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Old February 15th, 2006, 05:24 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Newbie - recommendations on Editing Software?

Hi to all.

I am looking to start a second business in wedding videography. In terms of video editing software, I only at this time know two basic apps. One is Pinnacle Studio, and the other is Avid FreeDVD on an IBM system.

I understand the consensus would be that these are not appropriate apps to use for a professional wedding business or far from it. However, I was hoping for your opinion in starting out with these two apps, until I booked a few jobs to see if this is something I would do on a more full term basis.

Aside from the many glitches of the Pinnacle product, and the additional time to workaround all its problems - I was able to produce several very professional looking wedding DVD's from raw DV footage.

I was considering buying an Apple & Final Cut (and teaching myself the product), or looking at full featured AVid, but again I would really like to test the waters prior to jumping in. I guess my question is - is that possible with Pinnacle Studio or Avid Free DVD?

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Old February 15th, 2006, 05:30 PM   #2
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Sony Vegas Movie Studio + DVD Platinum Edition is a very stable, inexpensive, and user friendly alternative. In addition, you have access to the great Vegas community and can upgrade if you decide you need more options.

Vegas is very popular with the Event and Wedding video crowd.
"Ultimately, the most extraordinary thing, in a frame, is a human being." - Martin Scorsese
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Old February 15th, 2006, 06:54 PM   #3
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If you are doing DV I agree that Movie Studio +DVD Platinum is a good choice.

But Pinnacle Studio 10 plus is also not a bad way to go for basic editing. I 've used its various versions for years. 10 now has the Liquid engine, and is working decently for me doing native HDV editing.

The problem with it is that it is considered consumer level by people on this forum, but if you compare what it does, it is probably similar to Movie Studio... so don't feel embarassed about using it if it does what you want.

With Studio in the past I've had one issue that crops up. I seem to have prolems playing DVD's made with it in my Sony player. The transitions and tiltles seem to stutter and freeze. I haven't tried making a DVD yet with 10 to see if it is still a problem. Other than that, except when I need something special, I will often use Pinnacle Studio by default because of its simplicity.

If you are considering another editor, you should also look at Premeire Pro, or Premeire elements.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old March 1st, 2006, 05:55 PM   #4
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Pinnacle Studio enough for Wedding movies (from the 10.5). The engine is the same than Avid Liquid 7 (DV & HDV). Premiere Elements 2.0 is a good choice to. Projects are compatible with Premiere 2.0 (DV but no HDV).

For a professionnal use, i recommand Canopus Edius 3.0.
With Canopus Edius 3 Pro (3.61), you can edit native HDV or directly via Canopus HQ (HD Codec by direct capture in this format from the camcorder) ) with more power than with Premiere Pro 2.0 or Vegas 6.0d..... For different customers, you can mix PAL & NTSC on the same Time-Line then choose Pal or NTSC for the Master.

Try it with a dual-core AMD.... A power HD system...

The Edius 4 will have 9 sources multi-cam editing, sequences, and maybe export to OMF....
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Old March 1st, 2006, 07:11 PM   #5
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I agree with you, I use Edius Pro 3.61 with NX for HDV expansion board. On a dual 3.2 Xeon system with 2gb of ram and can import and edit HDV AVI files on all video formats (24p,30p, 25p) I can edit all this in real time.

I have tried upto five effects filters on a clip and still been able to edit in real time and with the clip running! It really is a great program, very smooth and stable.

Initially I was dissappointed it did not have keyframable effects but then discovered the 'blend' filter, which is a pretty decent work around.

Version 4 looks interesting

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