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JVC 4KCAM Pro Handheld Camcorders
GY-LS300, GY-HM250, HM200, HM180 and HM170 recording 4K Ultra-High Definition video.

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Old March 1st, 2016, 05:33 PM   #16
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

JVC has put out some incredible low to midrange cameras over the years but has never been able to become a trend. The 4K market is saturated with everything from phones and GoPros to very high-end equipment. They need to get some of the name cinematographers on board if the camera is to go anywhere.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old March 1st, 2016, 08:54 PM   #17
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

My take is that the sellers are clearing inventory for a camera that isn't selling well. I don't mean to be negative, because I do really love this camera, and would buy a 10 bit replacement in a millisecond... but the problem is that there seems to be an inherent prejudice against JVC in the "pro" market - I was once in that category, so I understand.

But the LS300 is miles above the competition, even at twice the price... 10 bit is necessary to reach the peak, but even at 8 bit it is a great deal (I have two Pocket Cameras and sold an HPX250, so I know the difference).
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Old March 1st, 2016, 09:00 PM   #18
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

i agree with steve rosen, this camera would be MUCH more attractive to me it it produced 422/10bit in hd.

aside from noa's recent wedding posting (thank you noa!), i welcome seeing more footage especially graded jlog skintones.

be well.

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Old March 2nd, 2016, 12:15 PM   #19
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

One of the interesting features that intrigues me is the ability to "zoom" a prime lens using VSM. It is amazing how well this works. The quality of the video I have seen on the web and Mr. Mullen's articles are really pushing me towards this camera. I understand the price drop impacts resale value. I have been caught a number of times on the loosing end with camera gear. The ability to leverage my M43 lenses is also a consideration for me. Anyone using Veydra lenses? Would be great to hear your opinion.
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Old March 2nd, 2016, 03:32 PM   #20
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

Don't worry about resale value... at 3 grand including the excellent 35mm Rokinon T1.5 it will pay for itself in a matter on weeks or months. Hell, I'd buy another one now if I didn't already have that lens....

... Which lens, BTW, I use constantly in a variety of settings, from interviews to scenics, even handheld. Because of the variable zoom it fulfills the equivalent function of about a 20mm to 55mmm on the S16 sensor Pocket Camera... a very useful range. I keep the Rokinon 12mm in my vest pocket for wider (or the Olympus 12-40, but it's not manual iris, which I prefer).
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Old March 2nd, 2016, 03:47 PM   #21
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

It's a fantastic value for sure.

JVC unfortunately just doesn't have the same appeal to many producers, and shooters like myself who frequently do multicam with others, get called in because of the particular camera we own, in my current case, the C100/300.

Same goes for the sony fs7/fs5/etc.. etc..., producers are frequently worried about camera matching, and JVC just isn't as 'buzzed' about.

But... for wedding shooters/indie/anyone who doesn't have that producer/higher-by-camera issue, it's pretty darn fantastic

The streaming built in is also brilliant, and the hm200 is even better a value for streamers, on sale for under 2K...

it's tempting as heck, but i'm likely biting on an FS5 later this year.
C100 - GH4 - NYC Shooter
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Old March 2nd, 2016, 05:55 PM   #22
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

Luckily that's a problem I don't have, I'm completely independent, produce my own documentaries and make docs and TV spots for clients who hire me because of my reputation and my "reel" (antiquated phrase), not my camera. But I've been doing this for over 40 years and have always chosen the road less traveled.

But sadly you're right - JVC just doesn't carry the weight - and it's mostly their own fault. I said it in my first post here - they have a brilliant design team that creates a dream concept - (witness the HDV shoulder mount camera of the early decade with the headphone built in that looked like an Aaton XTR) - then that design concept is shortchanged in the board room, and quality control and customer service suffer.

I had pre-orderd an FS5 before I ever heard of the LS300 (I've related this before, so excuse me again for repeating myself)... I needed a camera quick for a college president that wanted to do a UHD presentation at a conference. I don't live near a rental house, so I sold my C100 and sprung (site unseen) for the JVC, just for this job. It literally paid for itself on that one job. I still follow the FS5 forum, but I don't need it now, I'm happy with this camera.

Again, 10 bit is the one issue that may eventually drive me to Sony. But I'd buy two to four LS300s before I'd buy another 8 bit Canon. BTW, I seldom shoot in low light, and the C100 was admittedly great at that.
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Old March 3rd, 2016, 10:49 AM   #23
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

I've been eyeing the LS300 for a while. There doesn't seem to be anything else in this price range with this set of featured and now that the it is going for $1000 off plus the extra stuff I can't help but be interested. Might pick it up next week.
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Old March 10th, 2016, 01:06 PM   #24
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

FYI...JVC initially offered the camera with either a free Metabones adapter or Rokinon lens for $3995 that went to last September....then they had the option of the above or $500 off the $3995 price. B & H tends to buy a container full of cameras at a time. So I suspect, they have cameras left from their initial buy and are offering the camera & lens & then new $1000 rebate that started recently....to move some of their stock. We ran through our "freebee" cameras a while ago so now we have them with just the $1000 rebate. BTW, we sold a lot more of the packages with the Metabones than the Rokinon...because many already had the lens or others available.

Jim Martin

Last edited by Jim Martin; March 10th, 2016 at 05:38 PM.
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Old March 10th, 2016, 05:31 PM   #25
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

>>BTW, we sold a lot more of the packages with the Metabones than the Rokinon...because manny already had the lens or others available.<<

I would have rather had the package with the Metabones adapter too! Their products never go on sale so tack on another $650 for me...
Senior Media Consultant
SpaceAge Consulting LLC
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Old July 25th, 2016, 01:56 AM   #26
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

NAB2016 went by, there was a new firmware update announced for the LS300 but no new hardware to succeed it, right?
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Old July 25th, 2016, 05:14 AM   #27
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

Correct. Nothing new from JVC
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Old July 25th, 2016, 12:44 PM   #28
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

Originally Posted by Steve Rosen View Post
Luckily that's a problem I don't have, I'm completely independent, produce my own documentaries and make docs and TV spots for clients who hire me because of my reputation and my "reel" (antiquated phrase), not my camera. But I've been doing this for over 40 years and have always chosen the road less traveled.

But sadly you're right - JVC just doesn't carry the weight - and it's mostly their own fault. I said it in my first post here - they have a brilliant design team that creates a dream concept - (witness the HDV shoulder mount camera of the early decade with the headphone built in that looked like an Aaton XTR) - then that design concept is shortchanged in the board room, and quality control and customer service suffer.
I have had a few issues with producers going "JVC"? What's that? The Panasonic cameras have the same problem although less so. I had to do a hard sell to use a JVC camera for a documentary last year, they were "we only use C300s for our docs", I said, "Well then, pay me for the rental cost of a C300, and pay for the extra day of shooting it will cause, if not I'm using my JVC HM600 camera". They called me when it was all finished and said, "That JVC camera looks great!". It's rather silly as many projects end up going thru filters to change the quality of the image that you can't tell what camera shot it after it's completed. DOF? Yes that requires a specific camera.

By the way, with the Virtual Zoom, the LS300 is almost the most versatile DSLR out there, especially for the price.
William Hohauser - New York City
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Old July 26th, 2016, 11:42 AM   #29
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

Ironically the now revered Bolex H16 Rex was treated the same way in the early 70s. I made a feature doc about marijuana smugglers with one, and the lab (Cinema Research) refused to blow it up to 35 until I proved that the footage was better than stuff from an Arri BL. Some things never change.
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Old July 26th, 2016, 05:47 PM   #30
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Re: jvc gy ls300 for 2500 dollar

My friend with an JVC HM700 was going to sell it because at one point he was getting calls only for his 7D. Suddenly he's getting calls for his HM700 because producers are getting sick of multicam DSLR shoots were nobody is in focus at the same time and the moment is lost. And everybody in the area sold their video cameras for DSLRs. The HM700 is always reliably in focus when used by a good camera person.
William Hohauser - New York City
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