Murph does it again, a FREE Frame Rate Converter for Final Cut Pro HD? at
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Old March 8th, 2005, 09:56 AM   #1
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Murph does it again, a FREE Frame Rate Converter for Final Cut Pro HD?

Hey, I did a search for this on DVinfo...haven't seen it posted. I think this is brand new....could be quite beneficial to at least HD10U owners. I'm trying to use it now with my old footage...maybe it'll work? I believe that this "Frame Rate Converter" stuff was hardware only up until this plug-in?? That's what I have researched just now...looks like you needed a deck before.

So, here is what I found on Panasonic's site -- "Frame Rate Converter for Final Cut Pro HD". It's FREE! Thanks Panasonic...are you trying to tell us something prior to NAB 2005?!

"The Frame Rate Converter for Panasonic VariCam® is a software plug-in for Final Cut Pro HD that emulates the traditional film camera under/overcrank process followed by telecine transfer, thus permitting high definition source footage captured "off speed" by the Panasonic VariCam to be resolved to one of three nominal editing frame rates: 24fps, 30fps, or 60fps."

If we're editing in the same format as the VariCam - shouldn't this work? I have to keep playing, but some other techies on here should definately check it out too. I know some of you are way more competent then me.

The DVCPRO HD Frame Rate Converter will appear in the Final Cut Pro HD Tools menu.

It looks like you select the clip and then choose from the tools menu. But, I can't get it to convert yet. Anyone else figure it out? Damn, we may have to read the directions! This may not work, so don't get your hopes up!
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 8th, 2005, 12:16 PM   #2
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Kewl....thanks Murph. The first paragraph in the included PDF manual says it all. Interestingly, the manual is written by Apple and not Panasonic. You think maybe this same plug-in might be lurking on Apple's website somewhere? Hmmmm, might have to check.

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Old March 8th, 2005, 12:35 PM   #3
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I'm not sure, but I do think this means a lot more than meets the eye. I think Panny is working extremely close with Panny...and NOT with Sony.

It seems to me the Sony thing where the CEO was on stage with Steve Jobs was a "staged" thing. It looks like Panny and Apple are actually working together for real. I'm sure Panny and Apple will be making a splash at NAB.
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 8th, 2005, 12:41 PM   #4
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Originally posted by Christopher C. Murphy
I think Panny is working extremely close with Panny
Be tough to do business otherwise, yes? :)

No doubt Apple and Panasonic will be in bed together, but I'm going to assume that Apple will also offer a good HDV solution. They've got to or I'm going to hang myself.
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Old March 8th, 2005, 01:04 PM   #5
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Bryan, your post made me laugh!
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Old March 8th, 2005, 03:36 PM   #6
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Apple and Panny have been in bed together for quite a while (Panasonic has graced the FCP pages on Apple's site long before Sony). If they make any kind of announcement at NAB I fully expect it to be completely integrated with FCP, unlike Sony's offerings.
Of course you have to consider everything from Sony's perspective as well. Do you think they wouldn't want to give themselves a head start on HDV development with their OWN NLE (Vegas)? Duh! I wish people would quit blaming Apple for Sony's problems, it is up to SONY to tell Apple how to make tools compatible with their products, not up to Apple to just GUESS and hope it works. I am certain that Apple has been working on it as long as Sony has been providing the information. I think some people forget these little facts when they play the blame game.
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Old March 8th, 2005, 05:00 PM   #7
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<<<-- Originally posted by Rhett Allen : it is up to SONY to tell Apple how to make tools compatible with their products, not up to Apple to just GUESS and hope it works. -->>>

But HDV is not a SONY PRODUCT, is it? it's a format. SO how do you blame Sony for Apple FCPHD not being able to handle HDV?

That's like blaming Panasonic because Microsoft's Windows Movie Maker doesn't support 24P.

- Shannon W. Rawls
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Old March 8th, 2005, 05:14 PM   #8
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I think it's more...a general feeling of being pissed off. lol

All the companies have good and bad, but when they're lacking in something you need it gets old after almost 2 YEARS. Some of us have been HDV users now for about 2's just really, really old now. We want support for the damn format - it was posted on Apple's site almost a year ago that it was coming. It was right there on Final Cuts page - "HDV support coming soon". That is generally considered horse crap now.

Then they put HDV support in iMovie HD and FCE Express by surprise! It's just a slap to the people who bought FCP for $1000. It never said on the iMovie HD and FCE Express pages that support for HDV was coming - just FCP's. To me it's not cool for "Pro" users to expect support and not get it in a timely manner. It's totally obvious they can do it - it's in FCP Express. Although, I know the support is lackluster - still it's something.

Think about it...iMovie HD is $79. At the very least, Apple should have made a simple update available to us that gave us the same support. Their "Pro" video editing app should be ahead of their consumer video editing app...something just ain't right.

So, I'm sure we'll all buy Sony/Panny/Apple/M$ products in the future. But, currently there is huge demand for this support and I want it! I made the switch to Apple from PC, and I'm missing my PC days now. That's unreal because PC's suck! lol...yeah, i know that will get deleted by a mod!
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Old March 8th, 2005, 07:29 PM   #9
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I guess that's true, but as I understand it, the Sony and JVC format's are a little different, are they? The only thing I was thinking is that there isn't, or wasn't a big demand for it on a professional level. Since it is a consumer format it would be released in the consumer apps first. I am also one of those people who payed $1000 for FCP (actually, a few copies) and it would piss me off as well if I didn't have support for it (if I needed it) but as I understand, even the workflow using FCE or iMovie leave plenty to be desired. Maybe they didn't want to release something that was half-assed to their "Pro" users since Lumiere seems to be filling the gap so far. I guess I'm really talkin' out of my ass though because I'm not hip on HDV. The whole GOP thing just sounds bad, the images look pretty nice though. I'm waiting for Panny's P2 mini HDCAM or whatever they have up their sleeves, and this coming from a long time Sony fan!
I'm perfectly willing to wait since there isn't even a delivery method for any of it anyway. Only time will tell.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 07:18 AM   #10
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Z1U - a "Pro" camera for sure

The Z1U is a "Pro" camera. It's been out LESS than 1 month and it's already been on a prime time television show JAG - an HD program. That's a worthy footnote - I don't think any DV camera in history has been used on a prime time (I'm taking about a real prime time drama -- not a stupid reality show on cable. There is a HUGE difference between the two regarding production values.) the moment it was released. Also, an HD program to boot??? No way...the Z1U has definately shown it's worth in a short time.

I'm not going to get into what "level" of "Pro" the camera is in the HD food chain. That's a moot argument depending on your own use. But, in short the camera is absolutely "Pro" - I just read an article that a network affiliate is going to buy dozens of Z1U's for its station, so it can get a huge jump on their competition. Also, professional filmmakers are gearing up to use the camera to shoot feature length films.

The Z1U is as "Pro" as any other camera out there being used to make real money. It's apparent from the marketing push from Sony that everyone buying the Z1U is getting something very capable of producing "Pro" quality images. Being an owner of the camera itself and having shot in almost every format imaginable (expect 35mm film itself) - I'd say this camera is the best "Pro" camera to hit the market since any full blown high-level HD camera. The Apple editing aside (which has zero to do with Sony) - the camera is amazing and will, in my opinion, be seen as a breakthrough throughout 2005 into 2007. Afterwards, it'll get bumped by others...that's fine. It's about the ROI and this camera is cheap, produces superb images and is awesomely capable in the right hands with the right project.

The only problem which has been the main problem for 2 years now - software developers making "Pro" video apps like FCP haven't offered a solidified solution. I know you think Apple's not puting out support because Lumiere HD is filling the need, but even the guys at Lumiere have publically stated that FCP support would be welcome. They're active filmmakers themselves on the Mac platform using FCP! It's about workflow. Without Lumuere HD (the company and people rock) we'd all still be in the dark ages of HDV...waiting. (oh wait, i forgot...we can spend more money and DOWNGRADE to iMovie!! oops! when FCP support comes we'll spend more money with Apple. that's right..we have to buy all their software to get "Pro" features. whoops!)

Maybe the Lumiere HD guys should start making an editing app like FCP - at least we'd have direct communication, they'd give us what we want in a timely manner and we'd get regular updates adding fuctionality. It would be priced accordingly to in relation to the features..

Ok, I'm talking crap...but, hey I'm blowing steam because it's March 8th and there ain't no HDV solution IN FCP without needing help from others. It stinks. If Apple doesn't release something in their "Updates" by or on NAB...I seriously will....will....WILL!! I will probably keep complaining and take it up the you-know-what like I have
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 9th, 2005, 10:06 AM   #11
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The only update I've heard about is FCP5 and again from what I've heard it will only work with Tiger. Tiger was suppose to hit around June. But Macrumors says there might be a delay. Because they still have bugs.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 10:56 AM   #12
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*news flash*

The Z1U is sold out in AMERICA.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 11:23 AM   #13
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I think Shannon and I had the first ones...good thing!
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 9th, 2005, 03:54 PM   #14
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Re: Z1U - a "Pro" camera for sure

<<<-- Originally posted by Christopher C. Murphy : If Apple doesn't release something in their "Updates" by or on NAB...I seriously will....will....WILL!! I will probably keep complaining and take it up the you-know-what like I have -->>>

Ha-ha-ha, yup! Who'd a thunk it, iMovie surpassing FCP in features? That's almost as big a kick in the rear as the iMac getting a G5 before the $3000+ Powerbook I bought!
Don't get me wrong, as a PD-170 user, I'm a huge Sony fan. And seeing the Z1U made me DROOL! Until I started reading about it, or more specifically, the GOP and compressed audio of HDV. Most of the other features of it are really impressive, well, except the built in microphone, that just pisses me off!
I don't think that some of these companies (like Apple) expected there to be such an immediate response to HDV since it really was designed for lower end users, but they really should have expected it. I mean, what self respecting network wouldn't want to cut corners and buy the cheapest camera they can get away with. Hmmm a $40K+ solution or a $6K solution, what did they think would be the choice? I would really be interested in seeing the numbers of how it's effecting Sony's ProLine sales. If it's really being used like you describe there's a lot of cameras not being purchased that have far greater margins in them I'm sure. I did happen to catch the JAG episode CP shot in, have they used it since then?
I've seen the footage from the Z1, it looks pretty good, it's just a little too new for me right now and I wouldn't even have a way to distribute it or watch it much less edit it, well, I guess I could go upgrade to iMovieHD from FCPHD.
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Old March 9th, 2005, 07:22 PM   #15
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The free frame rate converter has been around for almost a year. It is for the Varicam only. Used to be on Apples web site then moved to Panny's webs site where you have to hunt for it.

If you are using the Varicam you need this frame rate converter.
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