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Old June 21st, 2015, 05:54 AM   #46
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Re: Need full-time editor in Mandeville, LA

Sure, it's possible to do editing from a remote location, but in our case, we need editors (we are hiring two) in the office. The job is actually for editing and shooting. We (producers) often sit with the editors to make sure we're getting what we need. For those two reasons (shooting as well as the direct collaboration), we need two more people in-house.

We have used production houses and editors who were not on site for several years, and there are just too many missed communications along the way.

We produce three television/video series (two are on three networks, each, and one is digital distribution), as well as DVDs, etc.

As is detailed in the link, the subject matter is primarily firearms, shooting, competition, etc.
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Old July 5th, 2015, 04:31 AM   #47
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re: Helping Hands from 2015

Sorry I didn't read about this before. I live in Amsterdam and am willing and able to travel wherever a paid gig brings me! (even a 2 hour drive to Groningen... ;-) I also shoot with an EX3, among others.

So next time you're looking for a shooter in the Netherlands, let me know. I'm a documentary filmer who's done a lot of event registration and short (corporate) work.

Take care,

Jeroen Wolf
Imagine Video productions
Valeriusstraat 144
1075 GE Amsterdam
the Netherlands
Imagine Video Productions
__________________ Just published the second of my viral mini-doc series '100'
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Old July 5th, 2015, 04:40 AM   #48
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re: Helping Hands from 2015

Originally Posted by Andrew Smith View Post
The bad news is that he recorded it off the webcam on his laptop.
Seriously? wtf, you don't have to post his details here but did the person you hired presented themselves as a professional videocompany? I hope you did not have to pay them in full.
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Old July 5th, 2015, 05:22 AM   #49
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re: Helping Hands from 2015

Sorry for any vagueness.

To clarify, it was the academic (speaker) who recorded himself using his laptop and its inbuilt camera. There was no video professional involved, sadly.

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Old July 18th, 2015, 07:24 AM   #50
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Need shooter for comedy benefit in Montreal 7/23

Hi all, I'm posting this on behalf of a friend who is looking for someone to document a show for a great cause. The show is Thursday July 23rd in Montreal. Here is the info. Please email Jodi directly rather than PM'ing me. Thanks!

Some of the funniest comedians including Jimmy Carr, Bert Kreisher and Shaun Majumder will lend their time to perform free of charge for cancer patients who, through their participation in the special programs at the Hope & Cope Wellness Centre, are learning to cope with the challenges of cancer and to live well in the face of illness.

This year’s show at the Centre is being produced by Comedy Gives Back (CGB), the social benefit company that leverages comedy and technology to raise funds and awareness for various charities and causes. CGB creates groundbreaking initiatives that help transform the world through the power of laughter.

The show will take place in Montreal at the Hope and Cope Wellness Center - 4635 Ch de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine at 2:30 pm. We are looking for someone who has a camera and can film this special show and get some reactions from audience members. The time commitment would be approximately 2 hours. If you know of anyone who can lend their services, it would be appreciated.

Thank you!

jodilieberman *at*
Charles Papert
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Old August 5th, 2015, 06:55 AM   #51
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I shot a 30 second commercial with a friend

of mine about five years ago. I can't find him now. A company would like to use the commercial. I will not be able to obtain consent. What are the pitfalls of me allowing the company to use this commercial without the actors permission?
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Old August 5th, 2015, 04:39 PM   #52
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Re: I shot a 30 second commercial with a friend

Depends on whether a contract was drafted and whether any compensation is being offered. He could see the commercial and either request compensation or request his likeness not be used without his consent, at which point the company would not be able to use the commercial unless/until they make an agreement with him or risk legal action. Likewise, he might approach you requesting a percentage of whatever compensation you receive from the company's use of the commercial.

It's also possible that the company using the commercial discovers your friend has not given consent and could take pre-emptive legal action against you to cover themselves.

Not sure if that is a complete answer, but hope it helps.
Reel Impressions Media - Make it more than a memory
GY-HD100- 7D- PSC Promix 3- Lectro/Sennheiser- Zoom H4- MPB- CS6/CC
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Old August 6th, 2015, 03:17 AM   #53
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Re: I shot a 30 second commercial with a friend

You should consult with a lawyer rather than ask for advice on a Internet forum.
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Old August 6th, 2015, 05:35 PM   #54
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Re: I shot a 30 second commercial with a friend

Nevermind what I said. ^^^This.^^^
Reel Impressions Media - Make it more than a memory
GY-HD100- 7D- PSC Promix 3- Lectro/Sennheiser- Zoom H4- MPB- CS6/CC
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Old August 9th, 2015, 10:59 AM   #55
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Re: I shot a 30 second commercial with a friend

I appreciate all of your replies. It really isn't that big of a deal, though. I Will just not pursue it.
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Old August 28th, 2015, 01:23 PM   #56
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Canon USA is hiring a pro market tech rep in the New York area

Somebody's dream job, right here... it helps if you live on (or can relocate to) Long Island. The right person for the job will be doing a *lot* of travelling around the USA.

"looking for a highly technical person with a strong background in still photography, but also some experience in pictures that move. NYC based (or within about 30-45 minutes of the city). Must have technical skills in networking."

More info about qualifications, etc. at this link -- Now Hiring: Pro Market Specialist at Canon USA

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Old August 31st, 2015, 09:03 PM   #57
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Volunteer shooter needed for charity event (Fairfax, VA) 9/20

I've shot and produced an 8-10 minute video of a 5k run and cultural event for the last several years for a local charity, Asha-Jyothi, who uses the video as its primary tool for recruiting volunteers and attracting contributors. I'm unavailable this year, and the charity is anxious to maintain a high quality video for these purposes. I know we have D.C.-area videographers here. Any takers?

My video from last year to give you an idea of expectations (FYI, I shot this on a Sony FS700 and had an assistant running sound):

Production time commitment is about 5 hours. You'll likely get exposure on their website and on promo materials, plus a whopping good feeling about doing a right thing.

If you're interested, get directly in touch with Yamini Ganta at yaminig AT hotmail DOT com.

If you have any questions for me, certainly post them here or PM me.

Thanks for your consideration!
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Old September 2nd, 2015, 03:41 PM   #58
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Looking for someone from Calgary + Edmonton area to shoot winner profile videos

I'm based out of Toronto and have been commissioned to produce winner profile videos for a corporate award show. Few of the winners are in Calgary & Edmonton and I'm looking to have someone from that area to shoot those videos for me. The shoot involves, doing talking head interview (3-5 questions) with 1-2 people, b-roll shots of the company exterior/interior and a few b-roll shots of the winner doing his/her daily work. Each location would take about 2 hours to shoot. No editing required (send the raw footage to me). I'm looking to have this done next week (week of Sept 7th) as the award show is the week after. I will do all the scheduling. Please respond if you can take this up. Please slo provide me a similar sample work of yours. Thanks.
Ram Purad :: Aspiring Event Filmmaker
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Old September 11th, 2015, 10:30 AM   #59
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Hiring full-time editor in Louisiana

We're growing again!!!

We are hiring another video editor/shooter. This is an office job (not remote), in Mandeville, LA. (About 30 miles north of New Orleans). We produce three TV series. Applicants should have five (5) years experience, with extra weight given to television (production schedules, you know). Send resumes to

Our shows and videos are about guns, shooting, training and safety. You can see what we do on our YouTube channel.

Salary, insurance, 401K benefits.
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Old September 11th, 2015, 10:51 AM   #60
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Need Ronin operator Boston Sept 26

I'm shooting music video in Dartmouth mass ( beach town) on Sept 26.
I need someone very experienced in setting up and balancing full size Ronin ( not Ronin m).
I'll be shooting with my Sony Fs7, and will be bringing my Ronin and harness. If someone has their own Ronin, with the Cine milled extension arms, that might work. In that case I would bring only my camera and harness.
If anyone is interested, please contact me.
Bruce Yarock
Yarock at a o l dot com
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