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All about the original single-CCD HDV camcorders from JVC.

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Old July 5th, 2003, 09:31 AM   #16
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English site for new Panasonic

Here you go...

In summary:

800K pixels x 3 (600K in video mode)
30 frame progressive
MPEG4 recording to SD card
3.1 MP still picture using interpolation

It's just a $1500 consumer DV minicam. The chuckmeister is a slime.
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Old July 5th, 2003, 09:39 AM   #17
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Well, that was to be expected, There would have been more waves in the lake if a real HD 3CCD 3.1Mpix camera had been introduced... Poor guys buying this shit without a proper research. The mpeg4 recording to sd card was apparent in the japanese site, I thought there was no DV HD recording to mpeg4. I believe announcements will not come until late this year for new HD models.
Eric Bilodeau
video SFX,DOP
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Old July 5th, 2003, 10:47 AM   #18
MPS Digital Studios
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I got an email reply back from Supervideo and Chuck:

"So where do you think, pray tell,
your meister lives in South Florida?

Or did you see an image of Cascade Lakes on one of my images posted?
Sincerely with 4th of July Chicago Aloha

I'll leave the opinions up to the readers... Suffice to say, I replied with the address he posted on his site, which is a POBox next to the grocery store my friend works at, I believe. I'm having problems believing this, esp. the bit about reporters following soldiers in Iraq. We definitely would've heard about that; plus, one of our reporters went over there and didn't mention A THING about HD. And he and his camera guy definitely WOULD have.

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Old July 5th, 2003, 11:07 AM   #19
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Supervideo is a comedy site. Your reply was much more bizarre, and totally different, than mine.

Incidently, this camera is available standard in silver and black. The special "black mamba" edition is "limited" to the number of people he can con.
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Old July 5th, 2003, 11:09 AM   #20
MPS Digital Studios
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<<<-- Originally posted by Craig Jones : Supervideo is a comedy site. Your reply was much more bizarre, and totally different, than mine.

Incidently, this camera is available standard in silver and black. The special "black mamba" edition is "limited" to the number of people he can con. -->>>

I just mentioned that I lived in Boynton and wanted to see the camera. He keeps talking about Hawaii, then I saw under his bio his son lives there. I think he's selling vacations through his son. Sounds fishy. Any government types out there?

What did he say to you, Craig?

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Old July 5th, 2003, 11:18 AM   #21
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full text of reply

Thank You for enquiring about the new MX HD...

I should point out that this camcorder is a Limited Edition
and it's a complete package and the contents is posted @
I should point out that one of the reasons that FEDEX
service and shipping product insurance is included is
because this is not a business but a Service. Each
unit brought in is spoken for and you must be put on a
list so your cam can be shipped directly to you and if
need be can be done overnight Express Delivery so
when your local FedEX office opens at either 7:30 or
8AM you can take immediate possession and not
necessarily have to wait at your house all day for a guy
to show up for 2 minutes and maybe catch you indisposed !

This is very important.
No money changes hands Until your unit arrives in the
states and is through customs. Transactions are done
in English, using American Banks, American Credit Cards
(which BTW gives you and automatic 1 year product
warranty!) and US delivery systems. When your unit
arrives you will be contacted by phone and that time
the transaction is made and you are given MX serial
numbers and FedEX Tracking numbers for 2 day delivery.
MXSource in DeKalb Illinois is centrally located and has
had years and years of experience with importation of
expensive and unique products. I have asked them
to make this MX available since it is months and some
times a year before they ever get here and mainly
because so many of my e-mailers do not want the
USA versions that are stripped of key features and
inflated dealer prices. The MX3000 was $3999 when
it got here as the EZ30u and was missing 14 features
at last count. The MX5000 had four features removed
as the PV953. This has been going on almost 20 years !

This is a single kit and is packaged as such. Some items
as accessories will work with other Pana products and
other formats such as PAL and sometimes also can be
used with older models. You can also enquire about
obtaining a Pana MX accessory not sold outside Japan.

Following this e-mail I am sending you MXSource Contact
Links. Walt & Warren are the owners. For years & because
of the hundreds of owners walking around the states with
MX camcorders... they are testament to a great product,
great service and VERY contented digital video MX owners.

Tell them I sent you and they he can explain the features of
the Black Mamba system and of all the accessories you get.
Show them this e-mail and you are entitled to a SuperVideo
discount of $200 and a July bonus of the MX Filter kit.
The Home Page for this new MX HD is going up @
Thanks for writing and DO keep me posted.
Sincerely with Aloha
your chuckmeister
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Old July 5th, 2003, 11:35 AM   #22
MPS Digital Studios
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This guy is looney. He's trying to avoid paying taxes and such, he's probably unincorporated and doesn't have a license. As a registered business (and an additional non-profit) in Florida, I'm shocked and disappointed.

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Old July 5th, 2003, 12:08 PM   #23
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I believe we are going to see quite a few of these nuts around talking about HD miracle machines they could sell you before anybody else does...

A dissapointment but certainly not a surprise.

Eric Bilodeau
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Old July 5th, 2003, 01:49 PM   #24
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hmmm he's been around for many years so I assumed he is legit. 've never purchased anything from him though. has anyone confronted him with the jap sites that shows the MX7000 as something else?
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Old July 5th, 2003, 02:04 PM   #25
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He's been like this as long as he's been around. His claims on editing notebooks are even more outlandish than his camera claims. Look at his main page right now. He's advertising a notebook with a 3.6GHz P4, a 120GB hard drive and dual DVD burners. Ever heard of a 3.6GHz P4? The real machine is no different than what you can get at a dozen different places.

Supervideo is strictly an entertainment site. Don't believe any of it without independent verification.
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Old July 6th, 2003, 10:24 AM   #26
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Okay, so he left out the zero in 3.06 :-)
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Old July 6th, 2003, 10:55 AM   #27
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Getting back to the subject of this thread, the thing I find interesting about this HDV standard agreement is that it seems to indicate that despite previous rumors, HD DVD camcorders won't be coming anytime soon if at all.
I suspect that Panasonic's surprise demo of memory-based recording at last NAB and their stated intent to have actual product in time for next NAB (April 2004 isn't that far away) made the other manufacturers realise that if memory-based camcorders are barely a year away, an HD DVD camcorder would have too short a product life. This HDV standard may be just an interim step to allow them to bring product to market now (to compete with JVC) before memory-based products are ready.
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Old July 6th, 2003, 10:58 AM   #28
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Yeah but he's "made those mistakes" for years. He also claims a 120GB hard drive when it's in fact 2 60GB hard drives. His DVD burners are actually combo DVD/CR-RW drives that can't burn DVD's at all. His inadvertent errors are systematic.

On the "MX7000" 16:9 plus progressive equals HD in his mind and the 3MP still mode means 3.1MP CCD's.

He's said some whoppers over the years like no DV editor can ever use more than 40GB of disk space and at 500MHz all programs run at their maximum theoretical speed. I like the one where he claims that the battery he sells runs a computer all day and all night, and that the computer he sells weighs 7 pounds when it really weighs 13. He also claims to have invented portable video editing even though I've done longer than he has. For entertainment only!
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Old July 6th, 2003, 11:10 AM   #29
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<<<-- Originally posted by Bob England : Getting back to the subject of this thread, the thing I find interesting about this HDV standard agreement is that it seems to indicate that despite previous rumors, HD DVD camcorders won't be coming anytime soon if at all.
I suspect that Panasonic's surprise demo of memory-based recording at last NAB and their stated intent to have actual product in time for next NAB (April 2004 isn't that far away) made the other manufacturers realise that if memory-based camcorders are barely a year away, an HD DVD camcorder would have too short a product life. This HDV standard may be just an interim step to allow them to bring product to market now (to compete with JVC) before memory-based products are ready. -->>>

That's very possible. If other manufacturers didn't want to use tape, or at least DV tape, they wouldn't want to endorse JVC's entry.
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Old July 6th, 2003, 06:17 PM   #30
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<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Moore :
However, luckily this doesn't preclude a 24p camera much like the Panasonic one. By using 1080/60i to properly store frames and fields, a camera can still record 24p images using the the 1080/60i format. -->>>

Actually, Panasonic uses the technique you mention for 720p60 recording of a 24fps capture. It could be used for 1080i as well.

Does take a bit of work to get the 24fps back, however.

I would suspect that Panasonic will
let JVC go the HDV route (for now) while they and Hitachi go the HD on DVD route.
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