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Old December 31st, 2005, 12:39 PM   #16
Inner Circle
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I heard a while ago that the HD1 had stopped and the HD10 was staying in production, around the time the HD100/HC1 came out. HD1's were being advertised at around $1595 on camcorderinfo before that time.

Originally Posted by Steve Mullen
Even if we see a new low-cost version at CEA next week -- it may be the same camera but only a change to an 80GB harddisk. I'm not sure it would be worth spending money to simply replace MiniDV tape, which I can buy anywhere.

I just wish all those who have dumped on these little cameras for 2 years and rave about the Sony's really could compare color reproduction. I just keep being blown away how my video of India match the real color present here. I've been shooting here for over 20 years -- starting with film -- and the JVC is the only video camera I've owned that captures reds, yellows, and browns like film does.
Yes, Steve, how is that Hard disk Everio HD going? I've noticed people getting information, or to see, JVC cameras in advanced, have you heard anybody talking?

Re-edit, post about camera coming soon:

About India, could it be a yellow, orange, red bias in the camera?

I hope they dump those chips though, and replace them with something many times better in low light and latitude. Altasens have a small 720p chip (1/3rd or 1/2inch) that might be better. It seems that HD1 has nothing to offer over the HC1 except progressive footage, I hope they change that.

JVC, if you are listening, please, sensors as good as an Altasen's on all cameras, beat the HC1!
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Old December 31st, 2005, 12:45 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Chris Hurd
I wonder if this board's days are numbered. When should it head to the DV Info Net Archive?
Steve, I think there will be a need for this forum for years. It would have been good if it had been put into a forum with the HD100. But we could make it a forum for all JVC HD cameras, apart from the HD100 instead, that would keep things rolling.
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Old January 4th, 2006, 12:39 PM   #18
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HD1 ReWrite available when?

When do you anticipate the HD1 manual rewrite to be available?
I love my HD1 but really need help to get the most out of it.
I am a total novice, but Love the results I get from my Camera purely by accident. I would love to be able to have an idea of what I am doing so that I could consistently reproduce the great results I get sporadically.

Brian M Walker
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Old January 8th, 2006, 09:43 PM   #19
MPS Digital Studios
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I went over to JVC.com to check stuff out--saw the HD1 on the consumer side, but the HD10 isn't mentioned on the pro side. I think it's gone--and this is before I came across this thread.

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Old January 16th, 2006, 10:57 AM   #20
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I saw the HD1 at Frye's in Atlanta (Pleasant Hill Rd at I-85) last night.
They also carry the Sony FX1, Panasonic GS400 (3 chip SD),
and Sony 2100 (prosumer 3 chip version of PD 170).

Also went by Showcase video on Cheshire Bridge Rd in Atlanta. It's a good local shop, but prices for the cameras tend to be a bit higher than we might expect.
HD-10 $ 3000
HD-100 $ 5900

They also cary the Panasonic P2
Sony Z1
Sony FX-1

It's one of the few places in Atlanta I can lay hands on the various cameras for comparison.

I would probably buy something there like lowell lite pieces or tape if I had to have it today and didn't mind paying a little extra.
Ed Hill
HighlyDef Productions, Atlanta, GA
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Old January 17th, 2006, 01:55 PM   #21
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Oops. Sorry. My point was that even though the HD10 may be discontinued, some shops like Showcase Video may have 1 last HD10 to sell. And, as of Jan 15 some electronics stores have some GR1 HDV cameras available.

The JVC HD100 becomes the obvious choice for paying work, so I guess JVC feels they don't need the HD10. While the GR1 becomes a great consumer HDV camera.
Ed Hill
HighlyDef Productions, Atlanta, GA
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Old January 17th, 2006, 02:20 PM   #22
MPS Digital Studios
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I have a feeling the HD1 will still be for sale via JVC's consumer branch, but when I looked at the pro site, the HD10 is gone. And good riddance (sorry for the op ed there). I know we've all gotten some great video, but the Z1 and HD100 proved that newer pro cameras were better.

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Old January 17th, 2006, 03:15 PM   #23
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I agree, Heath. The HD10U didn't really add all that much to the HD1 anyway, just the toning down of the edge enhancement stuff, but even then the HD1 can be tweaked to get the same thing, the HD10U just simplified things. I also heard the XLR's were wonky too. Don't think that I wouldn't get an HD10U if I had the chance, I'd buy one in a heartbeat if it were less than or equal to $1,000. The HD1, in my opinion, isn't worth that much now, they should lower it to about the $500-$800 range based on the competition from Sanyo, Sony, and (STB?) Samsung.
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Old January 17th, 2006, 03:40 PM   #24
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I wasn't aware that the (nasty) edge enhancement in the HD1 could be tweaked - is that really so??
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Old January 17th, 2006, 03:51 PM   #25
MPS Digital Studios
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Tweaked to take it down? I didn't know that either.

The audio going into the unbalanced jack from the XLR adaptor created a "canned" sound. JVC later fixed it but I forgot to send it in. My HD10 is about to go away (I mistakenly leased it--knowingly, of course, but it was a mistake) and I barely use it. When I try to print to tape in HD or DV, something happens going into the firewire/iLink port that creates little digital crackles in video and sound (sparks).

Having said that, I shot a movie that was in 5 film festivals and I made back a lot, but not all, of my investment. But I'll avoid using it again and I won't lease a low-end camera like that, either.

Lastly, the HD10 and HD1 was probably put out a little too soon, but it revolutionized us, the lower-budget videographers and filmmakers. To that, JVC deserves a toast. And the HD100 is SO MUCH better.

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Old January 17th, 2006, 06:56 PM   #26
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The poor HD10 can't even get its props even on its good-bye wave. Sad

The HD-1 cannot be tweaked to lower EE unless tweak=firmware hack. One guy hacked his PD-1 but a mainstream mod was never realized.

Heath -"I know we've all gotten some great video, but the Z1 and HD100 proved that newer pro cameras were better."

"And the HD100 is SO MUCH better."

Yes they are Heath, but at double the price. It was, and still is the lowest cost progressive HD solution. It provides an amazing film like image for those who learned to shoot with it properly (proper lighting, no run'n'gun) it should be considered a steal what one of these cams can be had for used or discounted $. For an aspiring filmaker who understands HD is in full swing and wants to learn/get on board, understands the benefits of progressive shooting, the cams are still a great option.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old January 17th, 2006, 07:15 PM   #27
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For around $300 more than I paid for my HD10, I could've bought an FX1, but that's life. I salute the HD10 for helping me get into five film festivals (and my outstanding DP/crew, etc.) and pushing HD into the hands of people like us, the non-millionaires. (grin)

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Old January 17th, 2006, 07:56 PM   #28
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Sure, but when you bought the HD-10 the FX-1 was not on the market yet, right? Once the FX-1 hit, the HD-10 could be found for a competetive price. These two cams bring two completely different "looks" to the table, so to suggest the FX-1 is vastly superior (only $300 more) is a little misguided.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old January 17th, 2006, 08:28 PM   #29
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Of course, but I had to be an early adopter.

And as for superior, yes, after extensive use with the FX1 and the Z1, the Sony cameras are superior, in my opinon, to the HD10. Now, the HD100 is definitely superior to the HD10 as well, but a great deal of patience and skill can produce good results.

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Old January 17th, 2006, 08:32 PM   #30
Inner Circle
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Hidden service menus? HD1/10 & PD1 (turning down edge enhancement PD1)

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