I Wont Convert Clip Hdv M2t 1080i To Wmvhd Help My at DVinfo.net
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Old December 27th, 2006, 12:46 AM   #1
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I Wont Convert Clip Hdv M2t 1080i To Wmvhd Help My

Dear friend, sorry for my bad english.
I make a video Hdv with my little Sony Hc3 and use Sony Vegas 7c for editing clip, m2t.
I would convert my video m2t 1080i to windows media video hd (wmvhd) 720p wich one is the way to obtain the best conversion ???
my tool sw is:
vegas 7c for video editing
virtual dub for deinterlace
procoder 2 and mainconcept for encoding

i hope a good solution for a good deinterlace image to wmvhd.
i am waiting your help.

thanks a lot

WHAT'S' you think of Aspect HD v3.2.36 aspect hd is cineform’s powerful ?????????
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Old December 28th, 2006, 01:11 PM   #2
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Nobody knows better how to encode for Windows Media than the Windows Media people themselves. Why not check out what they recommend: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/win...toHDsixty.aspx
Ervin Farkas
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Old January 1st, 2007, 08:29 AM   #3
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Marco, you have Procoder 2 and that should be fine for both the encoding and the deinterlacing steps (the latter is one of the options you can specify for the output file).

I know Procoder 2 does great 720p WMV, as I use it for that all the time. It will ingest your mt2 file directly.

For 1080i and 1080p output you may need its latest update, and you should also install the latest Windows Mediaplayer and Windows Media Ecncoder templates (just search on 'windows media encoder' in google for those).

Hope that helps.
Graham Hickling is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 1st, 2007, 09:02 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Graham Hickling
Marco, you have Procoder 2 and that should be fine for both the encoding and the deinterlacing steps (the latter is one of the options you can specify for the output file).

I know Procoder 2 does great 720p WMV, as I use it for that all the time. It will ingest your mt2 file directly.

For 1080i and 1080p output you may need its latest update, and you should also install the latest Windows Mediaplayer and Windows Media Ecncoder templates (just search on 'windows media encoder' in google for those).

Hope that helps.
dear friend thanks a lot for answering me.
i also have got procoder sw.
could you give me please , directions how to make configuration settings.

bye marco
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Old January 1st, 2007, 10:38 AM   #5
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In Procoder2:

Select 'Source/Add' and specify your .m2t file ... you shouldn't need to change any settings, but check that it imports as upper field first, 16x9, original audio.

Now select 'Target/Add', then the 'HD' template, then the 'Windows Media - HD - 720p constrained VBA' template.

Again, you shouldn't need to change any settings, but check that it shows the following:
WMV9 video encoder
Bitrate 15,000
Constrained VBR
Audio bitrate 256 44.1 Stereo (48 stereo should be fine too)
WMA Audio 9.2 encoder CBR 2-pass

That's it: select 'Convert' and be prepared to wait a while.

Obviously, you can experiment with the bitrates: if your computer or mediaplayer is struggling to play these default-bitrate 720p files you should try using lower rates.
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 12:51 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Graham Hickling
In Procoder2:

Select 'Source/Add' and specify your .m2t file ... you shouldn't need to change any settings, but check that it imports as upper field first, 16x9, original audio.

Now select 'Target/Add', then the 'HD' template, then the 'Windows Media - HD - 720p constrained VBA' template.

Again, you shouldn't need to change any settings, but check that it shows the following:
WMV9 video encoder
Bitrate 15,000
Constrained VBR
Audio bitrate 256 44.1 Stereo (48 stereo should be fine too)
WMA Audio 9.2 encoder CBR 2-pass

That's it: select 'Convert' and be prepared to wait a while.

Obviously, you can experiment with the bitrates: if your computer or mediaplayer is struggling to play these default-bitrate 720p files you should try using lower rates.

hi graham, thanks a lot for your answer.

my procoder release is:
remember my cancorder is hc3 european pal
your setting they are the same ?????
i dont see your setting ((720p constrained VBA' template))) and ((Constrained VBR))

i have only release 9,1 encoder you have
WMA Audio 9.2 encoder

i am waiting your reply thanks a lot
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 01:21 PM   #7
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Hi Marco,

When encoding WMV, Procoder just acts as a 'front end' for Microsoft's Windows Media components.To gain those menu options, try going to Microsoft and downloading the "advanced profiles" pack, and the latest version of windows media encoder. Both are available here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/win...r/default.mspx

You may also need to update to Windows Mediaplayer 11 if you havent already.

Otherwise, just start out by trying whatever 720 framebased profile your version of Procoder does display....it should be fine and little different from what I suggested above.
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Old January 4th, 2007, 03:41 PM   #8
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what's you think about a this new solutions ???

i see this message from internet.
i have been working with sony hc1 for a few month now and i ' find it very difficult to get a GOOD looking deinterlacec video without jaggiies, while preseving image detail.
i 'm currently using premiere pro 2.0 and build in deiterlacer (like most deiterlarcers) just sucks. i've got a pretty good solution , but it's not very user friendly:
edit in premiere pro 2.0 (i think same for vegas 7)
export the video from premiere or (vegas) by frameserver debug in 1440x1080i
open frameserver file in virtualdub
use the smartdeinterlace plugin for virtualdub to deinterlace.
lancsoz 3 resize tot 1280x720p in virtualdub
use another frame server (avisynt) to export from virtualdub.
openavisynt with adobe procoder 2 canopus to compress the resultate tiìo wmv9 hd.
as you see, this is not the most ideal solution, but i've found that de smartdeinterlace plugin for virtualdub in combination with the excellent lancsoz 3 resize offer far superior image quality compararated to any other deinterlace resize tool i've tried.
unfortunately, virtualdub does not support wmv , so that's why i frame server the deinterlaced and resized video to canopus procoder 2.
as you might understund , i ' m still lloking for a more userfriendly solution.

bye marco
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