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Old January 28th, 2005, 09:10 PM   #76
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<<<-- Originally posted by James Emory : Uhhh, what is a shill? -->>>

try here
You are either growing or dying.
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Old January 28th, 2005, 09:31 PM   #77
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Now why did you have to make me go to all that effort?
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Old January 29th, 2005, 01:43 AM   #78
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Wow, I don't know what kind of money you guys are making but the money is definatly there in the Video Tours business. I talked to Skye a couple of months ago, I had already been doing video Tours on my own for about 6 months, and decided to stay on my own, all the contracts and paper work through her, not worth it.

We charge anywhere from 150-300+ per house, 20 houses a week would be part time for myself and business partner. Take the low $150*20 houses a week * 52 weeks a year you're looking at over 150k per year, split that and I'm happy making 75k working part time ( I'm also a full time student). Not saying I'm making that right now, but we recently moved to a bigger market, and am getting all our ducks in line, Real Estate is huge after the Superbowl, and am looking for business to take off.

I can't really believe I'm posting this, because the tour are so easy to do, pay so well, and I'm paranoid about hundreds of videographers deciding to shoot Video Tours.
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Old January 29th, 2005, 06:29 AM   #79
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The original poster implied that he had no connection with these people, and only wanted to spread the news to help others...
I once worked for some guys who auctioned off persian rugs, going from city to city. If the price didn't go high enough on a particular rug, a guy employed by them ( nobody knew) would bid the price up. You would call him their "shill".
Bruce yarock
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Old January 29th, 2005, 08:19 AM   #80
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Brakes on!

Guys, I got a package in the mail yesterday from Skye. It's my opinion only, but it's totally NOT worth the effort. It seems like a hokey thing they have going on...they put in a bunch of flyers for us to give out. (Ok, so we're also sales people now too?) I have a hard enough time promoting my own business - these hokey looking flyers will only confuse my higher paying customers. Their whole campain looks like a cheap commerical, "Be a Millionaire!" type promotion. Get real, no one is making a million bucks by trying to get people on-board by sending them flyers to pass out. One of the services is Web Design...gimme a break. Web design? That went out with 8-tracks! No one is paying for that unless it's local - people want to sit down with someone and workout a plan for their own site. Who the heck is going to pay some middle person (us) to then contact someone else (them) to build a website for like $99? It's stupid - (in my opinion).

If anyone wants more details I'll give them - but, I will say the contract is almost a long as the one I signed for buying my house! I'm not saying this is legit or not - I can't say that for sure and everything I am saying is my opinion. They are looking to pay a small amount for signing such a large contract that basically says they own you in that particullar market for 3 YEARS. Say again?

Come one people - no regular job, even on a strict contract asks to OWN you for 3 years! At the most, jobs ask for a 1 year commitment. But, 3 years? They are doing this because they know after 3 years they'll be able to grow their business enough and own the market a percentage of a market. Is that smart? Yes, for them...not for any of us. The fact is they'll make a few bucks because of people signing up...saps. But, they'll fold like every other online business does that doesn't have a real viable plan.

Worst case senario for us...they'll own our asses for 3 years because some weird clause in this huge contract says we can't shoot ANY video for anyone. The next thing you know the video world collapses, people start shooting HD and using iMovie by themselves because they don't want to support the monoploy of Skye, we all loses our shirts and houses, wifes and girlfriends leave us, we're walking the streets looking for food, flashes of suicide makes us insane, we all gather and wait for 3 years to does, but now every man/women/child that didn't sign the contract has taken up videography and they own very successful businesses. So, now we have to start at the bottom getting coffee for some jerk who used to work for us and he's thinking we're dumb for signing a contract that took away our livelyhood. The only thing we can say is, "Would you like cream and sugar?"

I'm not into signing my video skills to anyone for 3 years..even a year is pushing it. Believe it or not, I actually care about my friends in the video business. Yes, someone cares! I'd hate to see people getting involved in someone they might regret. I highly suggest talking to a lawyer before you sign their contract, if you chose to. No matter what, don't just sign it and send it back in their "SASE". They're making it really easy huh? It's funny the post it says, "RETURN ASAP" - all over the contents it says they want you to sign and send it back ASAP. They say they need you to get it all back to them or they'll have a harder time dealing with processing your crap. Really? Then they say that getting it in the mail is quicker for them to process than getting it online. Just my opinon, but I smell a rotten egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, this stinks like a burrito fart!!!!!!!!!!

NOTE: All of the above statements are my opinion only. I do not have first hand knowledge of this company or the people. It's only my opinion and fiction.
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old January 29th, 2005, 08:37 AM   #81
Slash Rules!
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You had me at "Burrito fart."

Does anyone know where that parallel universe is, the one where if something sounds too good to be true, then you should totally go for it?
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Old January 29th, 2005, 08:42 AM   #82
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If you liked the "Burrito Fart" part- you'll love what I just added to that previous post. lol
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old February 6th, 2005, 02:32 PM   #83
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Alright so only one person has said they got a bit of work from them; and they are rapidly trying to get every person in America with a video camera under the non-compete...

Here is the clause :"7. Non Competition. In consideration for comapny's disclosure of confidential information to recipient , recipient hereby covenants and agrees that during the term of this agreeement and for the period of three years thereafter recipient will not except as authorized in writing by company whether as principal, partner, shareholder,agent, officer, employee or consultant of any entitiy, directly or inderectly carry on or engage in the business of desiging developing, making, testing, distributing, promoting, marketing, selling or implementing any products or services that compete with comapny's streaming video products and services."

I just quickly typed that out, If anyone still wants to see the paperwork they send you I can scan it in when I go to the office monday. If anyone is interested.

The only thing that made it tempting was that trying to get the local real estate agents on board for an independent venture was like trying to get blood from a stone

"We invest 150,000 a year into advertising, and we really cant see how investing a hundred dollars into actually showing people our homes could possibly pay off" or "We got calls from Chicago about doing this and whatnot, but we think another page or five of yellow page adds is a better use of our money"

Does anyone have any advice for actually trying to get some of the least tech savvy or out of the box thinkers on the planet on board for streaming video

(these “professionals” had websites sooo wonderful, their animated blinking .GIFS, uncompressed .bmp images and terrible html actually crashed my browser; I didn’t know that was possible!) With that call I also said would you be interested in a professional web design, and then they said "Oh no we just did our site and we are very happy with it"

I should have bookmarked it, it had all the beauty of a crashing plane.

Edit: Here it is; they seem to have fixed it somewhat, it doesn’t try and run odd JavaScript popups so it doesn’t crash my site, the .bmp files are now .jpg but still, this is what I’m working with in my area
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Old February 6th, 2005, 06:10 PM   #84
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Nice, all I saw was some tacky background with a couple of links at the bottom. One bright red one and one bright blue one. Wow, they must have spent a whole $1.95 on that web site, it's so well thought out and attractive. If they still rely on the yellow pages for the bulk of their referrals then they aren't doing very well. Word of mouth is where it's at but they apparently don't have any satisfied customers.
Real Estate agencies are notoriously CHEAP! My aunt is an agent in NC and I spoke to her about this a long time ago (why they don't shoot the houses they rep) but nobody wants to pay for it. Kind of ridiculous considering the commissions they earn. They would rather spend it on tacky business cards with everybody's photo on it (like I give a shit what they look like) and stupid note pads and refrigerator magnets. Oooh, I'll bet the ROI for those is high.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 02:57 AM   #85
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To expound on the “Non Competition... for the period of three years... directly or indirectly carry on or engage in the business of designing developing, making, testing, distributing, promoting, marketing, selling or implementing any products or services that compete with company’s streaming video products and services."

This is the SHORT list.

You can’t work for realtors, time shares, vacations, etc.

You can’t do video work for Veterinarians, pet suppliers, pet stores, groomers, breeders, etc.

You can’t work for restaurants, bars, chefs, culinary schools, wineries, kitchen tools, appliances, etc.

You can’t work for dealerships, repair shops, tire companies, designers, auto parts stores, etc.

You can’t work for graphic design, computer repair, parts and sails, retail, internet providers, software developers, etc.

Salons and spas, massage therapists, barbershops, exercise equipment, skin products, yoga instruction.

Hotels, car rental companies, amusement parks, airlines, tour companies

Small business owners, doctors, lawyers, dentists, CPAs, home businesses, banks, lenders, etc

You are effectively forbidden for using YOUR EQUIPMENT AND EXPERTISE for anything but weddings or films for three years!

Normal “Non Compete” clauses say you can’t steal their customers and clients that they introduced you to and undercut them. Which is perfectly reasonable for a larger company to do. They don’t say you are out of the industry for three years no matter what.

Now in the friendly text at the start of the document it says (im going to type it quickly for meaning, not good copy) "This nodisclosure restricts you from only the Type of work and clients we send you, for example if we ask you to work with ABC car dealer and he asks you to create a professional 30 seccond TV commercial or corporate video we would encourage you to accept the job, however if its one to five minute streaming video from the client we send you it would fall withoin the non-compete agreement"

And below that it says you need to send it back ASAP!

That is friendly text, and not part of the contract, It is also not what I have interpreted the contract to outright say, it says I cant do streaming video from anyone from "ABC's profession. not just "ABC"

ABC's profession being anyone in that list above.

Edit: the tricky part being; that little friendly example is perfectly valid and honest; Under that agreement I could do a commercial for them... it just doesnt also say if XYZ car company approached me without ever having heard of GoLookInside and said "I would like a 3 minute streaming video on my site" I couldnt do it, simply because golookinside claims that if I do any streaming videos it is competition.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 03:40 AM   #86
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I do believe I am quite glad I didn't sign up or get involved.

What I do not have? Any real business sense!

What do I not know? All this legal stuff!

Sometimes being lazy pays off. Because of the diligent work you guys did, I shall now resolve not to get involved with these people. I thank you.
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Old February 7th, 2005, 08:00 AM   #87
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It's hard to believe that this thread about these con artists and their shill, is still alive! We all have WAY to much free time on our hands...:)
Bruce yarock
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Old April 8th, 2005, 09:49 PM   #88
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Same person or company?

I saw this post on another production board and then I saw the name Skye in the first post on this thread. They are both in Indiana and both don't sound all that realistic about rates and what their product is or would be, especially for what they're paying. Is this the same person initially described? This was posted on 4.3.05 on that production board. Check out the rates and what they expect for them.

The Post

"INDEPENDENT VIDEOGRAPHERS (, is the world's largest streaming video production company. We employ over 2,500 videographers in 15 countries. Our business model is very simple. For $199 we send a videographer to our client's location. Tape our client on-camera in a short "web commercial" then add music and titles and host on our servers for a year. If our clients they don't have a web site, we offer a customizable, interactive Site for only $50. No design or maintenance fees. They get email and language translations service as well. Our clients include any person or company who wants to work with a professional videographer for 45 minutes. This can include: restaurants, hotels, spas, hair salons, shoe stores, Mary Kay reps, bands, Realtors, etc. Overtime or 'a la carte' fees are paid directly to the videographer at the time of service. This includes $25 per 15 minutes of overtime and $25 per DVD. pays you $100 for every completed video every Friday via direct deposit. These are basic shoots. Nine tripod setups at a home and seven at a commercial property. Editing is about 12-15 edits. We provide licensed music. Graphics would include the client's logo on full screen at the beginning and end of the video. Titles include the name and phone number in the body of the package. Videos run 60 - 90 seconds...they should be shot like a news package or a one-minute TV commercial. You must own a 3CCD camera, light on a stand, wireless mic and tripod. We do perform criminal background checks. Our client's log onto our web site, enter the location info and zip. Based on zip code, we know which videographers are available. The client sees a Profile Page of each videographer and can choose who they want to work with. We call you and you set up the shoot according to your schedule. After taping, turnaround time is 48 hours. Your personal page includes, bio, photo, streaming samples and your web site link. If you don't have a web site, we can provide one to you. Check out our company FAQ and demos at If you wish to join our network....from our home page, click on the guy with the stedicam in the bottom right corner...and fill out the info page. You will then get a series of emails with more information and a PIN to your account. If you have questions you can email me at We expect to start shooting in three weeks and ramp up to 2-7 videos per day, per videographer by September."
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Old April 8th, 2005, 09:52 PM   #89
Slash Rules!
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She had a post on craigslist too.
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Old April 8th, 2005, 11:04 PM   #90
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Have you guys seen the samples they put on their site, they are just horrible, you think they would be able to produce something bettter then that.

I've been doing tours for a while now, if you guys would take a couple of minutes to check it out and comment on the videos I would appreciate. The site is new I just wrote it a couple of days ago, so it's not 100 percent complete yet.

Todd Kivimaki is offline  
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