One last time HELP re: Mac at
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JVC Everio GZ-HD and GZ-HM Series
JVC's Everio Series 3CCD High Definition MPEG2 camcorders.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 11:42 AM   #1
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One last time HELP re: Mac

OK forget about the title regarding help... I FINALLY GOT THERE. I paid for a download from apple (the same as was bundled on the cd but didnt work!!) as I'd tried everything else and it seems to have worked and now at least streamclip can convert the files to something usable... I've finally managed to edit something from the hd7. It took so long to resolve this and the workflow is so slow that I've decided to ditch this camera. I've decided to try another one... that may just be alittle more work flow friendly...

Now to put this in perspective I bought the book, upgraded the ram on my mac book pro, bought imovie 08, uploaded streamlip, updated and backdated quicktime, reloaded streamclip, tried using my lesser laptop pc with the bundled software (tediously slow and not much use), paid mac for downloads of stuff I already had (and it worked), and spent about 5 days over 3 weeks, jumped through hoops of fire, swore an awful lot especially today and gave up far far too much time on this. The camera is good, but the workflow, as i have finally managed it (not ideallic but working) is very time consuming and as hard disc cams should in theory reduce the workflow time i just see no option but to try something else.

That said, this is a good forum with excellent pro active members and i did actually get some footage done which I will upload. It's just all too time consuming. thanks to all those that offered help and advice... just don't be upset that i am going to try the sony... arghhh

Last edited by David Carter; April 28th, 2008 at 04:39 PM. Reason: change in situation
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Old April 28th, 2008, 09:01 PM   #2
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For some reason, it appears Apple isn't paying much attention to this issue with Hard Drive cameras. I recently read a similar post on another forum which had similar issues no related to the HD7.

Perhaps you should post this same message on one of the Apple discussion forums. Make no mistake, Apple employees read everything. Perhaps they may pay some attention!
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Old April 28th, 2008, 10:36 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by David Carter View Post
... and now at least streamclip can convert the files to something usable... I've finally managed to edit something from the hd7.
Why are you wasting time -- lots of it -- and disk space -- lots of it -- using MPEG Streamclip?

Did you miss my posting saying there is no need to use MPEG Stream clip to convert files to AIC?

Hope you haven't sold your HD7 because the workflow is truly trivial.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 02:07 AM   #4
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no ive been at it for weeks - ive BOUGHT THE BOOK read ALL the threads, its been nothing but trouble, PERHAPS THERES SOMETHING DIFFERENT ABOUT MY SET UP - I HAVENT GOT A CLUE WHY IT DOESNT WORK BUT IT DOES NOT WORK - I've come to the end of my tether and my bank balance trying to work with this piece of machinery.

Streamclip is the only thing that has allowed me to edit ANYTHING AT ALL and even that took 3 weeks to get working - I'm wasting no more time on this camera. WORKFLOW is dead slow and stop for me but is now at least A POSSIBILITY. Nothing for 3 weeks despite trying literally everything on the threads until late last night and paying apple AGAIN for a download of the mpeg2 plug in which was on the disc but must have been corrupt as I'd tried it at least 10 times before. I really don't need any more external links to discussions I've tried the lot.

It's been too much trouble, but thanks again to this discussion group. I've no TIME left for the cam thats simply it. I'm now shooting the film it was bought for and have arranged to shoot on a friends HDV cam from this weekend on. I certainly would rather it had worked but time has run out and I've no more to waste. The footage shot on it last weekend is lovely but a devil to FINALLY manipulate. if I'd shot it on a sony handycam it would have been edited and completed on Sunday night, instead it'll be tomorrow before it's anywhere near that stage. Thanks for the offers of help, but I'm going to cut and run..

BTW Waldemar I was in the apple shop yesterday and they asked me to come in with the cam. If im in town today I will do that. I left the guy checking out this forum. Problem is I genuinely have no more time left.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 08:04 AM   #5
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As I did put a lot of effort into making this work and the camera is undoubtably excellent I thought I'd post pics of my fig rig set up and a couple of stills from day one of shooting. The stills were captured from the edit which is ongoing, the cam was mounted on a beachtek single xlr export and i used the av socket to run headphones. The mic is a sennheisser. All on the day worked excellently. It was on automoatic at all times. Great colours etc. Thought you'd appreciate the info. But I really am going to give up the cam. If I had the money I'd hang onto it but I dont have spare cash at the moment and I may re buy in future when faster post production becomes a possibility for me.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 10:47 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by David Carter View Post
That should be a clue to you that something is very wrong at your end.

For example, there is NO NEED to buy the MPEG-2 download from Apple. It plays NO role in the process. Where did you get the idea you needed it? NOT FROM MY BOOK. In fact, I don't remember any posts from DVINFO that would have told you to do this.

Your sentence "trying literally everything on the threads" suggests that you were searching for answers without first understanding WHY what works for everybody else wasn't working for you.

For example, although you do NOT need Streamclip, the fact is that is has worked fine for everybody else for a year. And, it doesn't require the MPEG-2 plug-in, either. Yet, it seems to be the LAST thing you tried.

Of course, there is another possibility. Perhaps the fact your working MPEG-2 was corrupted may indicate a deeper system problem.

Good luck with your new camera.

PS: The reason I eliminated Streamclip from the process is exactly for the reason you found -- it is slow. The thread you didn't want to read would have saved you a lot of time and frustration. It's right here on DVINFO -- it's too bad you failed to read it a month ago when I posted it.
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Old April 29th, 2008, 10:54 AM   #7
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Steve, as I said already - I read the thread. I tried it. I tried everything several times. I've posted my comments, replies and thoughts in good faith, and been honest about my experiences with the cam.

I think we should leave this thread at that. I ran out of time, thats it.

Last edited by David Carter; April 29th, 2008 at 01:42 PM.
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Old May 6th, 2008, 12:08 AM   #8
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The answers are here!!!

David, I too was frustrated trying to get my HD7 footage to work with my Mac. I did everything you have done, from buying Apple's Mpeg2 component, using Streamclip, converting things in VLC, trying Quicktime Pro. Steve's book was a revelation. Read the iMovie 08 guide slowing & follow it step by step & you will save heaps of time - beleive me. I think the guide in Steve's book is great. Don't give up. It wasn't until I read Steve's post that I took the time to read the iMovie guide. You will only need to purchase one piece of software (visualhub) which I already had (& it's a great program itself). You'll be glad you did.
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Old May 6th, 2008, 01:11 AM   #9
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Hi Marc, I ran out of time and had to sell it on. I'm in production now and have shot 2 days for the film and have handed the .tod files to a friend who is editing them on a pc - that said he has had his problems too, and we missed the deadline. The hd7 footage was to be shown on a tv (a 20 second insert) within a scene but we had to drop the shots and add on a pick up day. It was a nightmare but these things happen. I've moved to an hdv sony hc9e which should arrive soon, so wont be on this forum anymore. enjoy your hd7 though!
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Old May 7th, 2008, 08:14 AM   #10
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What a shame David,

I have had my HD7 since October last year and never had any problems getting the stuff into FCP on the mac in either SP - holiday point and shoot stuff, - 1440 HDV - captured as if it was a tape based machine - or 1920 full HD and converting with MPEG Streamclip.

I would like to try the new way that Steve recommends using iMovie 08 but since I don't have that program just now, I'll stick with tried and tested.

I usually come to Glasgow a few times a year, although not so far this year, otherwise I could have popped round to yours and had a look at your system set up and see how it differs from mine, and maybe between us we could have sussed it. Hey ho.

Best of luck with your Sony now though, But I give you six months before you're fed up of messing your screen with fingerprints after keep going through all those hidden menus… he he


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Old May 7th, 2008, 03:38 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Wayne Avanson View Post
What a shame David,

I have had my HD7 since October last year and never had any problems getting the stuff into FCP on the mac in either SP - holiday point and shoot stuff, - 1440 HDV - captured as if it was a tape based machine - or 1920 full HD and converting with MPEG Streamclip.

I would like to try the new way that Steve recommends using iMovie 08 but since I don't have that program just now, I'll stick with tried and tested.

I usually come to Glasgow a few times a year, although not so far this year, otherwise I could have popped round to yours and had a look at your system set up and see how it differs from mine, and maybe between us we could have sussed it. Hey ho.

Best of luck with your Sony now though, But I give you six months before you're fed up of messing your screen with fingerprints after keep going through all those hidden menus… he he


A tip for MPEG Streamclip users: the HD7 saturation is a bit too strong. You can use the Adjustment button to lower saturation about 10%.

Hopefully, JVC will "someday" release an HD9 with working OIS and far better colorimetry. (sp) They really boost the red on flesh way to much, it really needs to be moved toward yellow.
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Old May 7th, 2008, 04:39 PM   #12
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ah you gotta roll with the punches. I'll pick up an hd7 again somewhere along the line... great picture quality thats for sure
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