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Old May 25th, 2003, 05:56 PM   #61
Inner Circle
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Location: Centreville Va
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thanks for being more clear about all this. MS does sell a media server along with media management software, but there is always room for competition, espcially if it can be done on Linux or other competing platforms. Anyway, now that you've explained it better, it sounds promising, though there is always risk involved with any venture. Initially it did sound like you were trolling.

I've talked to a local raggae artist who said the people he knows don't want to use DV to shoot their video. they want film, even 16mm, if that's all the company has, problem is they want to do it on a DV budget. Oh well. I've mentioned the DVX100 to them, but they can't get "DV" out of their brains.

good luck. I'd love to sit in on a shoot.

P.S. I just bought a 24fps super8 film camera with a 77mm 1:1.7 glass lense, and sync burst support. Just have to figure out how to fix the power connection to get it to work. That would be a great camera to do a low budget music video with.
Joe Carney is offline  
Old May 26th, 2003, 02:42 AM   #62
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I am a little out of the area but I would love to help.
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Old May 26th, 2003, 08:34 PM   #63
Slash Rules!
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I'm a Houston-based XL1s owner

I should have done this a long time ago. I'm a Houston-based XL1s owner, plus I have a lot of other gear.

I've been freelancing for about a year and a half, and have developed a significant amount of skill and talent in that time.

Sorry, I'm seeking paid work only, as I have done a fair share of free gigs, and now have a steady one. I will work relatively cheap however.

Email =
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Old May 26th, 2003, 10:30 PM   #64
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Ready to shoot … DC Area, MD/VA


Coming from a Sony PC-5 (sorry) I have shot and edited a couple a documentaries (3-35 minutes) of mostly vacations, events, weddings and parties (Premiere and then Vegas).
I now own a XM2 (PAL version of the GL2) with a WD58 and ME-66 (waiting for a MM-1 mic pre-amp).

You can see some stills from the first doc I’ve made with the XM2 during some anti-war protests (DC and NY)… freezing 10F..fully automatic (picture and sound)… this ME66 is way too hot … and my fingers were way too cold !

If you want to see some grainy and interlaced stills from my PC5 era (+ my first DVD cover) :

So I’m interested in any filming activity (doc, movie…) in the DC area (including MD and VA). It’s a hobby so I’m doing it just for the fun of it !

PS: I hope that owning a PAL gear will not be a problem.


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Old May 27th, 2003, 05:45 AM   #65
New Boot
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Location: Lake Worth, Fl
Posts: 13
Hi Joe,
You've obviosly spent some time researching the streaming technology, but others reading this may enjoy a brieif overview of some more on this....

The server software Microsoft sells is definitely worth bringing up. Their newest for streaming, Corona, allows us to have a video playback to consumers as "instant on", with less than 2 seconds of buffering---this is a big deal if you want a 10 minute or 60 minute online video to stream instantly----this is where the lame progressive download type "stream" that Quicktime is known for, destroys the medium for consumer acceptance. Also, it is supposed to allow us to do one encode to a high bitrate and quality, and the "server" will stream it as fast to the consumer as they can take it--actually creating the optimal bit rate for each consumer --the server does this, not our encode...! ( I will be trying this data rate function on a new server in the next week or two).

This side to online video is where we as videographers, can make sure a consumer gets to see a "preview" of the video immediately, in high quality. We "can" use DRM for this, but usually, we only use DRM for video which people download onto their hard drive, as opposed to using it for streams where most people won't be capturing the video on their hard drive....typically, the consumer watches a short preview via the stream, and if the video is good, they get "pregnant enough" to decide they want the download file --they decide they want to purchase the whole video. This download file would be DRM wrapped, it would be the full length, in high quality, and it would be for download to the hard drive. The artist/videographer/client for the video project has already determined what "rules" the DRM file will follow on the consumer's computer--things like, should they be allowed a lifetime play license, or should there be a time period, things like one free play then pay next time--or no free plays; things like "Do Not Allow CD Burning", or if its an audio track, a rule which "allows" the consumer to download from their computer into an MP3 Player like a Nomad Jukebox ( Creative Labs).
You can sit these DRM wrapped video files on a Windows http server, or you can sit them on an Apache server ( linux)----they are just downloads, so the stream server issue does not apply here.

When I hear that an artist does not want a DV music video, it suggests to me they have seen one or more bad examples, of bad lighting, bad composition, etc., and or that the artist wants a $400,000 35 mm film based music video.
In any event, there are many, many artists out there who do not share this myopia, and who would embrace the opportunities we can share with them.

The next time we are shooting one of the Breakout Records artists will be in mid to late June---maybe you would be interested in showing up and helping, hanging out, whatever--in any event, consider yourself invited.

I'll post again when we are about 9 days out from planning a shoot.
Dan Volker
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Old May 28th, 2003, 12:00 AM   #66
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Ready to shoot seems to be the norm around D.C. I got a GL2 too and I've been trying to find some work to do, but don't really know anyone in the area. It's a shame there aren't more people from D.C. around here.

I'll probably be shooting a short in the city later this fall... if I can find enough actors. It be nice if we could get all the people in the area together sometime that would be interested in doing a small project, I'm sure there are loads of people around here that are into film and video production as a hobby.
John Lee
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Old May 28th, 2003, 12:05 AM   #67
Slash Rules!
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Austin contacts

I'm in Houston now, but I'll likely be moving to Austin in about a year. I was going to take a trip up there with my so called demo reel and see if I could find some people who might take me on when I get up there.

Does anyone know of good places in Austin for a guy who's still relatively new to the biz? Freelance, production houses, whatever.
Josh Bass is offline  
Old May 29th, 2003, 05:49 PM   #68
Inner Circle
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Thanks, let me know.
Joe Carney is offline  
Old June 1st, 2003, 04:51 PM   #69
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DV Crew(s) for doc on rockers Chicago

Hi gang,

Without going into specific detail, we're seeking DV crews to assist in shooting a documentary on rock legends Chicago. Now in their 36th touring season, Chicago is second only to the Rolling Stones in longevity.

Need crews for the following cities: Philadelphia, Atlantic City, Long Island (Jones Beach), Atlanta and Chicago.

Please review the working website at

Check out our previous DV work at

Lou Angeli is offline  
Old June 1st, 2003, 08:17 PM   #70
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Doc on rockers?

Oh. At first I thought you meant a doc on the Rockies. That I could help you with.

How you doing, Lou? Nice to see you hanging out here, now.

I've come a long way since we last spoke. Now I'm shooting and editing my own stuff.

Those are pretty rookie-looking turnouts you and Amy are wearing in you Web photo. Need to get some dirt on 'em.

Say hello to Amy for me.

Old June 1st, 2003, 09:05 PM   #71
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Hello Lou,

I'm from the lehigh valley area, and have access to 2 XL1-s cameras with acc's with personal and i'm interested in learning more about your project ahd how i could help out.

E-mail me at either or

Mike Rinkunas is offline  
Old June 1st, 2003, 10:22 PM   #72
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If your looking for crew in the Atlanta area, I would be interested I shoot on XL1 or PD150 along with complete light/sound kit.

Michel Brewer is offline  
Old June 2nd, 2003, 07:07 PM   #73
New Boot
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Location: Hialeah, Florida
Posts: 6
Hoping to shoot a feature in Florida...

Hello everyone! I'm an actor/writer/director who just can't get a break. Trying to deal with agents and production companies to help you out can be quite stressful, if you don't have the right connections. So, I have decided to shoot the moon and give it a go all by myself (and hopefully with a little help from you guys!)

I recently bought a Panasonic AG-DVX100, tripod, dolly, Sennheiser ME66/K6, and some build them yourself lights which I like to call lego lights. I was hoping to meet some people on here that wouldn't mind working with $0 budget (spent it all on equipment) or with a first timer. I would need pretty much everything ranging from actors, grips, everything...

Here's hoping for some replies!
Michael Welles is offline  
Old June 2nd, 2003, 07:31 PM   #74
Capt. Quirk
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Hi Michael- Welcome to the place. I'm sure you'll find plenty of folk in Fla. This board has several members scattered thru out the state, myself being on the Space Coast.
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 07:48 PM   #75
New Boot
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Location: Hialeah, Florida
Posts: 6
Thanks for the welcome Keith. And oops! See, I already forgot to mention where I'm from. I'm from Hialeah, FL. I hope to find some nearby neighbors.

The Space Coast is very nice. :)
Michael Welles is offline  
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