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Old June 19th, 2012, 01:42 PM   #121
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Location: Parsippany, NJ, USA
Posts: 62
Looking for Office set to rent

Hi all,

I am looking to shoot a scene involving a nice office with cubical. Does anyone know where I can rent such location for one day in New Jersey/NYC area?

Any help appreciated.


Aaron Leung is offline  
Old June 19th, 2012, 09:10 PM   #122
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Re: Looking for Office set to rent

Assuming you've got some budget, look for a place that rents furnished offices. I've rented offices from companies like Regus before for shoots. A good place to start is Craigslist. You won't find exactly what you're looking for, but you should just call the realtor/broker and tell him or her what you're looking to do and how much you're willing to spend. They'd rather rent the space short term than have it sit empty. I once got a 4 office suite for a week for about $1,000.
Adam Bauser is offline  
Old June 20th, 2012, 09:38 PM   #123
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Re: Looking for Office set to rent

Hey Adam, thx for the tip.

We end up being able to shoot at one of the client's office. So, that saves a lot of hassel. Thanks for the tip. I will keep that in my bag of tricks.

btw, I somehow clicked into your blog and came across the "7 Keys to Comprehension" article. Gonna check that book out. :)
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Old June 22nd, 2012, 11:04 AM   #124
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2nd Shooter and Sound in Portland, OR

July 11th - doc shoot.

Looking to hire a DSLR shooter in or around Portland, OR. Any variety of Canon DLSR owner/op (APS-C preferred, but full frame will be considered as well), with a reasonable selection of lenses (zooms are a must).

Also looking to hire a sound mixer with multi-track recorder, at least 2 wireless lavs, and a boom.

Lastly, also looking to hire on a tripod and 2 fluorescent lights (kino 4bank, diva 400 or similar - no CFL fixtures). Would love if one of the above crew members could be the source for these.

Please send rates (for a <10 hour day), reels (doc examples are a must), and equipment info to


Dave Dodds • Cameraman/Director •
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Old June 27th, 2012, 11:58 AM   #125
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Re: Pageant editing

I ended up working with Alejandro Pineyro on this project and couldn't have been happier. Very easy to work with and very happy with the end result. He is a member here on the forum.
Richard Davidson is offline  
Old June 29th, 2012, 02:29 PM   #126
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Shooter/Editor available for contract work

I'm Joel Brooks, owner of MIT Video Productions based near Dallas, TX. I have been in the commercial video production industry for 25 years.

" Video is a passion of mine and it is a very powerful communication tool."

MIT Video produces video for companies and businesses both large and small. "We offer competitive pricing to accommodate a large array of companies, businesses and individuals."

MIT has produced video for: WFAA-TV 8 (ABC affiliate in Dallas, TX), Dateline NBC, Reality TV shows, United Way, Churches, Businesses, and Organizations, both large and small. " We master in high definition utilizing Sony XDCAM-HD cameras, non-linear editing, plus we offer Blu-ray DVD formats in addition to standard definition DVD authoring and duplication."

I am seeking additional short-term & long-term contract work.

I am available for destination events & shoots on location. Please visit my website for more information & to view commercial video sample clips.

Joel Brooks
MIT Video
Moments In Time Video Productions
817-771-8347 (text this number if you need)

Last edited by Joel Brooks; June 29th, 2012 at 04:54 PM.
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Old June 30th, 2012, 01:04 PM   #127
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Free help in LA

Hi there! I just moved to LA and I'm trying to get connected. I've done a bunch of small corporate videos and tv spots in mexico (, but I'd like to try my luck in LA now. If any of you is doing a TV spot, a short film, a feature film, some nice photo shoots, anything at all with quality, I'd love to help. I can assist a DP, a producer and direct. I own a 5D mark ii, a macbook, a glidecam and i'm a fast learner. Anything at all would be interesting.

Thank you!
Adrian Vedder is offline  
Old July 5th, 2012, 09:34 AM   #128
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West Virginia University seeks Full-Time Video Producer

Here's a great job working for one of the best university communications teams in the country---take a look, and feel free to apply! Following is the link to the job opening (with more details) and the job description.


West Virginia University Seeks a Talented Visual Storyteller

West Virginia University’s Division of University Relations seeks a well-rounded video
producer, photographer, and photography editor to help identify and tell the university’s stories
to a diverse audience. The ideal candidate will be part photojournalist, and part video
producer/editor—with a creative talent for capturing action and emotion, whether in video or in a
single photograph. The ability to develop compelling narratives is important, as is the ability to
think creatively and explore new ways to tell stories—in standalone videos and photo galleries,
and as contributing media within larger transmedia projects.

The producer should be equally at home working alone or in larger creative teams that include
writers, designers, web developers, and other multimedia producers. Individuality is important,
as is teamwork and the ability to find common ground with other creative professionals. Good
communication skills are essential, as the position requires working with people throughout the
university including students, faculty, and administration. Finally, demonstrated ability to adapt
and grow with emerging technologies is an advantage.

Requirements are a Bachelor’s degree in journalism, communication, graphic design, marketing,
public relations, or related field and two years of experience with all aspects of multimedia
(slideshows, videos, etc.), including but not limited to production, project management, creative
direction, two years of experience with shooting and editing photos, and one year preferred
experience with new writing/editing.

Additional technical skills preferred include a solid working knowledge of Canon or Nikon
DSLR’s; experience with leading video editing applications (Premiere Pro preferred but not
essential); experience with leading image editing software (Adobe Creative Suite products
preferred but not essential); knowledge of Apple computers; knowledge of digital media
management techniques; and solid knowledge of audio capture and lighting techniques.

Also preferred is a working knowledge of various digital delivery methods for video and photography—from social media, YouTube, and online news to video walls and large-screen projection.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and resume to Dave Rogers at: Application must be received by July 20 for consideration.
Scott Wilkinson is offline  
Old July 13th, 2012, 07:42 AM   #129
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Second shooter needed for Waterfest, Englishtown, NJ

Looking for a second shooter to help me cover Waterfest, the premiere VW get together in North America in Englishtown, NJ next weekend.

DSLR shooters heavily encouraged as that is the look that is preferred for the style of shooting. If you have shot automotive marketing material before, you know the deal; shooting lifestyle, nice cars, lots of girls, drunk shenanigans all night, all the while having a beer or three while on the clock, company paid for! (its a really sweet gig...)

The gig would run from Friday to Sunday, all day shooting... Paid obviously, and scaled depending on how much equipment you bring (I shoot Canon DSLR so there is a lens stash built up for general use). I will warn, this will not be industry standard rates and I would prefer hiring a hand that knows the show, that has been there before, and would enjoy working with my company (Unitronic). Lodging is there, as well as meals covered.

Already have tripods, sliders, steadicam, and a KC12/8 with a PT20 head... All will be available for useage. Main focus will be video, but if you can do stills here and there too, thats a bonus.

Get in touch!
Automotive Multimedia
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Old July 14th, 2012, 11:15 PM   #130
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Location: Ipswich, Queensland, Australia
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Colour correction/finishing wizards in Brisbane, Australia?

Hi, all. I work for a cerebral palsy charity in Ipswich, Queensland. I've put together a 10-minute video using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and a little bit of After Effects and Digital Juice. Unfortunately, I'm severely colour blind. Although I've done my best at colour correction, I wonder if there's a colour correction guru nearby who could help me finish this. It's unpaid and all for a good cause.

While we're at it, this video is a collaborative effort and if you think you're good at polishing up video, I'm all ears. Anyone want to meet up with me sometime for a finishing session?

Sony PMW-EX1R, Miller tripod and dolly, Rode NTG-1 shotgun mic, Adobe Creative Cloud
Richard Cavell is offline  
Old July 22nd, 2012, 08:38 PM   #131
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Looking for shooters in Chicago (Grayslake area)

We are currently looking for shooters in the Chicago area. This has the potential to be ongoing work. Experience with a steadicam is a plus.

We are holding open interviews at our office downtown Grayslake this Tuesday and Wednesday. Please contact me for more information.

Todd Kivimaki
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Old July 23rd, 2012, 07:56 AM   #132
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Re: Looking for shooters in Chicago (Grayslake area)

Just sent an email your way.

Ross Zuchowski
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Old July 25th, 2012, 11:03 AM   #133
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Long-term event editing opportunity

Hi All,

I'm searching for editors that would like to be included in a referral list/database which I can forward to my shoot-only clients so that they can have multiple options when choosing an editor.

A little background - In 2013 I'm going to take on a limited amount of commissions for event shoots that I will personally edit. For all others I'm including unlimited event-day coverage and a hard drive loaded with all captured footage, including wedding party flip cameras I provide, special-angle GoPro shots and remote, close-audio recordings. I will continue doing same day edits and trailers for each wedding, but full-edits will be outsourced not by me, but by the couple. Just to clarify - the workflow will be as follows: I am contracted to shoot the day, afterwards they receive the hard drive (I keep the footage archived here as well.) They can either archive the footage, edit it themselves or shop for an editor from the referral list that I provide. As of July in 2012 I am shooting 38 events, all of which include only the shooting aspect of the production on the contract. I expect to shoot as many if not more in 2013, so there is substantial opportunity to funnel work to editors.

Whether you’re an individual or company there is some information that should be in place before I can add your names to list (all these items can be made either publicly or privately accessible):

* Make available a list of the editing style(s) you offer (see below for how I’ve been handling this.)
* Have samples (excerpts or full) of your editing styles available to view online
* Have a price list for your editing services available
* State what your return-time will be

This information can be provided to the couple on a web page, sent as a pdf or included as text in an email - whichever way you think presents you in the best way and also fits into your marketing scheme.

Editing option ideas - As of 2010 I’ve made all editing services (with the exception of same-day edits) available as an invoiced option after the event. The available choices are the preview, documentary, short-form cinematic and something I’ve been calling ‘documentary elements’ which is the full ceremony and reception speeches. (This has been a popular add-on to the same-day edit, preview and short-form options.) You’re free to offer the same options, others you’re familiar with or even just one style - as long as what you offer follows the four guidelines listed above.

Technically - I shoot all weddings with Canon DSLR’s. I run 3 cameras during the ceremony and capture the speeches and dances with two cameras. I shoot alone. The average amount of footage I come home from an event with is approximately 60-120GB. The hard drive will be formatted according the couple's preference - Apple/Mac or Windows/PC. (With inexpensive software utilities both formats are fully cross-platform. More information here: WEDDING FILMS - HARD DRIVE FORMAT COMPATIBILITY.) Because I'll have all footage archived also I will also be able to send the footage to the editor of their choice formatted for Apple or PC. After the editing is completed the drive is returned to me.

I hope I included everything you'd need to know. My movie samples, information about my editing styles and contact information is all available at my website. If you have any other technical questions just let me know - either through my website or a P.M.
Joel Peregrine is offline  
Old July 25th, 2012, 11:25 AM   #134
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Re: Long-term event editing opportunity


1. How are you recording sound to the DSLR's ?

2, How are you currently handling music clearances.

I will send PM via this site.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 25th, 2012, 04:50 PM   #135
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Re: Long-term event editing opportunity

1. What happens if the couple is not happy with the final edit?
2. What if the editor gets sick or hurt, and can't complete a job he started?
3. Is the final product ultimately your work, or the editor's?
4. What if the editor realizes that he exceeded his estimated allotted time, and needs more time and money to complete the project due to unforeseen obstacles in the footage?
Warren Kawamoto is offline  
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