editing HD
im about to buy HVX200E. My problem is that i dont have a super powerful PC. It has 2gigs of ram and 3GHZ, so pretty plain one. I have read here a lot, but still need some info:
If i shoot in DVCPROHD with HVX, import it and edit in premiere pro 2. What problems will i face? I heard that pp2 can't edit HVX's files, so i have to convert it into AVI. What product should i use for it and will i loose a lot of quality during this process?
I understand that i can't edit HD, will any Cineform codec solve this problem? i know it would do HDV, because i've tried it, but i haven't tried to edit HD.
My final export will always be SD. Is it very bad if i ?downconvert? to SD before i start editing? I know that color space will be reduced, but how badly?
thank you very much!