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Old February 14th, 2008, 08:05 PM   #1
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Hd Dvd

I tried the Ulead/Corel Video Studio 11 plus to try to burn a HD clip to dvd. it says it will but I can't get it to show on the disc. It goes thru all the motions, creating the menu, burning, saves the project etc but nothing on the disc. Has anyone used this program to do this? It does do bluray and HD DVD, and help says dvd-r will work, I got a sd dvd to work, but not HD. I took a HD m2t clip and put it on timeline, saved in their format, burned, just didn't show on disc, however, if I try to use disc again I can't says its got data on it
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Old February 18th, 2008, 10:02 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Hugh Mobley View Post
I tried the Ulead/Corel Video Studio 11 plus to try to burn a HD clip to dvd. it says it will but I can't get it to show on the disc. It goes thru all the motions, creating the menu, burning, saves the project etc but nothing on the disc. Has anyone used this program to do this? It does do bluray and HD DVD, and help says dvd-r will work, I got a sd dvd to work, but not HD. I took a HD m2t clip and put it on timeline, saved in their format, burned, just didn't show on disc, however, if I try to use disc again I can't says its got data on it
Aren't there warnings about putting a BluRay burnt DVD-R into a regular DVD player, cuz the DVD player might puke?

Are you supposed to put that BluRay disc in a PS3 or bluray player?
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Old February 20th, 2008, 04:38 PM   #3
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Here's a link to HD DVD authoring on avsforum.


Good luck!

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Old March 6th, 2008, 08:24 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Hugh Mobley View Post
I tried the Ulead/Corel Video Studio 11 plus to try to burn a HD clip to dvd. it says it will but I can't get it to show on the disc. It goes thru all the motions, creating the menu, burning, saves the project etc but nothing on the disc. Has anyone used this program to do this? It does do bluray and HD DVD, and help says dvd-r will work, I got a sd dvd to work, but not HD. I took a HD m2t clip and put it on timeline, saved in their format, burned, just didn't show on disc, however, if I try to use disc again I can't says its got data on it
What player are you using to play the DVD on?

Was the finalized project saved into a file, disc image , or something else?

Sometime a computer's DVD drive canno read it because it is temporarily locked by a program on that computer. You may have to exit the Ulead program first if you want the comp player to recognize disk in player.
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Old March 7th, 2008, 08:53 PM   #5
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I actually used the trial of it and was able to burn the HD-DVD to regular DVD disc. It actually is a pretty easy process. You of course need the HD-DVD player to play the disc. I actually didn't like it because it was a bit buggy to me and I had to tinker to figure out what format and export I would be able to use in the program(for some reason it didn't like my Matrox AVI I-frame).

I ended up encoding to Mpeg2-Blue Ray preset in Premiere CS3(25Mbs target bitrate) at 1920 X 1080. But you simply select the new video project and specify HD-DVD as the type of disc. Then go into options and specify the 1920 preset. Then I imported my footage(this part was important because if I imported the footage first, I would always, always get errors during the building process). I then would let it build.

The funny thing is that through all the motions with the application to churn out a HD-DVD, if I exported a downrezzed I frame AVI in widescreen(which on my machine the export is extremely fast) and imported it into Cinemacraft Basic and encoded a 2 pass(which is also extremely fast), with my A2 and A3 players, it upconverted the disc and looked just as good. Given, I am using high bitrates such as 7.0 Mbs, but I am able of course to put more content on the disc and since I author in Encore, the finished disc is much more compelling and allows me greater creative flexibility. So I just removed the trial from my machine and kept on with my little Cinemacraft workflow..

But the application to me is really not worth all the hassle. But it can be done and I suppose if I felt like tinkering with it, I could come up with a workflow that may yeild "acceptible" discs, but in the short term(until I can get a blue ray burner and maybe a player some time later this year) I will continue with the SD as it is more compatable, playable, and cheaper. Not to mention can have longer projects...

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