Please help. 3 workstations need central NAS/SAN at
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Old December 2nd, 2014, 07:49 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Sydney
Posts: 16
Please help. 3 workstations need central NAS/SAN

I've never had experience with NAS or servers so I appreciate any help as this is a world of so many variables!

Basically we have 3 heavy premiere pro workstations (multicams editing etc) and looking to better redundancy among better performance.

3 workstations editing 1080 50p compressed 5D/Sony NX5 footage at the same time, let's say when editing multicams each project could be have up to 4 videos playing back simultaneously

4 streams x 3 editors = 12 clips playing back simultaneously
Say it's 28 Mbit/s per 108050p stream= 336Mbits/s (42MB/s) not counting overhead. (Correct me if I'm wrong)

How much throughput does the NAS\MicroServer/SAN have to have? I'm assuming computers will be connected via Ethernet?

Now to the next point, which kind of raid configurations should I be going with? 0, 3, 10?

I believe 7200rpm HDDs would be the minimum. Which are GOOD value for money HDDs these days, say in 4tb since 6tb are still overpriced/MB

I have noticed an average of 8TB being used at any given time these days.

Appreciate the help guys
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