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Old January 12th, 2015, 08:30 AM   #1
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Helping Hands from 2015

Good morning gents. I need a quote for an 18' Jib with operator for January 25, 2015 at the Vancouver Convention Centre. Set-up will be January 24 @ 6pm. Event date is 7am-7pm on the 25th. We are connecting a Sony D50 to the Jib. You can either operate or you can just baby sit.

Hoping to hear back from our BC folks.

Noel Lising
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Old January 13th, 2015, 08:15 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Need 18' Jib with Operator-Vancouver

Contact Dylan Couper (DVInfo moderator) directly.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster Blog:
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Old January 14th, 2015, 09:49 AM   #3
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Re: Need 18' Jib with Operator-Vancouver

Thanks for the information
Noel Lising
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Old January 27th, 2015, 04:59 PM   #4
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SURREY, UNITED KINGDOM: RED EPIC-X SHOOTING KIT available for rental / hire...

Not sure if this is the right place to post, so apologies in advance if that is the case.

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are now offering a RED Epic-X SHOOTING KIT for £290 per day, £375 per weekend, and £1160 per week! Available in Surrey, United Kingdom.

Our Epic kit comes with everything you need to start shooting right out of the box, including one lens of your choice from our available selection. No additional accessories required, though we have many if needed!

For more information, please check out, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail us at

Cheers, guys.

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Old January 29th, 2015, 07:50 AM   #5
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Shooter for Feb 10 in Salem, OR

Looking for a shooter for a full day February 10 shoot in Salem, Oregon. Prefer Canon C100. But C300, Sony EX1 or 3 are also fine. Other cameras of similar quality would be fine too. Not looking to spend a ton of money on this. So would only want to hire a one person crew. Would involve filming a meeting, some interviews, and lobbying footage at the state capitol. Wireless mic, tripod would be required. Lights not needed.

Email me with some demo footage and pricing at if interested.
C300 - EX1 - T3i - FCP X - Adobe CS6
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Old January 30th, 2015, 03:31 PM   #6
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NJ February 11th, Need a Helping Hand with a Green Screen Shoot

Hi, I'm filming a green screen shoot on February 11th in East Hanover, NJ. Looking for someone to ride co-pilot as I work the camera and actors. Primarily looking for someone who has worked with green screen in the past. I'm familiar enough to know to keep the talent as far from the screen as possible, light them well, and keep the light even on the screen. I'd prefer to have someone there to keep me on track with the lighting as I get distracted by the other stuff.

Let me know if you're interested. Thanks!
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Old January 31st, 2015, 02:52 PM   #7
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Video Editor at Wilderness School

I am a videographer at a wilderness school called Teaching Drum Outdoor School, located in northern Wisconsin. We currently have hundreds of hours of footage that we are turning into documentaries, YouTube shorts, and instructional videos. In 2014, I filmed 350 hours of HD footage of last summer’s intensive wilderness program, and will be starting to edit a feature-length documentary soon.

You can see a teaser for the Guardian Intensive Training documentary at:

Also, our YouTube channel contains our evolving collection of instructional videos:
Teaching Drum - YouTube

I am looking for someone to help create YouTube content and assist me in the production of our upcoming documentary. They would need to be willing to live on-site on the Teaching Drum campus. We provide room and board and a small stipend. I am willing to train them on our equipment, if needed.

My interest in videography is that of a truth-seeker. I see it as an opportunity to dive deeper into the subjects that inspire me. Through my story-telling video work, I get to examine my own biases and beliefs. Our programs approach learning and relationship through a qualitative approach; rather than a list of ‘whats’ we focus on the process of the ‘how.’ Similarly, video editing here does not revolve around deadlines and goal-oriented stress, but rather an appreciation for the art and the learning it inspires.

Because we have such an abundance of video footage to process, we are looking for someone who either has experience with video editing, or the potential to learn quickly. He or she will have the chance to create instructional videos as well as collaborate on full-length documentaries, such as the currently 50% complete Inner Tracking video...

... and the Guardian Intensive documentary(see above link). Future filming projects at the school may also create opportunities for hands-on filming experience.

Due to the amount of training needed for the position, we are looking for someone who can commit to at least 3 months.

Teaching Drum Outdoor School is a non-profit community where over a dozen people live and work to maintain the school’s programs, publish books, create media, and foster a connection with the Earth through a balanced approach to work, our relationships, and with our environment. We gather and harvest a large portion of our own food from the wild, and much of our infrastructure is repurposed and built by our skilled volunteer staff.

Living at Teaching Drum also avails you to the many activities of the school, a list of which can be found at Teaching Drum Outdoor School | Nadmadewining Community.

Compensation for the position is free room and board, featuring an organic paleo diet, living in a rustic a Northwoods community, shared vehicle use, opportunities to learn outdoor living skills, and a $350 stipend. FYI - Our community is drug and alcohol free and we do not allow pets. For more information on Teaching Drum Outdoor School, visit
Teaching Drum Outdoor School | Nadmadewining Community

For any questions on the position, contact me at:

To apply, send an application request to
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Old February 9th, 2015, 12:31 PM   #8
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Location: Maassluis, The Netherlands
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re: Helping Hands from 2015

Hmmm, I should keep an eye on this subforum more often.
Although it is still around 2,5 hour drive, I am located in The Netherlands.
Brainstormnavigator searching for the hole in the sky.....
Audiovisual Designer (NL) -
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Old February 16th, 2015, 04:34 PM   #9
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Posts: 550
Camera op in Dallas? Sat Feb 28, 2015

Who is available? Noon call time. North Central Dallas area.
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Old March 4th, 2015, 01:36 AM   #10
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Corporate Vid Shooter in LA, Mar 12, AM


Looking for an interview to fill out a corporate piece that's already been shot. High-rise office building in West LA / Santa Monica. Three light kit, one camera, lav mic. I literally need a single :15 snippet to include in the final piece, but the producer will want to ask a few questions to get there - maybe a half hour of setup and a 10 minute interview.

I appreciate that talent behind the camera is not based on gear, but I need someone who looks the part - no DSLRs, no handycams, please have something the client will believe is a "real camera".

This piece runs the NEXT DAY, I will need to edit in what you shoot later that same day. Please be able to drop the video in a dropbox/ftp/google drive shortly after the shoot for a same-day edit.

I can show you the remainder of the piece so you have something to try and match.

Producer will be there to ask the questions and handle the interview subject.

Please quote a rate.
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Old March 5th, 2015, 05:38 PM   #11
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Job Opening: Audio and Video Engineer - "The President's Own" U.S. Marine Band

"The President's Own" United States Marine Band is looking for an audio and video recording engineer
with experience/interest in classical music, concert production, and digital asset management.

Marine Band Recording Lab: Marine Band Recording Lab
Recording Engineer Vacancy:
Recent recording:

About the Marine Band
The “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band is America's oldest musical organization, whose
primary mission is to provide music for the President of the United States. Marine Band musicians
perform frequently at the White House in small ensembles, chamber orchestra, concert band, and as
soloists. The Marine Band performs for a wide variety of commitments, to include public concerts,
recording sessions, touring, chamber music recitals, military ceremonies and state functions. Today's
Marine Band is composed of 154 of the nation's finest musicians which includes a support staff such as
Recording Engineers, Public Affairs Specialists, and Librarians. Those selected for "The President's Own"
are exempt from recruit training and are appointed to the rank of Staff Sergeant/paygrade E-6 under a
contract "for duty with the U.S. Marine Band only."

Position Qualifications
Typical responsibilities include recording audio and video for Marine Band concerts and recording
projects, providing sound enhancement and reinforcement for Marine Band performances, editing and
mastering audio, and editing video. In addition, the recording engineers share responsibility for the
Marine Band’s recording studio, to include the inventory and routine maintenance of all sound/recording
equipment and the preservation of the Marine Band’s recorded archive collections.
Applicants for this position should have a strong background in classical music and significant prior
training and experience in the concepts, techniques, and technology involved in classical music recording,
editing, and production, and providing sound reinforcement for a variety of music genres. Experience
with Pyramix, Sequoia, or comparable multitrack, source/destination capable digital audio editing
software strongly preferred. Experience with digital video editing and production software is preferred.
Enlistment Qualifications

Current regulations authorize enlistment between ages 17 and 28. Age waivers may be granted in some
cases; however the maximum age for which waivers may be granted to those with no prior military service
is 34. Applicants must also pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and a complete
physical examination, which includes complying with established height/weight standards both at the
time of enlistment and throughout one’s Marine Corps career.

United States citizenship and successful completion of an extensive background investigation are
mandatory in order to obtain a Secret Security Clearance with Category III White House Access.
Applicants holding dual citizenship will be required to renounce their foreign citizenship as a prerequisite
to obtaining clearance. This clearance is a requirement for the assignment of the Military Occupational
Specialty (MOS) 5511 - Member, U.S. Marine Band. Due to the length and scope of the security clearance
process, it is initiated following the member's enlistment onto active duty. Failure to obtain and maintain
this security clearance may result in administrative separation from the U.S. Marine Corps. To learn
more, please visit Career Information

Application Process
Interested applicants should submit the following items no later than June 12, 2015:

1) A cover letter and resume listing education, past experience, and current employment, as well as
phone numbers and email addresses for three references.

2) Two audio samples of one’s recorded work, to include detailed information regarding the
techniques, equipment, and recording environment in which they were produced. Samples will
not be returned to applicants following the selection process.

All materials should be sent electronically using a cloud or web service.

Applicants will be contacted after the requested material has been received and reviewed by the Marine
Band. Qualified applicants will take part in a phone interview which will take place in late June 2015.
Competitive applicants will be notified by July 10, 2015 and invited to an interview that will take place mid
August, 2015 at Marine Barracks in Washington, D.C. Applicants are responsible for all of their own travel
expenses. For further information, please contact:

Gunnery Sergeant Jeffrey Higgs
Recording Engineer
United States Marine Band
8th and I Sts SE, Washington, DC 20390-5000

US Marine Band
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Old March 17th, 2015, 01:50 AM   #12
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Warwickshire UK - small shooting job.

I need someone to shoot a factory tour video; footage only. Very small location j/o junct.1 of M6. If anyone in the vicinity with the the time to do it please contact me for details. I have a previous sample/shot list to show what is required. Would like it to be done this week. Can be shot on any HD format that can be sent uncompressed via Dropbox. Payment by bank transfer. Sorry this does not carry enough payment to cover travel costs.
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Old March 24th, 2015, 02:55 PM   #13
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Interview shoot in Naples, FL

I am working on a historical documentary and one of the subjects lives in Naples Florida. Is there anyone in that general area that could shoot an interview for me? It would take maybe two hours. You can respond with work samples and rates to phil dot centerstreet at gmail dot com. Thanks!
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Old March 25th, 2015, 10:08 PM   #14
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Re: Interview shoot in Naples, FL

Check your email, sent info on a source there who may be able to point you to someone...
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Old March 31st, 2015, 05:59 PM   #15
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Location: Kirkland, WA
Posts: 474
Need F/T Video Editor - Seattle Area

I need to immediately hire a contract editor for a potentially long-term series of projects (lots of work in the pipe already). Must be comfortable with Final Cut Pro X, Photoshop, etc.

Ideal candidate can also take on other imaging projects as well, such as occasional secondary camera work and some asset editing in Photoshop.

Pay is DOE, but what I'm really looking for is someone that can really crank out material and has a good understanding of building a narrative around editorial content. Work is primarily in the automotive editorial and motorsport genres.

I'd be willing to take on a less experienced editor if they're willing to put in the effort. Must be based in or near Seattle. Work at my place or yours.

Email me: ryan - at -
MediaSpigot LLC
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