of 6 - the 15mbps it becomes recording possible.

In addition, you explain property of the DVD can be utilized in development and mass production equipment of the disk and drive. However, has become theme of the next generation you say under present conditions it is difficult concerning the production of the encoder.

* Production of drive for the note PC relative the easy HD DVD

NEC it is quick Tsu Akikazu

Consequently, the NEC Corporation first storage division generalization manager Tsu Akikazu does the Noboru platform quickly, " in the next generation optical disk, 2 types (the AOD/ blue ray) is, but also NEC developed at one time, the 0.1mm (the BD) the /0.6mm (the AOD) parallel. There was argument of the ? ? ? ? even inside the company, but you said it standardized to the 0.6mm ".

In addition, " the HD movie (the High Difinition) the /HD data (the High Density)" with it does the theme of the next generation optical disk, " the common specification which is accepted to CE/AV industry and IT/PC industry explains charm of the HD DVD ". Furthermore utilization with the desktop / note PC and, the full compatible of the former CD/DVD, standardized data structure with the ROM/RW/R, the merit such as drive at cost / disk production was increased low, you say the AOD was chosen from these viewpoints.

In addition, for the note PC it made the merit with the adoption of 3 system full compatible optical head which shares thing and the CD/DVD and the head whose excessive resistance swing structure is unnecessary, that compilation of drive is easy and the like.

Basic policy of HD DVD
Actualization condition of drive for note PC

* As for application format expansion of current DVD

As for Yuji the Sato of Toshiba digital media network corporation core technology center optical disk development department department manager, demand it is many with support and AV system of the defect management whose demand is many with PC/IT system concerning the standard of the HD DVD, you explained high format efficiency, concerning the merit of seamless playback and the copy protection et cetera.

Concerning the application format, you say with expansion of the current DVD, the current DVD player / the operativity which is similar to the video recording re-gray fabric is actualized even with the HD picture. In addition, you say it examines also the WMV9, in addition to the MPEG-4 AVC concerning the animated picture compressed codec.

The Noboru platform it did lastly, Masato the Otsuka of corporation technical generalization attaching new media development charge Department Manager memory TEX explains concerning the mass production technology of the HD DVD. At the same company approximately 1 year applying the development which is directed to the mass production of the HD DVD of 2 layer record, it did, but you say almost mass producible stage you verified technically.

At the same company, the formatter of the HD DVD, being joint with the partner, it develops the disk production process and appraisal machine and the BCA inscriber et cetera. The many of them, were correspondence possible with improvement of the former DVD production device.

With the formatter, it corresponds with other than and power control mounting et cetera HD DVD irregularity correspondence. With disk production process, with LBR for DVD of mastering process, execution such as improvement of optical system. With formation process, you say it corresponded with thickness, eccentricity and mounting et cetera of curvature control whose, precision is higher. As a result, both 1 layer 15GB/2 layer 30GB, the current material, equipment and process (somewhat improvement) with mass production possibility it could prove the HD DVD.

As for production cost at early stage of 2004 year - 2005 years, 15% rise it expects vis-a-vis the current DVD. You say it overtakes the cost which is equal to the DVD in several years.
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Old October 10th, 2003, 09:54 PM   #167
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Architectural Videography with JY-HD10U - How good?

During the next year, I'd like to do exterior videography of buildings and other structures. As you are well aware, modern building are a matrix of glass and steel, with many straight as well as curved lines. All the preliminary photography with SD dv cameras is making me dizzy with aliasing effects (like jagged lines) and weird looking patterns. This is with a Sony PD-150 at beyond 10x zoom, using a tripod and image stabilization off.

What will the HD10 buy me in terms of avoiding some of these problems? Who has done panning shots of buildings, and steadicam walk-arounds? Will I be shocked by visual anomalies when the video is played back on a 65" HD display or projected with a dlp? Are accesories like a screw-on 2X lens worth it to keep the jvc in optical zoom as long as possible?
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Old October 11th, 2003, 08:35 AM   #168
Obstreperous Rex
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I would think that for architectural videography you'd need a good wide-angle adapter... wouldn't you?

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Old October 11th, 2003, 06:06 PM   #169
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I totally agree with Chris, this camera is anything but wide. For the SD aliasing effect, you should try working in progressive mode (with a camera supporting it of course!), it is much better than interlaced.
Eric Bilodeau
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Old October 13th, 2003, 02:53 AM   #170
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Our camera was missing 2 pixels as well. But like you said B&H is great for their exchange policy. Besides they are just sending them back to JVC anyways. My guess is that 6 months from now we are all going to be whining about dead pixels with this cam
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Old October 13th, 2003, 02:44 PM   #171
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I am guessing that the previous post was orginally in Japanese and poorly translated. I can't read it, it's not English.
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Old October 13th, 2003, 03:00 PM   #172
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Looks like babelfish to me!
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Old October 23rd, 2003, 10:49 PM   #173
MPS Digital Studios
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Videography does HD10 review (part one out now)

I'm about halfway through the article, and so far, they kind of skimp on the real lack of manual controls, though they do admit it has both pro and amateurish features (amateurish, they say, being some of the shooting styles, like black and white, etc.).

Then I noticed the cover is the same photo of the L.A. DP with the HD10 as that JVC Roadshow I posted up a few days ago. And Videography is a sponsor. Coincidence? The review seems to be more like a preview, but it is a two-parter, part two covering editing.

This may just be a kiss-@$$ session for JVC, and this IS a freebie magazine...

I bet we can find the review online at

I'll read the rest and post my thoughts. Hope this isn't a BS review.

Also, in an annual MovieMaker special, the magazine has an ad for an L.A.-based rental house with big lens-equipped mini-dv cameras. Without a big lens, but displayed prominently, is the HD10. That's a good sign, because that means rental houses are taking it seriously. The house is Hollywood Studio Rentals, Inc.

More soon,


ps-Feeling better about this camera.
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Old October 27th, 2003, 11:04 AM   #174
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I have been totally out of touch for the whole month of October. I have been all over the continent of Africa shooting a documentary. I'm here at the Nairobi airport finally able to connect to my email and DVinfo. BTW -I shot 73 hours of footage with the HD10 over here and will share details soon.

I was hoping that by time I returned there would be some sort of breakthough -- wow.

So whats the deal? Can I use my G4 DP 1gig? Will all I need is Panther?

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Old October 27th, 2003, 07:37 PM   #175
MPS Digital Studios
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Probably, yeah. I'm anxiously awaiting my up-to-date copy of Panther to try it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old October 31st, 2003, 08:54 PM   #176
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TV Tech likes HD10U

The latest issue of TV Technology (10/29/03)has a lengthy review of the camera. He liked it so much he even used it to capture audio only! He also used it to provide B roll footage for a major production and found it held up well with Betacam footage as well as 3 chip DV cameras. He concludes by saying "the HD10U can be a very dependable tool for a wide range of applications today...I see this camera moving easily among shoots of special events, corporate and retail applications and even broadcast."
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 09:39 PM   #177
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Playing Back WM9 file

I encode a 720p footage shot by JVC HD1 as wm9 file by the template of 720p in Vegas. When I play back the wm9 file in my 32" monitor, the video does not fill the full screen. Is it normal?

I tend to put the wm9 file in one DVD disc. What is the bitrate that produces the best video quailty and the file size is OK to a DVD disc?
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 09:55 PM   #178
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Is your 32" a widescreen HD set? If it's a 4:3 set, then no it won't fill up your entire screen, you'd have black bars at the top and bottom of the image. If it's a 16:9 set, then make sure you have WMP set at "Full Screen" and it should work no problem.

You can get to full screen right clicking on the WMP screen when the clip is playing and clicking on "Full Screen" or just typing ALT+ENTER.

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Old November 3rd, 2003, 07:55 AM   #179
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Well well, it seems (at last) some people are overcoming their prejudices and fear of the beast. I am sure that he acceptance of HDV as a standard will be faster than it was for DV.
Eric Bilodeau
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Old November 4th, 2003, 04:44 PM   #180
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This is a call for reviews on HDVCinema.

If you have purchased and are currently using HDVCinema previously known as 4HDV, please post your honest review here. Everyone would much appreciate it.

Thank you!
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