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Old February 22nd, 2004, 12:56 PM   #1
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Location: Budapest , Hungary
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I am going shopping

Hello Everybody,
I am planning to buy the following camera package.Any suggestion for me if this sounds complete ?
-JVC HD10U Camera
-Cavision 4X4 Matte Box with rods support system and adapter rings
-Few 4X4 filters - any suggestins here ?? Thinking of some ND , 812 Warming filter , SoftFx ,Black Pro Mist etc…
-Century optics wide angle adapter
-Vinten Tripod
-Microphone ????? I just need mainly the sound of the environment where I am filming additional narration and music
will be added later on anyway.
I am still thinking on the matte box if I really need it or should I just go with 52mm filters….!
Any suggestions ??
Gabor Lacza is offline  
Old February 22nd, 2004, 02:33 PM   #2
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Wait until N.A.B. to make sure something better doesn't come out 2 months down the road. That's what I'm doing.
Kenn Christenson is offline  
Old February 22nd, 2004, 09:12 PM   #3
MPS Digital Studios
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If you need something now, I would buy it now. If you can wait, go ahead and wait.

That's the best advice we can give to each other.

I'm not going to comment on any rumors, but I've heard little from people at the magazines.

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Old February 24th, 2004, 07:58 AM   #4
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Location: Budapest , Hungary
Posts: 194

Yes I agree to wait if we have the time but also after the NAB who knows how long it will take for them to put the new
camera(s) on the market...anyway thanks for the suggestions.
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Old February 24th, 2004, 09:36 AM   #5
MPS Digital Studios
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Keep in mind, it takes around 12 - 18 months to make a prototype, usually. The companies that agreed upon the HDV standards did so last August, 2003. With that theory, we may not see anything until NAB 2005!

We heard about the HD10/HD1 officially at NAB 2003 (April); the camera came out around 2 - 3 months later.

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Old February 24th, 2004, 06:42 PM   #6
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Gabor - We are going with a very similar set-up. After talking to a dealer here in BC that sell all of the matte boxes and accessories, he informed me that the Cavision 3x3 matte box will work just as well as the 4x4 when using Century wide angle adaptor. Both have the same 2 filter slots, one rotatable. The concern was that the wide angle may catch a bit of the 3x3, but apparently considering its small lens barrel this won't be a problem. Anyone know any different?
A side benefit is that the 3x3 glass filters are much, much cheaper than the 4x4.
He also leeked to me that there will be a new Sony HDV cam announced at NAB. 24p, 1chip, direct to disc not tape. 4500-5000 USD.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old February 24th, 2004, 10:41 PM   #7
MPS Digital Studios
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I'd still consider that to be a rumor, the Sony camera. We'll know more in two months!

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