NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth at
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Old April 25th, 2017, 04:20 AM   #1
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NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

Note from Admin: Thread title changed to more accurately reflect what actually happened... read through the rest of this discussion for more details.

So sad to see this...

Stronz was streaming to about 200 viewers live from NAB. He wanted to know more about the LS300 upgrade, walks up to the JVC rep who helpfully announces that he doesn't want to be filmed!


His generally positive reviews of the camera have had 16k views and he sounded like he wanted to revisit the camera since this update. So it's a shame his questions went unanswered. Granted he's not a huge player, but this encounter will be on YouTube forever.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 06:46 AM   #2
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Huh. Well, I guess you can take that two ways - one, there will be upgrades but he can't let it out of the bag, or....

JVC's done with the upgrades and doesn't want anyone to know it.

Smart money's on the later sadly enough. The camera's now 2 plus year's old, and with Panny bringing out some sort of show stopper in June, JVC's probably throwing in the towel on this model.

Of course, they did just announce that sweet 4:2:2 upgrade, which isn't even available yet, so maybe JVC doesn't want to let air out of their bag. The new firmware upgrade turned out to be one of the more exciting bits of news during the NAB cycle of events, so no reason to undercut it with yet more news.

All that said, it wasn't the best way to handle that from the rep - it's not like people won't be on the floor asking questions....
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Old April 25th, 2017, 06:55 AM   #3
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

If you wind the video back two minutes or so he is looking closely at the LS300 with the new Ninja Inferno attached. And a lit sign showing all the upcoming v4 upgrades - not exactly a secret.

In my opinion the guy took one look at the Stronz with his iPhone, casual clothes and long hair and decide to ignore him.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 07:18 AM   #4
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Originally Posted by John Vincent View Post
Huh. Well, I guess you can take that two ways - one, there will be upgrades but he can't let it out of the bag, or....

JVC's done with the upgrades and doesn't want anyone to know it..
I think that's quite a jump. They've had 2 upgrades this year alone and we're only in April. I think he just didn't want to be broadcast live, for fear of accidentally giving wrong information or something. Sure he could have handled the whole thing better, but the poor guy was put on the spot a little bit.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 07:22 AM   #5
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

He's on the JVC stand at NAB.

If he didn't want to talk about the gear he should find someone who is and then f off home.

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Old April 25th, 2017, 07:28 AM   #6
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

He's happy to talk about the gear, but just not while being recorded. He literally says 'yes you can, but you can't record me'. I get that.

Like I said, he could have handled it better, or, like you say, they should get someone else to be on the stand. Either way though, what has happened doesn't point to any suggestions of the camera being discontinued/replaced/renewed or anything else. I just didn't want your thread to turn into some wild speculation chain.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 11:05 AM   #7
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

1) This JVC rep may not be authorized to present on-camera promotion to the press.

2) Did Stronz have official NAB press credentials visible? Or any credentials?

3) Did Stronz properly ask for an interview, explaining who he is and his web presence before turning on his phone?

I have filmed at a number of trade shows over the years and the producers I worked with have always asked first before the camera gets turned on. We either got to do the interview or we were asked to interview a specific rep. I can't remember ever getting turned down. Generally if the company is doing a staged open demo that is considered fair game for filming without asking for permission. If the demo is in an enclosed area not visible to the rest of the floor then you have to get permission. The fact that Stronz is willing to post the rep turning away makes me question Stronz's professional ethics. It's more like an entitled child not respecting the personal space of other people. I have met this rep over the years and he's a nice person and he politely turned Stronz away.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old April 25th, 2017, 11:20 AM   #8
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

He was live streaming all day while walking round the entire site.
I for one found it very informative as I'll never be able to visit NAB (or Vegas).

People were coming up to him all day and engaging in some interesting conversations, and the staff in their booths all seemed to be very responsive.

The JVC booth was the very last thing he visited.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 12:21 PM   #9
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

It would be nice to get an interview with JVC. They are pushing small pro production cameras for events and live streaming heavily these days, interesting but not my field at the moment. Unless they are gearing for a surprise announcement (are they scheduled for any talks?), I think we know the "big" news already which is 4K 4:2:2.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 12:26 PM   #10
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Craig Yanagi from JVC was just interview live on
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Old April 25th, 2017, 01:50 PM   #11
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

I'd love to see that but I can only find the interview they did with him last year. I guess since it was a live stream, it's not yet available for streaming later. If you find a link could you post it here? If I find it I'll do the same.
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Old April 25th, 2017, 02:09 PM   #12
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

The BeTerrific host needs to cut down on the Red Bull. The JVC interview seems to have disappeared into their stream which can only be rewound about 30 minutes.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old April 26th, 2017, 09:05 AM   #13
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Here's the video with the JVC interview. It's toward the ending of the live feed. I'll try to chop it up for an efficient view.
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Old April 26th, 2017, 11:19 AM   #14
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

JVC starts at 2h 12m 30s and it's about 18 minutes long
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Old April 26th, 2017, 09:12 PM   #15
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

For those who don't want to deal with watching the feed:

- JVC is promoting their IP and wireless multi-camera systems heavily. Very, very interesting for multi-cam shoots and live streaming. The webcast didn't show specifics but it seems to be a full mobile system with cameras, CCUs, teleprompters, switcher and internet broadcasting gear all integrated. Not relevant for LS300 owners but it's interesting to me.

- no new cinema camera this year. Something in development, no specifics.

- for the LS300, they are touting the firmware upgrade and Atmos special offer

- regarding 10bit in the LS300, Craig Yanagi said that he was doubtful that the internal components could provide 10bit but he was surprised that 30p 4:2:2 recorded internally and 4K 60p externally happened. He praised the JVC engineers.

They may have touched on other topics but it was hard to follow at times. The interviewer isn't very knowledgeable (someone give her hand microphone training please) and Craig's delivery was laid back. Still I'm glad I watched this, thanks for the link and the time cue
William Hohauser - New York City
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