The Flow... Am I working HD all wrong?. at
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High Definition Video Editing Solutions
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Old April 24th, 2008, 03:51 AM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Sarasota, FL
Posts: 8
The Flow... Am I working HD all wrong?.

So, I guess I'm handicapped when it comes to the HD workflow. I just need some answers because every things coming out like crap. First off I'm working with the hvx200, and using FCP studio 2. I always try to shoot 1080 24p unless I need to slow it down a bit then 720 60p. I capture P2 then out firewire/1894 with log and transfer. Now here is where the problems begin. I want a time line that shares both 1080 24p & 720 60p. So I can have clean images, and sometimes hop into slow motion If I like.

First I would like to know why my sequence settings and my 1080 footage is 960x720?
I tried changing the sequence setting to HD 1280x1080hd but that looks to just compress the image.
Then I just left it... I couldn't figure it out. So I just exported it out as 960x720 to show everyone in hopes someone could help me out. I get to Vimero to upload the HD footage, and It says I need to export at at-least 1280x720.
So I have no idea. My footage looks okay in FCP, but looks flat, and compressed after the export. When I send it to color and back it looks like shit. When I try and use dvcpro frame converter on a clip in FCP nothing happens.
When I open a quicktime clip of the footage, in the capture scratch folder, outside of FCP, it says 960x720 but still looks wide.
If I open that file in After Effects, do what I need to do, and try to export it out at 960x720 it become box again.
My AE 7orCS3 wants nothing to do with the .mxf files... I've watched tutorial after tutorial on how to import mxf files, and It still doesn't except shit.
Please help

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Old April 24th, 2008, 06:41 AM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Sacramento, CA
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I'm not sure what advice to give you, but note that DVCProHD uses non-square pixels which are horizontally compressed, and that's why your 720p footage shows up as 960 x720 and your 1080p footage is 1280 x 1080. When this footage is played on a square-pixel monitor it gets adjusted back to the proper HD ratios of 1280x720 and 1920x1080. Hope that helps clarify what's going on.
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Old April 24th, 2008, 10:42 AM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Sarasota, FL
Posts: 8
See all my footage 1080 or 720 shows up as 960x720 everywhere. In FCP, Quicktime, After effects, some online components it looks fine and some others its matte wide. Its when I export it out of AE to match 960x720 is where it does a 4/3 compression, Even if I click anamorphic 16:9.

In my inspector the format is h.264, 960x720, millions

but then at the bottom of the inspector it says

normal size 1280x720
current size 1280x720 (actual)

that would make sense with what your saying, but then I export from after effects with 1280x720 and it still compresses the images.
The Vimero site seems to do the same.
Stephen Mckendree is offline   Reply

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