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JVC 4KCAM Pro Handheld Camcorders
GY-LS300, GY-HM250, HM200, HM180 and HM170 recording 4K Ultra-High Definition video.

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Old April 28th, 2017, 06:45 PM   #16
JVC America
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Nick and William's observations are correct. There are only a select few that are authorized to be recorded on behalf of JVC. This is common practice for most manufacturers. It was the same when I worked for Sony as well.

Hope this clarifies the situation and removes any negative perception towards the salesperson who followed company protocol.
Craig Yanagi - National Marketing Manager
JVC Professional Video Division, JVCKENWOOD USA Corp.
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Old April 28th, 2017, 07:41 PM   #17
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Craig : Given the often disrespectful comments that are prevalent now in these forums I think it's a good policy... Somehow company representatives have become synonymous with evasive politicians...
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Old April 29th, 2017, 09:29 AM   #18
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

I see you've noticed that, too, Steve. The dialogue was more cerebral and civilized in the past. Maybe we can bring the platform back to its roots. We would all benefit. Cordially,
Craig Yanagi - National Marketing Manager
JVC Professional Video Division, JVCKENWOOD USA Corp.
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Old April 29th, 2017, 03:29 PM   #19
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Craig, is there a place where a client and I can get an in-depth demonstration of the new wireless systems in the New York City area?
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old April 29th, 2017, 07:54 PM   #20
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

The ProHD Bridge currently is a direct customer product and is in limited availability. However, we have made the high gain adapter WB-MAP100 available to dealers as it can be used with an existing IP infrastructure. If you have a specific project in consideration please send me an email and we'll work on how best to provide you and your client information on the ProHD Bridge.

Thanks very much for your interest.

- Craig
Craig Yanagi - National Marketing Manager
JVC Professional Video Division, JVCKENWOOD USA Corp.
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Old May 2nd, 2017, 08:41 AM   #21
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re: Hit and run in the JVC booth at NAB

Here's the edited interview.

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Old May 4th, 2017, 08:44 AM   #22
Obstreperous Rex
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

Originally Posted by Duncan Craig View Post
...the JVC rep who helpfully announces that he doesn't want to be filmed!
Originally Posted by John Vincent View Post
JVC's done with the upgrades and doesn't want anyone to know it... JVC's probably throwing in the towel on this model.
Originally Posted by Duncan Craig View Post
If he didn't want to talk about the gear he should find someone who is and then f off home.
Gentlemen, seriously: what the hell? Are you purposefully trolling the forum?

Whoever that live streamer is -- he certainly is not a member here -- he has *no idea* how to properly approach a booth at NAB and ask for an on-camera interview. That's the only "problem" that I can see.

The JVC salesman caught on camera clearly is not media-authorized and knows it. He correctly follows company protocol by politely declining to speak on camera.

I've only done 21 of these annual NAB trade shows, but I'm willing to bet that I can impart some useful advice to our hapless streamer:

1. Get yourself badged in as accredited press with proper credentials.
2. Find out in advance who the correct people are to talk to on-camera.
3. Set up an appointment for a media interview in the booth with those people.

The only crime committed by this JVC salesperson is that he was luckless enough to be close by when the live streamer hit the booth. He wasn't the correct person to talk on camera about the LS300... company policy prohibits him from doing so. He's not allowed to talk to media. He's there in the booth at NAB to do the main thing that NAB is traditionally known for: business. The NAB trade show happens primarily for business purposes... media coverage is only a small part of it.

Surprisingly, the live streamer just gives up and walks away. If he really cared about the questions he was trying to ask, then he would have stepped over to the reception counter and requested to speak to someone on-camera about the LS300. They would have had to slip him in between previously scheduled appointments, but they would have done their best to accommodate him. He might have gotten Craig for that matter. Or, assuming it wasn't close of show at 2pm Thursday, they would have set a time for him to come back.

But no, he didn't even try. I tell you what: I don't know that guy, but I could give him some tips about covering NAB.

Now let me see if I can understand the thought patterns going on at the beginning of this discussion:

1. Live streamer stumbles into booth at NAB looking for on-camera interview without an appointment.
2. Salesman not authorized for media says he's not authorized for media ("you can't record me").
3. Forum members assume salesman is just the worst person in the world and should go home.
4. From this we conclude that the LS300 is completely dead in the water and about to be discontinued.

Honestly the whole thing reminds me why I started this forum in the first place... which was to *get away* from the above all-too-common mindset, not provide a home for it.

Many thanks to William Hohauser, Craig Yanagi and others for providing a dose of reality and perspective into an otherwise bizarre set of assumptions. (Craig -- it was great to see you at NAB! William -- I'm in New York on Monday the 15th and would like to meet you if practical).

Thread title changed from "The problem with JVC..." to "NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth" as that is a much more accurate description of what's happening here.

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Old May 4th, 2017, 10:11 AM   #23
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

When I'm shooting at the New York International Auto Show on press/media days and we want to do an interview about a particular car, we always ask first if there is someone available who can do an on camera interview. We present our press/media credentials and explain the purpose of the interview. If no one is available at the time, we shoot some b-roll and ask if we can come back later. Usually we are told to come back at specific time and someone will be available for an on camera interview. This happened a couple of years ago and we were able to interview the chief designer for the new Mustang.
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Old May 4th, 2017, 11:08 AM   #24
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

Bill, you've just described the exact method that I've used at NAB and other trade shows for the past 15 years or so. Roughly half of the booth interviews that DVi shoots at NAB are appointments scheduled in advance. The rest of them are walk-ups, but good heavens, never with the camera actually rolling on approach. With a walk-up sometimes we can get it right there after a short wait, but usually we'll find out when is a good time and come back then, which can be 30 minutes later or the following day or whatever.

For a bigger company like JVC, I would never *not* schedule a media interview in advance.

Anybody with an attendee badge at NAB can visit any booth at any time and get their questions answered (from the live stream: "Can I talk to you about this camera? "Yes you can!"). That was never the issue here. The issue here is that it's being recorded ("...but you can't record me"). If there's a camera rolling, especially if it's live streamed, then it needs to be not just any salesperson but a media-authorized marketing rep whose job it is to talk on camera. You get that person by asking at the reception counter. It's not that hard. And this guy just gives up and walks away.

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Old May 4th, 2017, 11:15 AM   #25
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

I think the JVC rep could have said why he was not allowed to give an interview on camera and what Stronz should do to get his questions answered if his intention was to live stream it. Stronz also posted a NAB recap video later where he did mention this "incident" by saying "we didn't even talk to the jvc reps because they where kind of..they didn't want to be on the live stream, I get it, but they are not getting the word out."

Here he again is giving a wrong impression by saying that "they" didn't want to be on the live stream as if all JVC reps refused to talk to him. He also doesn't seem to understand that it is his own unprofessional behavior that is getting the wrong word out.
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Old May 4th, 2017, 03:37 PM   #26
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

I agree with Duncan Crag (OP), that it is so sad to read about what happened with this, ahem…. “interview” ….(gone bad).

Just stopped by to read all the new developments and I think Chris did a good job in re-naming the thread (I might not have been so kind!) and writing Post #22. I also liked what William Hohauser wrote about how he filmed at trade shows (Post #7). One would assume that NAB would have some strict rules about doing video at their event.

Here JVC spends a lot of time, effort, and money to publicize their products at NAB and then this Rambo guy Stronz for the price of an entry fee comes along and tries to ruin their image with his slipshod “interview.” If NAB has rules or protocol for this kind of activity perhaps JVC should “run it up the flagpole” with NAB management and perhaps get an apology from Stronz or maybe ban the guy from future NAB events.

Hopefully NAB will support JVC somehow and this guy Stronz (and Co.) will get what’s coming to them.

Courtney Baynes’ Post #21 of an interview with Craig Yanagi was good. That is impressive what JVC is doing for live broadcast.
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Old May 4th, 2017, 05:25 PM   #27
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

Originally Posted by John Nantz View Post
maybe ban the guy from future NAB events...
Well I wouldn't go *that* far... I just hope he's better prepared next year!

There was a time at NAB when you had to get a camera checked in through the press office if you wanted to take photos or shoot video on the show floor. Smart phones changed all that, and it looks like the proliferation of live streaming is about to change all that again.

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Old May 4th, 2017, 07:27 PM   #28
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

I'll say it again, but in a different way - as a 50 year professional filmmaker I would NEVER take seriously a person who approached me with a "smart" phone... This is NAB! A legitimate approach would have been appreciated, if scheduled in advance, - or refused, then you could claim an issue - but this attitude is just wanabe BS...
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Old May 5th, 2017, 01:53 AM   #29
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

But would it have made any difference if Stronz had a big camera on his shoulder? A guy with a smarthpone doesn't necessarily have to be a wannabe just because he covers the event with a smarthphone, those guys can have more influence then you ever will with a big camera because they have a following on youtube and mishaps can go viral quickly sending out a wrong message. I would say take anyone seriously with camera, even if it's only a smartphone. Most important is treat everyone equally no matter what camera they are holding, if you are not allowed to speak on behalf of the company, just say so and why and tell them how they can get an interview, that's all. I still feel the sales rep is equally responsible for this to have gotten out of hand.
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Old May 5th, 2017, 11:44 AM   #30
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Re: NAB streamer misses opportunity at the JVC booth

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