JVC HD10u and GR1 class action lawsuit?? at DVinfo.net
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Old December 21st, 2003, 06:19 PM   #1
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JVC HD10u and GR1 class action lawsuit??

Hey all JVC HD10U and GR1 users,

This is really weird. I emailed Zotzdigital.com about a price for a Miller tripod. He wrote back with an email to me regaring a class action lawsuit.

So, does anyone know something about this class action thing??? I've written back and I'm waiting for a reply.

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old December 21st, 2003, 06:35 PM   #2
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Interesting. I wonder what part is most failure prone?
I got my HD10 2nd hand, I hope it holds up.
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Old December 21st, 2003, 06:55 PM   #3
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I wonder what the "known issues prior to it ever shipping" were and how were they known? The statement "...the class action lawsuit that is likely being implemented now" sounds like rumor mongering.
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Old December 21st, 2003, 08:41 PM   #4
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To my knowledge I have never read a post here from someone who has had a cam die on them. And I believe this forum is one of the top gathering places for owners of this cam.
So, go figure.
Damnit Jim, I'm a film maker not a sysytems tech.
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Old December 21st, 2003, 10:52 PM   #5
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No Show @ CES

I just picked up this blurp from the CES website.

Location(s): This honoree is not exhibiting at the 2004 International CES.
The GR-HD1 is listed under the 2004 CES Innovations Awards Honorees and JVC isn't going to be there.

That is somewhat unnerving. I would have imagined they would be all over CES with the HD1 and possibly an announcement for the 2nd gen model and/or improvements in the first line.

Makes you wonder.

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Old December 21st, 2003, 10:59 PM   #6
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I emailed Zotzdigital.com about a price for a Miller tripod. He wrote back this email to me (minus the irrelevant information regarding the tripod):

"I would advise that you consider getting the refund on that camera before it fails. I am informed that half of these cameras have all ready failed and need to be replaced. If you haven't heard about this, I would check into the class action lawsuit that is likely being implemented now. I have no info about it, as I never sold this camera due to it's known issues prior to it ever shipping."

So, does anyone know something about this class action thing??? I've written back and I'm waiting for a reply.
Perhaps someone else can e-mail Zots to confirm this?
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 01:44 AM   #7
Hollywood Studio Rentals
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This would appear to be false.

At our shop we have sold many, many HD10's and have not had any returns for failures. This retailer better be sure they know what they are talking about....sounds liablous to me.

Sean Dinwoodie
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 10:00 AM   #8
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As of Monday Dec. 22 - I have not gotten a reply from the Zot person that emailed me that information.

If I get something back I'll be sure to let you all know. I'm not sure if he confused the JVC HD cams with others. I did a Google for the issue of "class action" with
"JVC" and it came up with a little info. on other cams. But, no mention of HD cams.

So, we might have gotten a little mis-information. It's not something I plan to worry about, but I like to share whatever I have with this forum because this place has given me tons of help.

Until I hear back...everything is probably fine.

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 10:59 AM   #9
MPS Digital Studios
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I agree, Murph; it seems the guy may be lying or misinformed. I'll go with misinformed, but you never know.

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Old December 22nd, 2003, 12:02 PM   #10
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I have gotten a reply from the Zot guy. But, I don't want to keep posting quotes on here..it's not really legal to post someone's email without their consent and I didn't ask if I could post it.

Therefore, I will forward anyone who email's me directly. I do not want to post his email. It's not really that important anyway - he didn't really give any names to blame for the infomation he gives. Although, he speaks like he knows for sure about the issues.


He doesn't like the camera that's for sure...who the hell does unless they own it?! I get flack all the time for owning it, but it's always people that have never see the picture it makes. Argh.

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 01:07 PM   #11
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I've had two outstanding phone-order experiences with Zotz and was about to place my third today...but this sure needs to be settled first.

If the info about a class action suit is accurate, that is public information and there should be no hesitation to inform the community. In fact, it would be a service to the many JVC owners in the community (I'm not one of them, just a Zotz customer).

If JVC and their camera were wrongly maligned, correction and apologies are in order.

Only a bit over 18 hours have passed since this thread started, but if there was time to respond to Murph's email, there should be time to inform the community before too long. Like anyone else, I want to do business with a retailer who gives me honest and accurate advice. If left in doubt as to the integrity of the person at the other end of the line, I'll shop elsewhere.

Brian (Zotz owner), can you clarify what's going on here?

Despite the unhappy topic...more importantly Merry Christmas to all,
Pete Bauer
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 03:22 PM   #12
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the JVC HD cam

I recently informed a client of what a couple inside the industry folks had said about the JVC HD cam. I haven't sold it, and was going on info that I had heard from a few clients that do have the camera, and pros in the business, but, it appears that what I have heard doesn't match up with what the users are saying about the camera. I have been led to believe that there was a high repair percentage, and issues with the picture quality being different for each camera, I was passing info that someone had told me that I would ordinarily trust to be giving me correct info. If it is wrong, I am wrong, and apologize for spreading any bad info. Brian
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 03:52 PM   #13
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Thanks for posting, Brian!

FYI, folks, I sent Brian a short email just to make sure he was aware of this thread. He sent me 2 emails AND posted his straightforward response to the thread in no time flat. He obviously was very concerned to set the record straight. Fantastic!

I'm just a novice video customer who has been very happy with Zotz; NO other affiliation. My whole concern was simply to be sure that -- as a DV tenderfoot -- when I call them, they'll give me the straight scoop about equipment I'm interested in. I can say that I am again fully assured of that.

Now, I just need to get busy and spend some Christmas money at Zotz. ;-)
Pete Bauer
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Old December 22nd, 2003, 03:53 PM   #14
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Hey Brian,

The truth and facts are that actual owners of the camera that have posted on this site are almost 100% satisfied with their purchase. We have gripes about the specifics, but I have yet to see anyone on here complain about a complete failure. The closest thing I have heard was a bunch of the original cams off the line had bad audio. However, it's been a while since I've heard that claim.

I also would like to say thanks for clearing up the details. We're always trying to get the latest on this camera because it's so new - we need more accessories like Mac editing software and such. If you guys at Zots could hammer your contacts for Mac software that would help! Any Mac solutions to edit HDV footage would be great.

Once again, the word on the street is we're generally happy with the camera and are REALLY excited about the HDV format more than anything else. I'd take note - there are a lot of people on here willing to spend $$ on HDV equipment. The JVC cam is the first step and the next wave will be even more exciting...my personal feeling is kudos to JVC for putting out a camera that flies in the face of the other stuff out there.

I really don't like DV footage now...it looks like crap after using my HD cam. It doesn't matter if its not perfect..it's better and that's all that counts to me.

Thanks again and I'll probably be buying that tripod!

Christopher C. Murphy
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