Print to HDV tape
I captured a 50 minute clip into Vegas 6. I used the Gearshift plugin to edit down to 25 minutes. In a seperate operation, I recorded my music on an 8 track hard drive. I sync'd it up to the video and mixed the new audio. It was recorded at 24 bit, 48,000 Khz. When I mixed it the way I liked it, I deleted the original audio from the timeline and then rendered back to an m2t. The rendered file played back fine with the new audio. I then proceeded to print to hdv tape and all appeared to go well. After the recording to tape finished, I played the tape back but got no audio with it. I plugged my headphones into the z1 and I could hear the audio but it had some horrible sounds layered in it, kind of like a string of beeps.
My question is does anyone know if a 24 bit file automatically gets converted to 16 bit through the render process? I called Sony but they don't know.