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Old January 9th, 2008, 10:45 AM   #16
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2nd shooter available for weddings - NY/NJ Area

I have some downtime before my next wedding so I'm available for anyone in the area needing help. Your gear or mine (Canon XH-A1, HV20, Merlin)

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Old January 9th, 2008, 05:17 PM   #17
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Need to rent Canon XLH1 Camera for 2 weeks.

I need to rent an Canon XLH1 Camera with sticks and basic zoom for 2 weeks as a backup camera for an independent film shoot starting Mon Jan 28th.

Camera will be fully insured. Professional crew.

Please email me at, or phone 323 851 2942. Ask for Harry.



Last edited by Harry Bromley-Davenport; January 9th, 2008 at 05:18 PM. Reason: mistake
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Old January 9th, 2008, 11:34 PM   #18
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Wedding Editor for 3 events

Hi All,

I have some current events that need to be edited and completed. Two weddings and one engagement session. I would like them completed in Final Cut Pro and sent back to me on provided hard drives. Credit would be given to the Editor.

Please contact me at with pricing and samples of your work. i need as soon as possible with more assignments in the future.

Thank you,

CT is my location
Walter van Dusen is offline  
Old January 10th, 2008, 11:14 AM   #19
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Experience wanted,..Bristol UK

Hi,my name is Paul,i'm 36 years old,from Bristol,UK.I've got limited filming experience and i'm looking for someone who can give me some proper experience,preferably someone who does filming for a living,which is what i'd like to do.I wouldn't class myself as useless,i've got a fair idea of what does what on a camera and i'm a quick learner.I have my own kit which consists of a PMW-EX1,Manfrotto tripod (503hdv/525),Sennheiser wireless and shotgun mics.I've also got my own transport.
If anyone can help me or needs an extra camera and operator,in or around the Bristol area,anytime day or night,please let me know,i'd very much appreciate it.
Please contact on
Round 2

Last edited by Paul Kellett; January 10th, 2008 at 01:12 PM. Reason: Forgot some info
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Old January 10th, 2008, 11:16 AM   #20
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I sent you an email.
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Old January 10th, 2008, 08:59 PM   #21
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Aren't we in a recession?

Gotta be somebody in the area with an HDV setup...did I mention this is a PAID gig?
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Old January 10th, 2008, 11:29 PM   #22
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please have working sample movies

Hi All,

Please have working sample movies for me to cage my decision about hiring a editor..

Thank you,
Walter van Dusen is offline  
Old January 13th, 2008, 12:32 PM   #23
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ASAP!! URGENT!! Light kit needed in SEATTLE!!!

Hey guys, shooting an interview in Seattle, WA Tommorow at 8am! I'm flying from atlanta and don't have a light kit! I can work with anything. Softbox, Hard lights, 3pc, 5pc kit... Whatever. I just need something to light with as this is a huge client and I can't screw this up. I can pay whatever is needed.

PLEASE CALL ME ASAP, at 770-548-7719. If I don't pick-up, leave a message.

My eternal thanks to you.
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Old January 14th, 2008, 12:40 PM   #24
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Old January 14th, 2008, 05:06 PM   #25
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Loops/etc Composer Needed

We're looking for a high quality/high professionalism composer for corporate, nonprofit, television programming and commercial advertising video work. Qualified individual/company would be skilled in using loops, midi and in possible rare cases live recording to deliver musical audio tracks for use in the types of projects listed above.

Please send a link to a portfolio through the e-mail function on the board.

Looking forward to seeing some of the talent here on the board - it never ceases to impress me!

Carl Middleton
Whizkid Mediaworks
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Old January 15th, 2008, 11:17 AM   #26
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possibly interested
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Old January 16th, 2008, 09:34 PM   #27
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Nate Weaver pointed me towards this. It's basically editorial houses that allow you to use their setups to make the dubs yourself, and they can make a little extra money. Great idea. I ended up going to the house in Culver City (Secret Headquarters) as it was closer to where I needed to be today. Did an hour of Digibeta to ProRes422 transfer for $100. I know at least the Burbank (Alpha Dogs) shop will do increments of 15 minutes for transfer. As long as you know how to use the desired edit software to output or capture, this is a fantastic service and one I will use often. Generally I end up stacking a bunch of spots that I shoot when the client sends me masters until I have enough to justify the dubbing costs, but now I can do them as they come in which is much better for me.
Charles Papert
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Old January 17th, 2008, 08:20 AM   #28
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Need Female DP/Shooter in NYC

Female DP/Shooter needed in NYC

I'm producing a documentary on a social issue that would benefit greatly if the DP/shooter was a woman.

I'm looking for some experience, perhaps a HD package and the ability to work quickly in fast moving circumstances. I imagine 15+ talking head interviews, acquisition of "b" roll, and shooting interviews with folks who have been thru very trying circumstances in their lives. Some set-ups will be lit, others will be available light grabs. Sound is always an issue. This is a paying gig.

The doc will be produced out of NYC though there is scheduled to be some 1-day travel shoots.

I and my co-producer have had extensive years making media. We expect some media coverage because of the nature of the subject. What I'm saying is, your work will be noticed.

If you are a woman DP/shooter, or know of a woman who fits the above criteria, why don't you drop me a private message and I'll provide more information.

Thanks in advance.

Be well

Rob Katz is offline  
Old January 18th, 2008, 04:05 AM   #29
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Producers, Director & Writers. We want your Show Pitches. is an internet only channel launching in 2008 to a predominately male demographic. Think Saturday Night Live meets Mad TV, Jackass meets Wayne’s World, Howard Stern meets Spike TV and you get the idea… but always tastefully done. And with a very high production value.

This is not just another User Generated Content website, everything will be professionally produced and will feature content that has substance.

In addition to the 16 shows we currently have in production, we are looking for 8 programs to add to our schedule. We are now accepting pitches for 5-15 minute show ideas. If your treatment is selected, you will be paid to produce a pilot and if approved, another 10 episodes. We will also license your existing material if it fits within our guidelines of programming and quality standards.

Internet TV has a lot of flexibility as there is no regulation currently in place, so anything goes! But the programming must be appealing to a male audience and the concept needs to be developed enough to span multiple episodes.

Programming categories are (but not limited to);

Light Politics/Talk Show
Game Show

But programming ideas must be kept in perspective so while there is a budget for each series, ideas that require a cast of a thousand, locations in Peru or helicopter shots will be rapidly dismissed. We are in the process of fitting out a 15,000 sq. ft. sound stage four-walled from camera to edit, so if your pitch is approved for production and you are located in the New England area you may have access to the studio.

Otherwise production must be HD/SD/24p/etc. and we need to see your previous work, so send your best reel. Please don’t send material you shot on your friends camcorder and unfortunately we cannot accept submissions without a reel. DO NOT SEND PITCH IDEAS AT THIS TIME. You must accept a disclosure agreement that protects both parties.

Good luck and we look forward to having you on our team!

Beyond TV
Billy Mead is offline  
Old January 18th, 2008, 01:40 PM   #30
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keep those private messages coming

thanks in advance

be well

Rob Katz is offline  
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