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Old January 8th, 2004, 05:08 PM   #31
MPS Digital Studios
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Using Pixlet, a 14 second HDV uncompressed was 500 mb! But I don't want to get off topic into video editing...Let's try and stay on topic.

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Old January 8th, 2004, 06:18 PM   #32
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Hey buddy, next time try not to spin the facts!

<<<-- Originally posted by Craig Jones : "You can only edit videos from the HD10U shot in its substandard DV mode. " What a crock. -->>>

This was a reponse to a question of whether the footage from the cam can be edited in PremierPro and XpressDV w/o additional software purchases. There is NO way of editing the HD footage in XpressDV and you'd need additional software to edit the HD footage in Premier. In the next sentence, I said if you want to edit HD footage, it will be more complicated. Craig, your convinient cutting and pasting make it sound like I said you can't edit HD footage from this cam. Please adhere to the facts, it is well documented, if you make the effort to scroll up and read all the threads.
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Old January 8th, 2004, 06:41 PM   #33
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OK, so here's the entire quote:
<<<-- Originally posted by Som Xai : Oh with the JY-HD10U, can I still use my Avid Express and Adobe Premiere Pro software to edit the footages?. or do I have to purchase additional editing software for it?. -->>>

You can only edit videos from the HD10U shot in its substandard DV mode. If you want to edit HD video from that cam, it's more ccomplicated and you are limited to the NLE you can use.

Christopher. Please show us something shot with the JVC. I'm amazed that after so long since the camera has been out, the only professional project I've seen shot with the JVC was the low-rez version of the Red Bull commercial. If the strength of this cam is in a studio setting, why hasn't there been more examples of it? Perhaps I just missed them?
Sure doesn't seem like I took anything out of context, Yang. Hardly any context to ignore. Your words were quite clear.

I've edited HD footage in Premiere and Vegas without additional software though software is available for that. Your claim, at least regarding PremierePro, is incorrect.
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Old January 8th, 2004, 06:59 PM   #34
MPS Digital Studios
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Everyone, let's try and stay on topic; any discussion on editing should be kept in the HDV Editing Solutions forum..


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