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Old August 12th, 2007, 10:02 AM   #406
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Looking for Documentary Editor: Paid Job

The thread title speaks for itself. Contact me.
Red #97
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Old August 13th, 2007, 05:37 PM   #407
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RE: The new Deadlands project

Hello Gary:

This is Bruce Marusich here in Mt Airy MD. I have 2 Canon XL2s available for the shoots, tripods, etc. I helped out with the first movie at the Gaithersburg summer shooting, doing some shooting, and I even had a bit part as the guy who walked up and down the line of cars. I'd be happy to help out in any way I can. Gary U. has my contact info, but here it is again:
Bruce Marusich

Last edited by Bruce Marusich; August 14th, 2007 at 08:52 AM.
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Old August 14th, 2007, 06:38 AM   #408
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You can email me at

I edit documentaries for PBS, I have also worked on docs for discovery health, and many other projects. I'd be happy to send you my reel.
I edit on FCP 5.1.4.
Mark Bournes is offline  
Old August 14th, 2007, 07:41 AM   #409
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Wow is it really wise to leave your cell out on the forum like that? ;) It's nice to see some filmmakers in the area, maybe we should caloborate on something. I don't know if you guys know this but IFC is having a short film competition right now for the game called Assasins Creed, can't wait for that thing to come out. I'll be shooting a movie next week anyone want to come out and participate? I don't really need any equipment just acting talent and maybe some FX guys. I have a script just looking for some more ppl.

btw. sorry to hijack your thread :) But as I said I'm more than willing to help out on your movie on my off time.
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Old August 14th, 2007, 10:34 PM   #410
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Need Orlando HVX operator / PA for Sept Disneyworld

Just thought I would post here before going to the production houses. I need a couple guys to help with a shoot at Disneyworld. It is a pretty low-budget deal but the end product with be shown all over the world. It is a live concert shoot plus some stand ups for a TV show. I need the following:

- HVX owner/operator with experience shooting music, prefer someone comfortable with the P2 workflow who has some cards and a P2 Store

- AC who is VERY comfortable with the P2 workflow, we will be using P2 Genie or dumping from P2 Stores, experience with a 35mm adapter is a plus (most likely Brevis)

- PA with P2 experience, must be someone who can problem solve and adjust on the fly to the need, prefer someone who can operate a camera if needed

This shoot is for the Disney Night of Joy on September 7th and 8th, there may be a half day shooting on the 9th as well and I would like to have a production meeting on the 6th. For this reason, you need to be local within an hour of Disneyworld. The budget is limited but this IS a paying gig. You will also get copy and credit.

ash =o)
Ash Greyson is offline  
Old August 16th, 2007, 09:47 PM   #411
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Experienced wedding videographer needed for this saturday 8-18

This is a last minute call for an experienced (must have sample edits/highlights) documentary style videographer to shoot a 7 hour wedding on Saturday for $350, all equipment provided. More info or questions call Roger 773-227-3680.
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Old August 16th, 2007, 10:49 PM   #412
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Originally Posted by Roger Beck View Post
This is a last minute call for an experienced (must have sample edits/highlights) documentary style videographer to shoot a 7 hour wedding on Saturday for $350, all equipment provided. More info or questions call Roger 773-227-3680.
What country are you located in? That would be helpful, let alone region/state, city, etc. ;)

I don't know that you're going to find someone with 2 days left. You might want to try Craig's list also.

Eric Shepherd is offline  
Old August 17th, 2007, 06:28 AM   #413
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That area code is Chicago IL.
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Old August 17th, 2007, 05:22 PM   #414
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HVX owner for a feature shot in France (Elsass German border)


We're gonna shoot a feature set in 1910 in Elsass (France, near Strassburg), near the German border. Vintage cars, plane, steam train... 4 weeks, starting on the 10th of september.

I'm looking for:

- another HVX owner (the director owns one) who could help us (a kind of 2nd unit) sometimes or all the time !
- two sound people (with or without gear, please specify as we're going to buy some gear)
- a hair artist

Everyone works for free on this movie (we pay for all the expenses, travels, hotel, food). This movie will be shown in festivals (Cannes, Berlin, etc...) and we'll DVD copies to promote it.

Please drop me a line at if you're interested (people not far away preferred !)


Kristin Stewart
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Old August 19th, 2007, 03:41 PM   #415
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LA area owners for a rental?

I hope it's ok to post this, since it's specific to JVC HD110/200/250 owners.

I'm looking for an LA area owner for a camera rental. I have quite a few qualified camera operators, but not enough matching cameras.

2 day shoot in Mid September at LA convention center.

All indoors, mostly tripod (no dirt!, no sand!)
Will be a crew of 3 (camera, sound, reporter)

kit to include pro tripod, Pro Batts (prefer A/B) and JVC HD 100 DTE disk recorder.

I also posted in the marketplace section, but don't know how many of you regularly look that over.

If interested in more specific details, send an email to <>

thanks, and apologies if this is inappropriate for this forum.
BT Corwin is offline  
Old August 20th, 2007, 01:54 PM   #416
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Need 2 costumes (altered tunics) - Rhode Island

They are already sketched out, actors measured, and the material bought. All we need is someone to alter a basic tunic pattern to fit the sketches, cut the costumes out and put them together, and fit them to the characters. They are for a medieval-esque themed short film that will be sent to film festivals next year. We have a very high quality work standard so your work will be seen and noticed. If interested please send us pictures of previous work and your experience with costume creation ASAP.
Cinematography Site
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Old August 25th, 2007, 03:32 AM   #417
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Hi i was thinking over that kind of business like ameteur filmmaking, does anyone tell me where i can sell my clips and other stuff, in internet.
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Old August 27th, 2007, 08:19 AM   #418
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Need XDCAM for MD/DC shoot in Sept 11-12

I need a shooter for 2 full days on September 11-12 for a Corporate/Industrial shoot. I am only interested in a shooter with an XD CAM 330 or 350.

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Old August 27th, 2007, 12:51 PM   #419
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Looking for Specific Footage

Hey Guys, I'm looking for high quality fire releated footage. I own and operate a video website for firefighters and I'm in need of fire footage for my next DVD release. We pay for all the footage we use (usually $100 a fire). We need to find stuff like: firefighters working a fire, wrecks, fire trucks, etc...

Anyone have ANY ideas on where to start. I have a few freelance guys that provide me with footage in the Houston area. I personally shoot some news with my pd150, but I need MUCH more than just me and another guys footage.

Please email me at

my website is
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Old August 27th, 2007, 02:20 PM   #420
Inner Circle
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I built their website a few years back. It's an organization in Idaho comprised of a number of government agencies related to the environment and firefighting. I know they have a lot of footage, but I don't know if they would sell it or not. Might be a good place to start, though.
Black Label Films
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