Out of sync after exporting from FCP
I've been working on a music video and have already put in almost 300 hours (mostly because they wanted it all on green screen and the set was too small for all of the guys and it was poorly lit. Ok... I did learn an important lesson there.)
Now that I finished editing and am ready to compress it for YouTube and to put on a DVD that is supposed to go to Charleston, SC this Thursday, I'm finding that right around 50 seconds into the video, it starts to go out of sync. By the end of the video, it's a good 5 seconds off! When I go back to FCP, it plays perfectly in the timeline clear to the end. I've tried compressing for YouTube and also for DVD, each in different settings, but it is always out of sync.
At first I was sure it was my settings in Compressor, so I tried to export in Quicktime just to be sure, and it did the same thing. So it sounds like it has to be Final Cut. Or maybe a problem with the green screen editing program that I used. (FXHome CompositeLab Pro.)
I also tried to export a different video from FCP to Compressor, and it worked fine.
Has anyone ever experienced this and know how to fix it??