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Old March 22nd, 2005, 02:58 PM   #16
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Re: Fair and Balanced...

Thanks Tom, I got a good chuckle out of this.

Honestly from all the reviews I've read on the web, overall most of them were very positive. You could compare going from SD to HD like going from B&W to Color in the 60s. Even if the first color sets weren't perfect, they were still amazing to watch.

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Old March 22nd, 2005, 03:33 PM   #17
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The 2 questions posed to OWNERS of the JVC cameras:

1) Would you buy one again today?

2) Overall, how do you feel about the camera?

I answered those questions based on my cumlative past experiences being an HD10U OWNER. Those old comments you copied and pasted were made when I had the camera and was using it - today is a new day and that's what the questions were about.

....AND Scott? Your welcome for taking the time to answer your questions in detail. Because of this thread I've just decided to limit my posts in the future...I don't need this hassle.
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 05:56 PM   #18
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I would buy one again today, especially at the going rate of second-hand units. Overall, I'm happy with the camera. It takes extra steps to edit the footage compared to DV, which is the only disadvantage I see, but the tradeoff is worthwhile because all the extra resolution.

However, if I owned a Sony Z1 I'd probably have a different opinion.

I prefer progressive so hopefully I'll be in a position soon to get the HD100 and use my HD10 as a backup camera / stationary wide-shot camera.
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 06:30 PM   #19
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<<<-- Originally posted by Christopher C. Murphy :

....AND Scott? Your welcome for taking the time to answer your questions in detail. Because of this thread I've just decided to limit my posts in the future...I don't need this hassle. -->>>


I apologize for not taking the time to thank you for the response.

Sometimes I don't want to hear negative things about something I want to purchase, especially when the negativity appears to be inspired by experience with newer equipment.
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 06:34 PM   #20
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<<<-- Originally posted by Murad Toor : I would buy one again today, especially at the going rate of second-hand units. Overall, I'm happy with the camera. It takes extra steps to edit the footage compared to DV, which is the only disadvantage I see, but the tradeoff is worthwhile because all the extra resolution.

However, if I owned a Sony Z1 I'd probably have a different opinion.

I prefer progressive so hopefully I'll be in a position soon to get the HD100 and use my HD10 as a backup camera / stationary wide-shot camera. -->>>


Yeah, I think for the price it seems like the best deal available for HD. Honestly I wouldn't want to even see a Z1 until the price comes down.

What extra steps are involved in editing the footage?
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 06:37 PM   #21
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You have to admit it was KIND OF funny that Tom took that much time to dig up your old posts, hey at least he is thorough :)

In Murph's defense it is understandable that he was a much bigger supporter of the camera when he owned it, that is human nature. The truth is the FX1 and Z1 are WAY more suited to the type of work Murph does, I can't imagine trying to use the HD10 for event videography, it would be a nightmare. Once you get your hands on an FX1 or a Z1 you kind of kick yourself for putting up with all the HD10/HD1 hassles for so long.

In Tom's defense it is a little disheartening to have so many people say how great a camera is, and then have those same people talk about the camera like it is useless when they get something else.

The bottom line is the FX1 and Z1 are going to be better cameras for 90% of the people out there than the HD1 or HD10, albeit for much more money (nearly double if you compare the HD10 to the Z1 or the HD1 to the FX1).

So, as a final answer to your question Scott:

If the HD1 was at the low price it is today, AND I couldn't spend over $2,000, AND I absolutely had to have HD, sure I would buy the HD1. That sounds like the boat you are in, so go for it. I mean, what other choices do you have for under $2k really?

But Murph is absolutely right, if you need great quality under most all conditions, you want the ease of use and flexibility that the HD1 doesn't provide, you don't absolutely have to have HD, and you have more money to spend, then buy something else.

Can't we all just get along?

Murph, hope you aren't serious about not posting anymore, you provide very good input into this forum.

Hey guys, you think this is bad, if the HD100 is anywhere close to the price of the Z1 all hell is going to break loose :)
Ben Buie, Producer
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 07:01 PM   #22
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Good advice, Ben...

Relax, y'all! It's just a message board.

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Old March 22nd, 2005, 08:50 PM   #23
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Chris H., I see you trimmed my post...I'm sorry. lol...yes, it's only a message board. You are right!

I'm sorry to all, but I guess my emotions got the best of me. I think a lot of people that post every day on forums run into this problem of contraditions. One day you say you love something...the next you argue that it stinks. Unlike regular conversations in real life...these posts remain for years. What are we to do?

I got PO'ed - it happens to everyone though. I'm a passionate guy about many things...and sometimes my passion ends up at my fingertips on the keyboard. Also, I've been super busy working and trying to make money with these toys we talk about here. It's all about video...every day. I've got to hit the sack because I have to get up at 3AM to "make the donuts". If you're not from New England you wouldn't get that joke. lol
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 08:53 PM   #24
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115 over 80 here.
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Old March 22nd, 2005, 11:27 PM   #25
MPS Digital Studios
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I am still selling my HD10 here at DVInfo, dropped the price, too. Visit here for more:


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Old March 23rd, 2005, 12:07 AM   #26
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<<<-- Originally posted by Scott Wilson : What extra steps are involved in editing the footage? -->>>

I guess if you're using iMovie HD you won't have any extra steps compared to DV but it'd just take a little extra time for capture/transcode and print to video. Otherwise, well the LumiereHD workflow is not simple.
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Old March 23rd, 2005, 12:18 AM   #27
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<<<-- Originally posted by Murad Toor : <<<-- Originally posted by Scott Wilson : What extra steps are involved in editing the footage? -->>>

I guess if you're using iMovie HD you won't have any extra steps compared to DV but it'd just take a little extra time for capture/transcode and print to video. Otherwise, well the LumiereHD workflow is not simple. -->>>


I have Vegas 4.0. Is it possible to edit HD footage with Vegas?
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Old March 23rd, 2005, 12:21 AM   #28
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<<<-- Originally posted by Heath McKnight : Scott,

I am still selling my HD10 here at DVInfo, dropped the price, too. Visit here for more:


heath -->>>


Thanks for the offer, but I found a refurb HD1 for $1,500.
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Old March 23rd, 2005, 12:24 AM   #29
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<<<-- Originally posted by Scott Wilson : I have Vegas 4.0. Is it possible to edit HD footage with Vegas? -->>>

I guess so... there's an entire forum section here dedicated to HDV editing solutions on the PC. I don't know what's up on the x86 side of things.
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Old March 23rd, 2005, 09:20 AM   #30
MPS Digital Studios
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No sweat, but FYI, there is an extended warranty on my camera and it's the pro version.

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