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Old June 13th, 2004, 07:46 PM   #1
New Boot
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HD-1 First footage

Well, my first weekend with the HD-1, I didn't get around to any serious shooting, but I spent an hour or two running around the nearby park. No filters, not much post-processing here. I threw the TS up on a server here:


I won't be able to leave it there forever, but for now I have not used much bandwidth.

I did some "stress testing" to see how bad the EEH really is. You can see it in the highlights of two shots. My thoughts? Ehhh.. I wish it wasn't there, but me and my $1000 will live.

Overall, though, I was expecting to be much more disappointed than I was. There were so many people out there willing to punch me in the face for wanting this camera, I think I was expecting the worst. But I am actually more pumped than ever to get my "Feature" going this September.

Maybe some better stuff next week.
Mark Love is offline  
Old June 15th, 2004, 06:23 AM   #2
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Stick in there, sometimes after spendig moths in forums day after day you start to realise that whats really important it to ACTUALLY GO shoot stuff 'cuz thats what matters most , sometimes i feel people end up wasting show much time deabating about theory (im not saying thats a bad thing) its just we should have a good balance of needs and wants,
#What do we really want?
and what do we really need. Just do the best with what we have!

any way soldier on! :-)
Anhar Miah is offline  
Old June 15th, 2004, 09:18 AM   #3
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Mark, cool footage...if you get a chance check out the new thead "Free HDV Footage Network".

I'd love to get footage of that waterfall if you're willing to share. Cool!

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old June 15th, 2004, 09:25 AM   #4
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RE: Footage

Mark, cool footage...if you get a chance check out the new thead "Free HDV Footage Network".

I'd love to get footage of that waterfall if you're willing to share. Cool!

Thanks, I'll gladly share the footage. Next few days, I'll put just that clip up somewhere. I don't think it's very long, though. I was messing with shutter speed, so the beginning of the clip is at high-shuttter with lots of droplets - the end at low with a nice blurred flow.

have you gotten any other responses to that thread?
Mark Love is offline  
Old June 16th, 2004, 08:07 AM   #5
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Thanks Mark..

Nope, no reponses. To much info maybe? I don't know!

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old June 19th, 2004, 05:52 AM   #6
New Boot
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I won't be able to leave it there forever, but for now I have not used much bandwidth.
WOW! That went fast, there must be more people downloading than are posting. My 5gb of allowed transfer is gone, so I had to pull the file.
Equipment: GY-HD100, DP 1.8 GHz G5, FCP 5
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Old June 19th, 2004, 09:31 PM   #7
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Re: Bandwidth

<<<-- Originally posted by Mark Love : WOW! That went fast, there must be more people downloading than are posting. My 5gb of allowed transfer is gone, so I had to pull the file. -->>>

I'm certain the interest in seeing footage from the HD10 (rather than stills) is far greater than we owners of the cam suspect....not just from HD10 owners wanting to compare results, but from the silent mass of those who are sitting on the fence regarding a HD10 purchase, and those Doubting Thomas's who'll be looking for flaws in the footage wherever they can find them.

I'm sure this'll be considered 'cross-posting'; but I'm certain there's more interest in Christopher's 'Stock Footage' idea than the posted replies indicate. I, for one, would have no qualms about contributing footage.....it's just the implementation of the scheme would be complex for peer-to-peer access for those in different time zones (like myself), as well as for those (again, like myself) without broadband or cable connections.
A server to which footage could be uploaded would be preferred, but the expense for the amount of storage space required would be massive.....especially if native m2t files were posted.
Steve Crisdale is offline  
Old June 20th, 2004, 07:54 AM   #8
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Here's an idea - Yahoo! now has 2 gigs available for $30 a year. We could chop up files and email them to each other and then re-connect them.

There is a program (free) called filesplitter - you just select the file to split and it'll cut it into any size you want....almost like cutting bread! Then when you want to re-connect you just select the first file and it'll connect it again. It creates files like filename.001 - filename.012.

So, twelve files to reconnect at 9.5 megs a piece can be emailed to Yahoo!. You just download and re-connect. 2 gigs would be quite a few 2-3 minute clips of HDV.

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old June 20th, 2004, 09:38 PM   #9
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HD Footage Network

You should look into BitTorrent (the torrent) for p2p sharing of the raw HD footage. A server keeps track of the files and the locations of peers. Good peers are rewarded with better transfer rates, bad peers are penalized. There are clients an servers for every OS out there. I've used it to download Fedora Core 2 (Linux) DVD distributions at 4.7GB and the speeds are amazing. Check it out at: http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/

Andrew Baumhauer is offline  
Old June 21st, 2004, 10:38 AM   #10
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I agree - bit torrent P2P would be the idea way to distribute HD footage. I recently heard a rumor that Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 was going to be distributed via bitTorrent, but I'm not sure how valid that rumor is.
Bill Piedra is offline  
Old June 21st, 2004, 11:14 AM   #11
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You guys, let's go ahead and share some HD footage and see how it goes. I'll download the software. Do we name the files something specific, so no one else can download unauthorized? Ideally, it would be login and pass protected.

Christopher C. Murphy
Director, Producer, Writer
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