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Old April 9th, 2007, 09:21 PM   #226
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Producers wanted

Hey guys,
I'm looking for some people who are interested in getting involved in the production side of music videos. This is a very small company dealing with all types of music videos. You will wear many hats, but there is pay.

You must live in the Los Angeles area.

Please email me at

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Old April 10th, 2007, 12:02 PM   #227
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Camera Assistant Needed For Canadian Shoot

Hi All,

I'm looking for a camera assistant for a weeks work in mid May. We're from the UK as is the client and will be filming in and around Brandon, Swift Current and Winnipeg.

This is a corporate/industrial video for a leading UK production company and well known and respected UK manufacturer. I'll need an enthusiastic client friendly assistant to help wield a few lamps and hold the odd microphone.
I'll be shooting on a small indie kit with an HD100/M2 set-up. We'll also have a small jib, small track, and basic lighting kit.

It will be a hard shoot, but quite an interesting one (if you like farms and farmers).

If anyone is up for it please get in touch.

Many thanks,

Liam Hall is offline  
Old April 10th, 2007, 07:37 PM   #228
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Need actors for Southern Ontario shoot...

I'm looking to audition actors for a film I'm shooting in August in Waterloo, about an hour outside of Toronto.

Does anyone know the best place to post ads for auditions or find reasonably experienced actors?

Also, what's your best advice for holding auditions? Previously I had money to rent a hall and hold auditions rather professionally. I don't have a lot of cash this time out, but don't want to do the dweeby thing like holding the auditions in someone's apartment, or something. That's rather unprofessional and could be a "don't go" warning sign for some people.

Any help would be much appreciated.
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Old April 12th, 2007, 11:06 AM   #229
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Hi Dom ( I am presuming that's Dom as in Kingdom ?)

Yes I'm afraid it is the Mike you are thinking of :-(

The funeral hasn't taken place yet so if you are who I think you are and you'd like to come then please just give me a call, if you don't have the number then just ask.

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Old April 12th, 2007, 03:20 PM   #230
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hi lyndon

dont let the location for audions throw you off, you would be surprised where some are held even films in the million mark. but i would not recromend a home or apartment unless your studio is located therem some actors get

we use a freinds work building office room about 50.00 for a few hours or you could try the local library or even some resuraunts have a baquet room you can rent for cheap,

you can also try is a big place for film

feel free to email me i know a few actors some union and some not, my email is im in st.Catharines, about 15 min from niagara falls, if you need a hand LMK, i have some lights and camera equiptment that just sits and collects dust inbetween our shoots.


Last edited by Pete Mander; April 12th, 2007 at 03:24 PM. Reason: adding note
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Old April 13th, 2007, 11:01 AM   #231
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Potential project for a few crew people and actors. Lo/no pay/deferred

I'm currently in preproduction on an independent true story Christian oriented project. Each true story segment averages about 6 minutes. Right now I am breaking down the script and putting together the potential budget. If the money comes in, then I am happy to pay crew. If the money does not come in, well, I need to at least get the first 6 minute segment shot somehow.

The original concept was to go with the project on DVD and I have some ideas for distribution. But, the project is also developed so that it has the potential of being a 30 minute TV program. Regardless of which way the final version ends up, I want to get the first segment shot and the opening designed. As the remainder of it is being shot, I'll at least have something to show people that I have in mind that may have interest.

Since it is in the early stages right now, I'm curious to see if maybe there are some people here that can help on it or can lead me in the right direction to go in order to locate a few crew people willing to come onboard in the early stage when there may or may not be pay upfront but deferred.

My ultimate is to pay the crew because good dependable people deserve to be paid. It's just that right now the pay part is up in the air unless it's deferred.

I'm located in FL about 30 minutes from Daytona Beach. The shoot's location at the present time is estimated to be 40 minutes west of Daytona. It's only a few days of shooting. I'll have the exact number once the breakdown is completed.

Anyway, under the best of circumstances this is a potential list of the positions needed to be filled while working on the breakdown/budget. It would be nice if maybe the lighting and sound person have some equipment, although that's alot to ask when the money may not come in upfront.

I have available the HD camera, and will take care of the editing. I'm not sure just yet but I may have available a portable mixer and a mic or 2. As far as the boom pole, looking at options of assembling one of these as well as a dolly to cut costs.

DP/shooter familar with JVC GY-HD100U
Sound engineer
Boom operator
1 - Key PA, I have available 1-2 other potential PA's to assist

Host (Would like to have a known actor/actress in this role with ties to Christian television. If the financing is in, then I'll have the option. Otherwise, I'll figure out something.)
Woman 65-75 years old
Man 35-45
Other Male roles: 1. 50-60 yrs age range, 2. 65-75 age range
Another Female role 50-60
10 extras ( I believe I have the 10 extras covered.)

Anyway, just thought I'd send it out for advise or maybe locate some people that might have an interest in working on this. I've found so much help in the forum and appreciate any and all feedback. Feel free to send me email directly if you like.

Thank you,
Lisa Bennett is offline  
Old April 13th, 2007, 11:25 AM   #232
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I sent you an email yesterday about this.
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Old April 13th, 2007, 01:42 PM   #233
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Mike Savage

Strange timing to get this message. I've just this minute returned from a photographer friends send off who died of cancer a couple of months ago. It was a sad occasion lightened up by the fact that he'd been a real inspiration to many other people and had produced a substantial body of work in his life.

I met your dad while i was working as a camera assistant on a chanel 5 production called "The Secret of Eel Island" about 3 years ago for Eye Film and TV in Norwich(my hometown). He wasn't on it for more than a few days as he had other commitments but he was easily the most "seasoned pro" on the whole thing. I recall him being an amusing raconteur with his tales of working on early Python stuff in the seventies. If i'd known he'd worked on classic era Stones recordings i'd have wanted to know all about that too. Having warmed to both his friendliness and old school professionalism , i took the liberty of asking him for his phone no and putting it into my book.
I was in the process of buying my first video camera at the time(A Sony PDX10 which he owned himself i believe) then phoned him on a number of occasions over the next year or so with various queries about the camcorder and sound issues etc. I also rang him about Premiere Pro headaches i was having at the time.
He was never anything less than kind and generous with his time, even though he barely knew me.
In fact whenever i have any sound issues he's still the first person who springs to mind.
I've been working with a former BEEB camerman here in London who by chance knew your dad. He too has fond memories of him and he pops up in our conversations at times. He'll be sad to hear the news.
Still, though his life could have been longer, it couldn't have been much fuller.
At least he made his mark while he was here, and the world is a better place for his having passed through it.
Dom Stevenson is offline  
Old April 15th, 2007, 12:20 PM   #234
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My condolences


I'm so sorry to hear about your father because I know the pain all too well. Believe it or not, I've lost two fathers, my birth father (when I was 10) of a heart attack, then my step father (of over 30 years) five years ago.

I wish we could have had you guys on the job. It turned out well since we did get a great shooter named Tony Koorlander who gave us well-composed shots properly exposed and good sound. You and your father would have enjoyed our subject and location, Robin Griffith-Jones who is head of today's Knights Templarj as "Valiant Master" of the Temple Church in London where we had our shoot.

This may be hard to believe, but I can feel my two fathers "in the ether" and sense their presence. This is not BS but is an aspect of some cutting-edge science you can read about in a book called "The Holographic Universe", the premise of which is verifiable by certain "non-local" aspects of quantum mechanics called "spooky action at a distance" by Albert Einstein.

Again, my heart goes out to you over your sudden loss.

Tip McPartland is offline  
Old April 16th, 2007, 10:31 AM   #235
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Post Production Work

Is there anyone in the Boston, MA area who owns a copy of Magic Bullet Suite? I'm working on an art film intended to be shown in an art gallery in Boston and I want to have it converted to 24p from 60i. Thanks.

Matthew Overstreet
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Old April 20th, 2007, 12:23 AM   #236
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LA Composer For Hire!

Feast or Famine, but rarely anything inbetween! Los Angeles composer with fairly open schedule looking for movies/TV/quality projects to score. 16 years scoring as day job in Hollywood. From low-budget MIDI scores to live full orchestra. Feel free to look over resume and listen to samples at Thanks. (Rarely work on freebees unless quality is blown-away great!)
"The real trouble with reality is there's no background music."
Pat Griffin is offline  
Old April 20th, 2007, 05:59 PM   #237
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Premiere Editor Needed April 28th in L.A. (paid)

Videomaker is conducting a 2-day Summit in Los Angeles at the end of April, and we are still in need of a workshop instructor to finish out our instructor pool.

We teach a one-day editing workshop, called "Basic Editing Workshop" using Premiere Pro. We aren't teaching Premiere, we're teaching editing techniques basics, but the instructor needs to know PPro because it is the editing platform we work on.

The Videomaker Summit event will be held at UCLA on April 28th and 29th, our "Basic Editing Workshop" is on Saturday. We broke the class into two groups, which is why I need to find another instructor. The class is a full day workshop teaching the basics of editing, following a PowerPoint-like slideshow outline, but it includes some interactive hands-on work with the attendees. We supply all the video clips you would teach from.

This class in limited to less than 15 attendees. It runs on Saturday, from 9:00am to 4:00 pm, with a one hour lunch break and two 15 minute mid-session breaks. You must have a working knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro.

You can find out more about the workshop, seminars, and the Summit by going to our web site and look up events or West Coast Summit:

Please respond right away if you're interested, Contact me at:

I'll pay $350 for the day, and the first hour of the workshop you use a PowerPoint slideshow we put together, it's the "Lecture" portion of the workshop, then you sit down with a laptop we provide, that has clips that we provide, and shows them the basics of how to capture, then how to organize your shots, then how to do basic editing.. etc.. then how to record to tape or DVD. End of day.

Again: It's Saturday, April 29th 9:00am to 3:45, with a lunch break, and two 15-minute breaks between morning and afternoon sessions.

Here's the link.

It's the one-day Intensive Editing Lesson class:

Thank you for your time!

John Burkhart
John Burkhart
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Old April 21st, 2007, 06:08 AM   #238
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Videographer in Asia with XDCam HD F-350

FYI, I'm available for any production shoots (news,documentary,corporate etc.) I just acquired a brand new XDCam HD F-350 with Fujinon HD Lens 18 X 5.5 BERM with 2X extender.Complete ENG gear IFB,lights,wireless mikes.
can provide transportation and fixers.
Willing to travel anywhere in Asia.

contact nos.
Jakarta cell phone: +62811 963 369
Land Line: 6221 724 7893
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 01:31 PM   #239
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Sony XDCam HD PDW-F350 & JVC GY-HD110 for Rent (NYC/NJ)

How can I help you??
This equipment is ready to do any type of work!
ENG, videography, is your call.

this is my setup::

Sony XDCam HD PDW-F350 (MPEG HD: MPEG-2) 1440 x 1080
Recording Formats:
DVCAM: NTSC/PAL Switchable

Recording Formats:
720/24p, 720/25p, 720/30p, 576/50p, 480/60p, 480/24p, 480/60i

Camera Stabilizer::
Varizoom Flowcam GT

Sony 9' Field Monitor 4x3 - 16:9

Legs and wheels::
Bogen Tripods and Dollys

Frezzi Mini Fills
Tota & Omni Light Kit

Audio Technica wireless System, snap-on EV hand held
Sennheiser Shotgun Mic
Shure SM-58 Mics
Variety of Sony Lavalier mics
Carbon Fiber Boom Pole
Shure FP-33 Stereo ENG Mixer

If you need it just email me or call (201) 951-3798, very LOW Price for any package.
William Osorio is offline  
Old April 23rd, 2007, 10:20 PM   #240
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Experienced editor willing to barter his services

in exchange for a location, or for production insurance.

We're planning on shooting a no-budget feature using Michael Hemmingson's award-winning screenplay, "The Watermelon" - a charming fairy tale about a young stoner who is lost to ennui until an old man shows up with a bequest from his former stepfather. This production is as no-budget as it gets - the script was written with that in mind - so we're looking to save a little more money and barter services. The editor in question is Brad Mays and he's edited over 20 features. His work has received both theatrical distribution and broadcast - so your baby would be in very good hands.

You can see his resume and links to his work here:

The location we need is a house here in Southern California - either Los Angeles or San Diego. The story happens near the beach so it should like like it's in a beach neighborhood - bright, clean and lightly furnished. You need to have a driveway as well. We would be shooting indoors approximately 6 or 7 days, and outdoors approximately 3 days. Our cast and crew are both tiny, and there would rarely, if ever, be more than eight people on your property from the production. We're a SAG production and will be fully insured. Our time frame is open.

We'd also be interested in joining forces with a fully insured production company - the offer of editing services in exchange for co-production status would apply there as well. We'd also be willing to shoot for a production company should that be more appealing - we have a lot of experience with stage shows, and live musical performances.

Anyway, we're willing to barter and there's a lot we know how to do. We can also help with pre-production - budgeting, casting and script breakdowns, etc. Feel free to make a counter offer if you are so inclined.

Lori Starfelt is offline  
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