A free and easy way to export Quicktime to JVC HD cameras or D-VHS - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old January 27th, 2004, 10:19 AM   #16
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Hi Paul,
Thank you very much for getting this droplet together, it's going to be an indispensable tool for us all.
I tried it out on several small Quicktime HD files and found that on my system it basically worked, and produced an .m2v file, but it did not seem to invoke VLC (if that is what it is meant to do) and make the .ts (transport stream file). It worked with the input files being on a different drive from the droplet, which was on the system drive.
Below is the output window readout, as you'll see it's reporting that the input framerate of my movie was 23.98 which it was not (it was 29.97), it did this on all my files and the resulting .m2v file had a jerky looking playback as a result.
I assume that the script has ended when the output window reports that it has "terminated with a result code: 1" ?
If there is a progress frame counter available I actually think (if it doesn't slow the program down) that it is better to leave it in there as it gives you some idea of the progress the program is making, right now you have no idea how far along it is, and on a big file I imagine that could be a long time, and people might assume wrongly that it has crashed if there is no progress feedback.

I hope this helps


In File:/Volumes/SATA RAID 1/HD Testing/test1.mov
INFO: [yuvscaler] yuvscaler (version 1.7.0) is a general scaling utility for yuv frames
INFO: [yuvscaler] (C) 2001-2002 Xavier Biquard <xbiquard@free.fr>
INFO: [yuvscaler] yuvscaler -h for help, or man yuvscaler
++ WARN: [yuvscaler] Could not infer norm (PAL/SECAM or NTSC) from input data (frame size=1280x720, frame rate=24000:1001 fps)!!
++ WARN: [mpeg2enc] Specified display frame-rate 29.97 will over-ride
++ WARN: [mpeg2enc] (different!) frame-rate 23.98 of the input stream
usage: movtoway -o output.wav movie.mov
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Old January 27th, 2004, 11:18 AM   #17
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My overnight conversion worked. It produced 3 files

1. mpg
2. M2v
3. mp2

Out of the 4-5 conversions I have tried, I only got a ts file once.

Is there anything else we can do for you Paul to assist?

Darren Kelly
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Old January 27th, 2004, 01:24 PM   #18
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Sorry guys, no doubt I jumped the gun on releasing this, right now I am working on a solution that will workaround the spaces in paths and filnames by creating the output in the same directory as the droplet.
Darren, if the application worked the way it should then you would have one file, with a .ts extension, the only way that will happen now is if there are no spaces in your filename or folders or drives that the file is in. Expect the workaround by the end of the day today.
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Old January 27th, 2004, 05:36 PM   #19
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This version should create a .ts file even if you have spaces in your fllenames/folders/drives

Unlike the last version, it creates the file in the droplet's folder and it is always called outfile.ts

I prefered the older way but I can't make that work with VLC at this time.

Hi Paul. Yes it was converting to 23.98, that should be fixed too.

By the way if anyone feels like looking around the application, control click on the HDQT2TS icon use "Show Package Contents" go to "Contents/Resources" and open Scriptlet.sgui in TextEdit, this is basically the script that does all the conversion, you can change this more to fit your needs and the droplet will still work (provided the changes make sense).

Anyone have an idea for a better name than HDQT2TS?
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Old January 27th, 2004, 05:50 PM   #20
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Yes it was converting to 23.98, that should be fixed too

I'm glad you said that. I thought it was doing that because my audio was of from my video.

I'll try the new one over night and report back tomorrow

How about QT-MPEG2TS.

Darren Kelly
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Old January 27th, 2004, 06:57 PM   #21
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I decided to output a short sample to test.

It worked very well and created 2 files.

File 1 was the ts file in the folder you said it would appear in.

File 2 was on the drive the source file was in and it was an mpg file.

The only last big I could see was that the application didn't stop. It finished the file but the word running was still present at the bottom.

I have yet to test output of this file through DVHS to the deck or camera. I'll try that next.

Are you going to attempt to create a similar applet for the encoding side of the equation?

I can offer you a more perminent spot to park this if you like. We can put in on my web site.

Darren Kelly
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Old January 28th, 2004, 12:51 PM   #22
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Hi Paul,
I tested the new version and it created the .mpg file which looked very good, without the framerate problem, but still no .ts file being created at the moment. Here is the end of the output window readout, showing that this time VLC was called. The script never seemed to end though and still had the "Running..." sign up.
By the way, can you tell me what bitrate you're encoding at with this script?

Many thanks


[00000186] access_output_file private: Open: name:`outfile.ts'
[00000190] mpeg_audio packetizer: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:128
[00000181] main input: EOF reached
[00000186] access_output_file private: Close
[00000181] access_file input: closing `/:///Volumes/SATA RAID 1/HD Testing/PixletHDShort.mov.mpg'
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Old January 28th, 2004, 12:58 PM   #23
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Look for "outfile.ts" in the same folder as HDQT2TS, VLC is having a problem quiting at the moment, although it generates its ts file, your output suggests that it should be there.
I am using 19Mps for now, I can make a droplet with a higher bitrate, or you can fairlly easily change it yourself using the method I mentioned in my last post.
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Old January 28th, 2004, 01:02 PM   #24
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Oops! Ignore my last post, I hadn't read your directions correctly. Yes, the "outfile.ts " file was created in my droplets directory. It looks excellent and plays back perfectly. Haven't tried putting it back to the camera yet.

This droplet is incredible Paul, it makes the whole process so simple and the quality is so good that I'm not even going to bother getting the Heuris package now, it's really not necessary. I'm still stunned by the quality of the MPeg2enc encoding, it's really hard for me to tell any difference from the original edited footage.

Thanks once again for all your hard work.

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Old January 28th, 2004, 01:05 PM   #25
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I will be making changes to the program for a while so I think it makes sense to keep on the existing server for now. It is no danger of going away for quite some time (I like where I work).

"QT-MPEG2TS" doesn't mention HD...
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Old January 28th, 2004, 01:24 PM   #26
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What about "QT2HDV" as a simple name?
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Old January 28th, 2004, 01:30 PM   #27
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I tried a 60 minute project last nght, leaving in the spaces and it did not create a ts file.

Sorry to report the bad news. I have changed the spaces and asked it to do it again. I'll report back later today.

Paul, I wasn't suggesting your server was not secure. I was suggesting it be on a site where people could visit it, download it and a place to promote it more than just on this site. The hits I'm getting are from all over the world and they are visiting from other places other than this forum.

My offer still stands. Would you permit me to put it on the DVD?

Darren Kelly
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Old January 28th, 2004, 02:50 PM   #28
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Name for program?

For a name:

"HDVADER" in homage to Star Wars :)

Other possible names:

"HDVERTER" - meaning "HDV Converter"


Christopher C. Murphy
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Old January 28th, 2004, 03:08 PM   #29
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I like QT2HDV which is certainly descriptive, I was originally thinking of a more whimsical name, so I also like HDVerter.
how about QT2HDVerter (a bit long)? Still open for other options.
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Old January 28th, 2004, 03:10 PM   #30
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Did you look in the application folder?
Can you get the text that the application produced and paste it here?
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