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Old February 4th, 2007, 08:01 PM   #1
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Newtek SpeedEDIT software & VT[4]

We are looking into purchasing a VT[4] system in the next few weeks, but we wanted to get some feedback on how the system is holding up for users, specifically in the Live switching / Event arena. We won't be able to genlock our cameras since there is no genlock input on the HD-110, so with the VT[4]'s internal gelock, we think this might be the way to go. What are your experiences with the VT[4] and how has it made things easier / harder for your business?

I also wanted to inquire about how the VT[4] uses previews, or how YOU specifically preview different sources, such as cameras and other sources. If you have 8 cameras, can you preview all of them from the screen? I have seen a few that have external monitors set up, but am not clear as to how this is accomplished. Are they looped through the monitor first?

Also, they have the SpeedEDIT software that looks pretty nice. Does anyone now if this will be shipping with the VT[5] Upgrade in the summer? Also, any feedback on the software would be great as well.

I appreciate the info in advance. Although the Newtek site shows some decent uses, it's not too clear when it comes to screen shots and live production. Thanks
Kit Hannah is offline   Reply With Quote
Old February 10th, 2007, 02:57 AM   #2
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Manchester, UK
Posts: 82
Hi Kit,
Firstly there does not seem to be many of us VT users about so we best stick together :-)

With the switching I don't do anything live yet but I'll try 3 cameras into the SX 8 board ASAP for you and see if I can link these input to individual VT visions (the monitors in VT).

SpeedEdit is shipping now BUT it is basically the editing bit of the VT so if you have recently bought the VT when the VT upgrade does arrive it will be included in the package.

The difference in how we work has been (mainly in the editor) is speed lots of speed!!! Before the VT we used Prem Pro, you added a transition in rendered, you altered anything it rendered.......................You get the picture very slow. VT just blows it away I'm running SD footage on a Athlon x2 system with 2 gig of RAM and it just flies. With Bobts colour correction and colour replacement plugins we are getting real time colour grading no problems at all for instance.

You still render out the final edit of course to the format of your choice but all the work you do on the footage at edit is real time.

I'm very happy with the VT. I originally saw it many years ago (VT 2 I think) and promised myself that as soon as i had the cash I would have one and now I have.
No regrets at all you may find going here and asking about the live work experience as well they will be plenty of people who will give you help.

Andy Harding is offline   Reply

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