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Old July 29th, 2003, 06:13 PM   #16
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Seriously, this is so exciting--- regardless of the limits of this camera
(the manual control isssues for one thing) the simple fact that I get 720p in native 16:9 in a dream come true.

I would love to wait for the Canon and Sony version of HDV,
but I have a daughter to feed, so I need to go shoot something
now and not later... I am sure I will be a 2nd generation cam when the time comes and if I can afford it...

My video geek friend from high school is one of the biggest filmmakers in the world right now- and his scripts gets green lit within 30 seconds...

I am on the other end- not getting paid and using my wife's credit cards to finance my last film...

But the JY-HD10u is a TOOL that levels the playing field- if you have a good story and if you light carefully, and if you block motion and shots so that you don't have to move the camera much... you can make a real MOVIE with this thing... one that looks and sounds not quite like 35mm, but certainly not cheap consumer video... this camera can MAKE A MOVIE...

And that is all that matters- and that's why I love this camera.

"The HOOP DREAMS of football..."

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Old July 29th, 2003, 10:53 PM   #17
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<<<-- Originally posted by T. Patrick Murray : Seriously, this is so exciting--- regardless of the limits of this camera
(the manual control isssues for one thing) the simple fact that I get 720p in native 16:9 in a dream come true. -->>>

Yes i agree it really is a dream come true. Though becuase its not really full 720 dots of resolution that the JVC does means i'm left feeling a bit "damn thats a lot to spend on a cam that just misses the mark now i'll wait for the next". That combined with the lack of software to edit etc.

But a great mile stone and one i'm glad has now happened! Bring... it.. on! :D
Welcome... to the real world!
Daymon Hoffman is offline  
Old July 30th, 2003, 06:09 AM   #18
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>My video geek friend from high school is one of the biggest filmmakers in the world right now- and his scripts gets green lit within 30 seconds...>

Let me guess...is it M. Night Shyamalan ?
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Old July 30th, 2003, 09:13 AM   #19
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Yeah- M Night----

But he was Manoj when I worked with him...

"The HOOP DREAMS of football..."

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Old August 2nd, 2003, 02:28 PM   #20
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The JVC cam

comes up just a bit short....JVC should have done more panasonic-like marketing and asked filmmakers what they wanted.

But you better believe Sony and Canon were paying attention. Canon has no high end products to protect..they could let a 3 chip HDV camera rip for 8k and it'll happen quite soon.

Hey T. Pat,

If you're a buddy of M. Night, you should be getting your script to him and not trying to shoot it. If it's really good, he'll help you get it made.
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Old August 2nd, 2003, 03:35 PM   #21
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ive posted one of paul moggs video converted to 24p dvd resolution. i also did a little bit of color grading/levels adjustment as well.

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Old August 4th, 2003, 11:41 AM   #22
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Hi, I couldn't get the link above to work, could you check it please?

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Old August 4th, 2003, 05:40 PM   #23
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i just checked it, works fine for me
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Old August 4th, 2003, 06:21 PM   #24
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M Night Shamylan

Regarding the M Night thing....

we had a falling out in high school when we were making a film
together (a ripoff of BREAKFAST CLUB when M was a senior and I was a junior at our high school).... then he started dating my ex girlfriend, which does nothing tpo salve the wounds of our creative differences...

then i saw him 3 times BEFORE sixth sense...
and ALL THREE TIMES he had his ASSISTANT call me and blow me off...


So, it's my professional estimation that now he is ordained "the next Spielberg", he is even less inclined to help me, much less return my calls himself, rather than having his assistant do the dirty work.

I'll tell you two things, though...

Number 1, I would not change his success story one bit.... why? Because he is living breathing proof that we are all one good film away from a secure career as a filmmaker (if that is what you want, like me)... he is talented, but not more talented than me or about 6 other people I went to NYU Film with... so that's why it's a great thing...

and number 2- i love being an indy Dv run and gun filmmaker... I made a film that was given great reviews and it was made with 9 credit cards and 2 XL1s... so I like the path I am on, as opposed to the studio system apprentice path...

which is why I know someone (maybe me, maybe not) somewhere will someday make a great movie on the JY-HD10u... because it's not about manual controls... it's about having a technical quality you do not have to apologize to your audience about, and how it levels the playing field, making good proudction value within reach of those who normally couldn't afford it, but had a good story in their heads or on paper.

I digress.

M Night and I both were Episcopal AV dorks.
We both went to NYU Film
and we both married Indian women.

Maybe someday, both of us will be regarded as great filmmakers
(although I would settle to be regarded as a paid filmmaker, since this art form to date has COST me money, not earned it...)

To answer your question, I will shoot my own film and get in the biz that way, because that's what the video revolution allow you to do- make a movie without millions of dollars or the consent of entrenched power players.

Check out THE LAST GAME, by the way! We got lucky.

"The HOOP DREAMS of football..."

T. Patrick Murray is offline  
Old August 11th, 2003, 02:49 AM   #25
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<<<-- Originally posted by T. Patrick Murray :But the JY-HD10u is a TOOL that levels the playing field- if you have a good story and if you light carefully, and if you block motion and shots so that you don't have to move the camera much... you can make a real MOVIE with this thing... one that looks and sounds not quite like 35mm, but certainly not cheap consumer video... this camera can MAKE A MOVIE...

And that is all that matters- and that's why I love this camera. -->>>


Good story and careful lighting, I'm down with. Not being able to move the camera in the way you need to tell the story, that's a terminal buzzkill (I'm curious, why can't you move the camera?). Of course there are compromises across the board with all of the current DV cameras, but for me, a tool that handicaps me from realizing my vision is a poor tool. Increasing resolution but sacrificing exposure control, dynamic range etc. is a tough compromise. This is not directly a criticism of the JVC camera, but about the philosophy (which granted, I may be misreading) but if the image is a turd to begin with, polishing it up with HD just makes for a sharper, shinier turd.
Charles Papert
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