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Old May 10th, 2003, 03:47 AM   #46
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I'm trying to market my services to hunters and others who visit South Africa. I have been working through local Outfitters as well, but I believe it would benefit if I could contact potential visitors direct.
Any ideas who to contact?
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Old May 11th, 2003, 04:28 PM   #47
Inner Circle
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Dan,Not exactly sure what you want by your post. Are you looking for another camera person? A DV based editor?
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Old May 12th, 2003, 02:59 PM   #48
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Documentary shooters needed in LA this Saturday...

As part of the regular Instant Films festival (, we are initiating the "Instant Documentary" this weekend. The Instant Films weekend involves 8 groups making short films over 48 hours, culminating with a gala screening in Los Angeles on Sunday night; the documentary of the weekend will also be screened on Sunday.

We need LA based camera crews to cover the event on Saturday and Sunday (the 17th and 18th). If you have a solid DV package and have experience shooting documentary/news and would like to participate in this exciting event, please email me at with an equipment list and resume (or a description of your experience level). There is no pay, as is the case with the filmmakers who participate, but it is a lot of fun to be a part of.

Check out this article on todays homepage, also seen in the Hollywood Reporter:

Charles Papert
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Old May 12th, 2003, 07:12 PM   #49
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From Tucson

I have 3 XL-1S's and other goodies available in Tucson.
Bob Deming
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Old May 12th, 2003, 07:17 PM   #50
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Daniel's last visit here was on February 27, 2003, the same date of his only post. So it doesn't look like he's interested in being an active member here.

It you're interested in pursuing his offer I suggest following up with him at his email address.
Lady X Films: A lady with a boring wardrobe...and a global mission.

Hey, you don't have enough stuff!
Buy with confidence from our sponsors. Hand-picked as the best in the business...Really!

See some of my work one frame at a time:
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Old May 20th, 2003, 09:56 AM   #51
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FCP Editor

Looking for an FCP editor to join team on a very ambitious project. This project has a very lucrative upside and would allow for an editor to really show their stuff, developing a style over more than just a 5 minute short. The one thing it doesn't have is money upfront, but for the right editor percentage of ownership is a possibility. NYC based if possible. Thanks.
...all I need is a crumb!
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Old May 20th, 2003, 01:34 PM   #52
New Boot
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What I am looking for is one or two guys who have cameras, and who would like the opportunity to shoot scenes in music videos. Right now I am the only shooter, and it would be far better to have 2 or 3 cameras rolling.
We have some very talented artists to shoot, and some very good visual concepts for video.

What we don't have is much of a budget right now, but we will be gaining a budget in the near future, as some investor funds are beginning to flow. .. Also, the way the videos will be marketed, with each audio track an artist sells, they are automatically kicking in a piece of the production cost for the video and for the marketing costs--this is through our Digital Rights Management system.
I'm actually kind of suprised no one on this list is interested in the potential of DRM based video sales, as it is one of the most powerful new methods of income generation a videographer can have....If you do have an interest, ask me :-)
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Old May 20th, 2003, 08:12 PM   #53
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Need NYC and LA shooters for a MAJOR project

I have been doing a documentary for the last couple years, as it nears the end, I have had to have back surgery and cannot travel. I need someone in NYC and someone in LA that can shoot interviews. Style is all handlheld and subjects will vary from executives to celebrities. A colleague of mine will join you and ask the questions, I just need someone to shoot on miniDV (project has been mainly shot on an XL1s). You must have your own gear, good sound IS A MUST! Small budget but a HUGE project that will get an oscar push. Please reply with a resume, experience, your location and a gear list. This could be as soon as late next week. THANKS!

ash =o)
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 02:10 PM   #54
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Make a simple webpage
Get yourself on
Get in contact with your local Film Commission or Tourist Board. Foreign productions always contact them for help and they can then introduce you or give you an e-mail address to write to.

Good luck!

Dan Uneken
Film & TV locations & production Spain
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Old May 22nd, 2003, 04:54 PM   #55
Inner Circle
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I assume you want somone with a camera like yours. What about editing and mixing and all the other post stuff involved? Or is that covered.

If you are offering jobs, maybe you should post in the jobs forum?
Joe Carney is offline  
Old May 23rd, 2003, 06:25 AM   #56
New Boot
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I am looking for a person or persons with an XL1/GL1 type camera, and an interest in creative shooting.
I will handle the editing with Vegas Video, but this is an area I would be happy to have one of you guys sit in on, if you like.

When I first posted, I really thought this forum was about people with a strong common interest, who enjoyed talking about the skills and hardware and technology they use, and I further assumed this would mean some guys working with other guys on joint projects which would have "growth potential". While this is still possible, I am also guessing from the number of posts---then views without responses, that a huge number of the people in this forum are reading through posts looking for paid work--and apparently not so interested in projects which could have growth potential.

So just in case there is a "hint" of truth to this new concern I have, let me expalin some of the "REAL" benefits of working on these projects I have:

1.) My company is using technology to distribute video which is BETTER than anything anyone on this board has---it is DRM technology, and both Microsoft and Intel believe that my system is the best implementation of DRM out there.
2.) We have had about 30 phone meetings, and two actual visits from Intel staff--both Tech and Marketing...Intel is planning on using our DRM system for Return on investment in Content it is buying up, as well as helping to create, but I can't say anymore about their actual marketing strategies, without giving away information which I should not.
3). We will have a unique opportunity to create Music Videos of top Independant Artists, and then to get them LARGE national exposure on the Internet. The exposure will drive online sales of the music, which is sold through DRM wrapped files. Production costs will be paid back through a pre-defined piece of each sale, so we are not asking any of the people working with us to work for free---we are asking for people who want to work toward a common creative goal, and who are ready to believe in a final result well enough to be comfortable with this delayed gratification type of payment return. We are looking for creative people, people who want to help create a whole new type of model for video commerce.
4.) For some of the bands, we will have production "expenses" covered by investors ( mostly small investors). And for some, when we see huge artist talent, and a song with awesome visual potential, but no money behind the band, we will try to push investors behind these bands, and we will try to work on some of these bands prior to the money creation.
5.) We have a new method of music distribution--a form of Friends and Family marketing--pass along music, in which a "Napsterization" of our music will make us all allot of money ( via DRM). You can Read more about this at
This is a partial copy of one of our V-mails, but not one that actually sends or forwards mail ( but it does have the appearance and music functions). It will demonstrate a new way for an artist to go from 2000 fans to 200,000 fans---and to increase their music sales via DRM, into big numbers.
6.) There is a lot more to all this than I can say here, but I will stress that I am NOT trying to get slave labor---what I am looking for is a few people who are willing to help develop a new form of video commerce, to offer their own creativity and skills, and to be paid ( primarily) by the returns the jobs we do bring in.
7.) And anyone who does help me in this project, will be allowed to use our DRM system for their own work as well! You can read more about our DRM at

Dan Volker
Dan Volker
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 06:42 AM   #57
Capt. Quirk
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Dan- Normally I would love to just jump in and shoot, even if it was only for fun. However, I live a couple hours away from you, and the time and gas cost alone, is a deterrent.

I just did a couple shoots down in Miami @ $25 an hour. Not bad, but they were only two hour shoots. After gas, drinks, smokes, and tapes, I was actually in the hole. Not to mention, the drive time, the wait time, plus the shoot time, ended up being more than half the day, and it was 5 AM before I got home.

If you were closer, or I could at least break even, I would do it with a smile on my face, and a warm fuzzy feeling all over.
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 11:58 AM   #58
Inner Circle
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Dan, this particular area is for getting to know people. Now that you've more fully explained yourself, you really should post this over at the jobs forum with the same level of detail and maybe a little less manipulation and and a lot less condesending attitude.

MS already has powerful and succesful DRM software and services. has been doing this for a long long time too, including the aggresive marketing of unsigned artists. Doing Music videos might be a new twist for unsigned artists, but there are places with music videos online too.

Viral marketing is already starting a backlash, friends just don't spam friends.

Insulting people in order to get them to work for you is not gonna get you any results from the people on this board.

I have Vegas, Acid Pro, SoundForge, fast PC, Mackie speakers, 24/96 recording/mixing capabilites...professional video and audio hardware and so on...., I have access to good cameras if needed I would love to work on something fun and interesting, even with deferred payment, but your presentation has left me cold. I don't uses Canon equipment either, so that counts me out.

I too would like to meet other FL independent moviemakers (especially Vegas users, but any would be welcome), but the area is pretty fragmented and unfortunately more than a little apathetic. The one time I tried to get together, I got sick as a dog and missed the opportunity, so I am going to try again.

I would suggest a more enlightened approach Dan.
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Old May 23rd, 2003, 04:14 PM   #59
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New Caribbean project

Hey there,

if anyone's gonna be in the Caribbean, the lesser antilles in spefici, st martin and anguilla even more specifically, next month and the month after, get in touch. I've never done anything longer than 9 minutes befor and they've been very simply little cute films. However, I'm going to be making a film, 40 minutes approimxately in length in this time, mostly set in the Caribbean, some in the Swiss alps. I'm very new to this but it is my dream to be a film director. I'm doing it ona zero dollar budget, just whatever money I can get together really. Luckily travel costs have ben paid for me. But I'm just hoping I'll be able to get it all filmed, (im the main actor)... but getting oter acotrs is my biggest concern, i have a few people for small roles etc but I'll need to find some volunteers once I'm there. Anyway, any advice people on getting this production to work? :)
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Old May 24th, 2003, 09:34 AM   #60
New Boot
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Joe, has NOT been doing anything remotely similar to DRM. Selling CD's through Amazon is the height of stupidity, when you consider how much better instant gratification a consumer will get from an immediate download of a music file which can be not only better quality than an Mp3 can be, but even better than a CD is typcially recorded at. And considering the moment you make a CD available, the material can be illegally copied or pirated---this problem does not exist with DRM based downloads.

There is so much to what DRM can do for both artists and consumers, it would take many pages to just provide a decent overview of this. has no encypted online download system, which allows anything related to the e-commerce system built-in to DRM.

Microsoft does NOT actually make a DRM system that you or anyone else can buy from them.
What they did, was basically set up a set of programming blueprints, for how the Windows operating system and the Windows media player, could be controlled to manage various rules and "rights".
Right now I believe there are 11 companies in the world who have created their own implementation of DRM, and right now, argualbly, the Active Internet system is the best... At least Intel thinks so.

Viral marketing. A very dangerous area, as you have correctly pointed out. With our system however, none of the negatives apply. All we are suggesting is that if you hear some music you really like--say a new blues tune by a new band, then you will probably have some friends with the same reaction to this you would be having----the radio stinks for finding new music you like, and if you do find some good music, friends who have the same taste you do, will really appreciate the chance to hear this good new music themselves. All we are saying is, to forward the music to them---just what millions of people did when Napster was king---and clearly, there was no complaining by all these friends about their friends sending them music!!!
In our model of DRM, we can allow one or several free plays of a song, and then on the next attempt to play, the person gets a screen which alerts them to the need to pay via credit card ( 99 cents to $1.50 , depending on what the artist wants for a single) , as they are now "in" an e-commerce cart. On paying, they have a lifetime license ( if that's what the artists wants them to have--it could be a month, a year, etc. , but typically it would be lifetime). So the song will play on the computer for life, and can be downloaded to an MP3 player like a Nomad Jukebox, but NOT to a CD Rom. The Nomad, and most other decent Mp3 players, will follow the DRM protocols, and this allows the licensed use. With a player like the Nomad, DRM based music purchased and downloaded, can be listened to in a car, on your home stereo, or on your belt. With the Noamd, you can have the equivalent of 500 complete CD Roms contained in the tiny unit, no larger than a personal CD player.
I understand your concern, but as you read this, I think you'll agree what we are doing has none of the negatives of viral marketing.

Insulting people? It was not my intention. You can't see my facial expression or body language when I say something on this board, and this is a real communication problem on Internet message boards and newsgroups. I should have written more background on the why's of what I was saying, but I did not think what I was writing was offensive.
I had been reading this board for quite some time, and it really did seem to me that some members here ask for help on free projects, and a general reaction is that people should not waste their time on video projects with no budgets....There are just too many posts where people make requests like this, and there are a large number of views, but very few positive responses. I actually thought that without listing the potential benefits of the projects I have, could have been quite offensive to many sensibilities, based on the ratios on this board of requests, views, and responses.... Maybe I mis-read this, but anyone can jump in here and correct me :-)

Rather than being insulting, I was trying to quickly make videographers on this board aware that there is a better way to sell videos online, its called DRM, and I was hoping this would generate some interest. I don't even mind if someone wants to play devils advocate with this, it just seemed this should be important to this group of people.

As to the Music video and its uses on the net, even the big name artists don't have a downloadable online sales model for this, as I do. And our plans are for getting the good independant artists this advantage, and to allow the better talent to have a better shot against the big studios--to bring some balance back to a game where the deck has been badly stacked against new creativity and talent.

Camera Equipment....I have a GL1 and am buying an XL1s in the next 10 days. I don't see much of a problem mixing a PD150 or other equivalent camera with XL1s and Gl1 footage, particularly if the target footage is taking advantage of the differences between cameras....A sony could be used for a close up in a dark area, while at the same time, a Gl1 could be shooting a long shot where we want the shadows exagerated. And on and on. If you think I'm a jerk, then this is irrelevant....if you're willing to consider the chance that I just did not come across the way I intended, then maybe you still might want to try one of the upcoming projects.

One of the guys I work with, Charlie D Diaz, is an awesome music composer, as well amazing in mixing tracks. He has a great stable of independant artists he is working with now, and this represents great material for us.

I am not looking to be greedy with this stuff, or I would not have posted about it here--I'd just use it myself, and believe me, I can "hire" what I need. Sorry again if I offended anyone.

An in-person "meet" would be a much better way to judge this whole thing---at least I think it would be easier to avoid mis-comunications.
Dan Volker
Dan Volker is offline  
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