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JVC 4KCAM Pro Handheld Camcorders
GY-LS300, GY-HM250, HM200, HM180 and HM170 recording 4K Ultra-High Definition video.

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Old March 24th, 2017, 12:34 PM   #16
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Re: LS300- cinema settings, J-Log and LUTs

Originally Posted by Jay P. Kaley View Post
This thread was about LUTs and grading, but it doesn't matter if ya wanna talk about the Atomos Ninja, not much traffic here anyway.
I know what you mean about not fitting exactly the thread, but since the JVC screen is somewhat limited this monitor has a lot of useful functions such as waveform, RGB parade, vectorscope, zebra, false color, etc., that would be useful in doing the things being discussed, and with the larger, clearer, and brighter screen they would be much more visible.

While relatively pricy compared to the cam, the good part is that it’s portable across other cams; consequently, it shouldn’t follow the depreciation curve of a typical cam. One of the real pluses of the LS300 is the interchangeable lens capability (and versatility). If JVC comes out with a new version of the cam it could be and accessory that could be re-used.

The thought about posting something here was because it was more closely related to this discussion than any of the others I could find. Didn’t feel it warranted a whole new thread.

Originally Posted by Jay P. Kaley View Post
And just to note I'm not posting video for a pat on the back, more interested in criticism or insight about settings or editing or lenses. I've learned a ton in the last month or so and archived posts like this helped me out a lot so I'm passing information along that might help someone else lurking like I was for a while.
On the entry door (on the inside as one exits) in a Hofbrau in San Jose, California, was a sign in German that went something like this:
"Too soon we get old und too late we get smart."

That’s so true.
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Old March 24th, 2017, 02:47 PM   #17
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Re: LS300- cinema settings, J-Log and LUTs

That's cool John, it fits fine here and the LS300 can use a monitor assist for sure, I'm looking for a similar sized on-camera monitor but I've invested a lot recently so that's a little expensive, I'll probably stay in the 'monitor only' category for now, but seeing a histogram or waveform along with a audio meter would be nice. And that reminds me I'm gonna see if I can set a 'histogram toggle' button instead of having to go in the menu.
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Old March 24th, 2017, 02:53 PM   #18
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Re: LS300- cinema settings, J-Log and LUTs

Actually, having a good monitor can help a lot with J-log.

I just got this:
It's a $160 Feelworld 7" LCD that has focus peaking, histogram, false color/zebra exposure assists and a decent 800 line resolution. The image is really nice. It comes with a collapsible sun hood also. It's a vast improvement over the JVC LCD but the build quality leaves a little to be desired. These mystery Chinese electronics firms are hard to get a handle on their quality. I've have a Lilliput 400 line 7" LCD for many years that I swore would fall to pieces within two years that's still going. It doesn't have any assist functions, I used it mainly for client monitoring or long shoots. Recently a friend got a Shogun recorder/monitor for his camera and that inspired me to finally do something about the uncertainty I always feel when filming with the LS300. Unwarranted uncertainty as nothing has yet come out wrong but this cheap monitor gives me a better feeling while on the job.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old March 24th, 2017, 04:56 PM   #19
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Re: LS300- cinema settings, J-Log and LUTs

Totally agree that a better monitor than the one on the LS300 would help with J-log or any format. The flip-out LCD is okay, it's just a little small and out of position for some situations, and the rear small viewfinder monitor was basically unusable for me, I don't know why they even bothered on that one.

That link you posted is similar to what I've been looking at for a larger monitor than the LCD. I bought a used Zacuto Z-finder for shoulder work or sports, but mostly been using the LCD door and would like something a little bigger and the less time I have that little door open and susceptible to breaking the better.

I'll check that one out, and if anyone knows of any other 7"-ish on camera monitors that stand out I'm looking and open to suggestions if it works particularly well with the LS300.

Last edited by Jay P. Kaley; March 24th, 2017 at 05:34 PM.
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