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Old June 9th, 2006, 05:14 PM   #481
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Shooting some high end 35mm spec. commercials for my reel. Would like to find editor.

If there's an editor that would like to help cut/composite these spec's, let me know. There is no pay, just something top notch to put on your own show reel. Prefer someone skilled in commercial editing, has knowledge of compositing, and digital effects. Basically, a real artist. Prefer someone experiences, either a professional or on the cusp of being a professional (and looking for some things to put on his reel that pushes him there).

If you're interested, either PM me or send me an email to:

Please show me some samples of your work. I can also edit, but I'm not an artist at it.
Greg Moulton is offline  
Old June 10th, 2006, 02:41 PM   #482
Inner Circle
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I don't want to ruin your thread, and I really hope you'll find someone, and maybe you will, but if you want a real real professional, I don't think they are gonna do it for free...

And if you are working with 35mm it seems you have the budget to pay someone...

Best regards,
Mathieu Ghekiere is offline  
Old June 10th, 2006, 04:09 PM   #483
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Need an HD editor and DVD authorer

Hey all,

I need an editor for my next short film. I'll need someone that can capture HDV footage (most likely from the JVC HD100U or the Canon XL H1), edit, color correct (nothing fancy), and then author a DVD Master.

Could you either recommend someone or if you do it yourself, I'd love to get some pricing (unless you are a very talented editor with a very nice system and want to get your name out there ;) )
Adam Rench is offline  
Old June 10th, 2006, 05:09 PM   #484
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Don't worry, you won't ruin the thread. It's possible I won't find someone that wants to do it soley for their reel, but I think it's entirely possible I will because it's a great trade off for someone.

Here's how I think about it. If someone came to me and said they were going to pay for a 35mm camera package, grip and electric, film stock, processing, telecine and color correction, handling all the casting, scheduling, and production duties, and then asked me if I'd direct it without pay, but could use it for my show reel, I would litterally jump at the chance. No money out of my pocket, and I could have a 35mm spec. on my reel. That's a deal I couldn't pass up.

That's what it will be for the editor. And I'm sure there are some editors that want to make the leap to the next level. Maybe having some better quality spec.'s on their reel with help them do that. My DP sure jumped at the chance to shoot these.

I also put an ad in Mandy. I'll let you know what kind of response. If I don't get any takers, I'll cut them myself.
Greg Moulton is offline  
Old June 10th, 2006, 06:17 PM   #485
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Arizona No-Budget Comedy/Fantasy Film

Hi, I have been reading these forums for quite some time and have found them really helpful. Thanks to everybody who chips in on the conversations, it really helps us newcomers!
Well, At the risk of being added to the looong list of cheesy requests for unpaid talent, here is mine, LOL!

Current Status

On occasional weekends During the fall/winter of 2006/07 I am going to shoot a feature length mini dv format movie with XL1 cameras. I already have 2 cameras and 1.5 cameramen as well as minimal audio eqipment. I have three musical groups lined up for the sountrack: Freezepop, Leslie Fish and (probably) Yachay. We have been trying to contact Rasputina and The Arrogant Worms for additional tracks but have gotten no reply yet. I will be directing, producing, building props and running one of the cameras.

What We Need

A somewhat experienced sound person would help. Someone who already has a decent portable recorder would be ideal.
We are still short several key actors and many smaller parts.
We have most crew positions still open and everyone involved will probably be wearing multiple hats.
We need lots of props, but will be able to borrow most of those from the local SCA group which will also provide some of the extras.


To produce a niche film appealing to nerds, fans of swords and sorcery films and people fed up with daily life, specifically "office-space" type working conditions.
If we succede in creating a good finished product, we will pursue multiple avenues to turn that into cash, such as pitching it as a tv pilot, going direct to video, selling copies at Science-Fiction conventions, or whatever we can think of.

What We Are Offering

Screen credit.
1 meal or snack per shooting session.
2 (DVD+R) copies of the film. And an additional 2 (Regular DVD) copies if it is released commercially.
Main actors and Key crew will recieve from 1/2% to 1% of gross revenue from the film itself.
Minor actors and non-vital crew will not recieve financial compensation unless the film earns us over 50,000 US dollars, in which case they will each receive a 100$ payment.
Any crew members not already appearing on screen will be given small walk-through parts if they wish to appear on screen. (Peasant#6, Guard#12, etc.) It is nice to be able to point to yourself on screen and say "there I am!"

Thanks for considering supporting our project!

~David Perrine~

E-MAIL: vikingwizard@GMAIL (dot) COM

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Old June 10th, 2006, 06:23 PM   #486
Capt. Quirk
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1.5 cameramen? Did you hire a kid for those low angle shots?
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Old June 10th, 2006, 07:23 PM   #487
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1.5 Cameramen

LOL: One with experience and me: I'm basically inexperienced and do not rate as an entire cameraman.
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Old June 11th, 2006, 03:36 AM   #488
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Not a cheesy request...

As someone who has been criticizing people posting for free help on their projects on this forum and others, IMHO I see your project as the type that fully justifies getting free talent and crew.

Unlike the one that I criticized here, your project probably wouldn't be made at all if you had to pay everyone (Or maybe anyone!). And, the world will be a slightly better, or maybe even a much better, place because you ARE making your film, and those that work on it will be doing so because they want the experience, NOT because you're dangling big names and film fest fame like a carrot on a stick.

It also shows class and kindness that you're offering a reasonable and equitable backend structure for your key people and even a little something for the others.

Let me close by wishing you a great shoot and much success with your finished project.

Tip McPartland
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Old June 11th, 2006, 06:56 AM   #489
Inner Circle
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Yes maybe you're right, that was only my point of view, and I never shot 35mm nor am I a professional dp or editor, so I'm not a specialist by all means :-)

Good luck!
Mathieu Ghekiere is offline  
Old June 11th, 2006, 12:09 PM   #490
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Originally Posted by Mathieu Ghekiere
Yes maybe you're right, that was only my point of view, and I never shot 35mm nor am I a professional dp or editor, so I'm not a specialist by all means :-)

Good luck!
I've only had one person email saying they would, but only if it was indeed a special piece of work. I actually like this type of response because that's my attitude too. But not a lot of people have come forward yet (it's only been 1 day since the ad posted), so I'm sure a lot of people will decide to pass. We'll see. It could be worse. I could be asking for someone to edit an entire feature for free, which is asking a heck of a lot from somebody.
Greg Moulton is offline  
Old June 11th, 2006, 11:24 PM   #491
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dump it to miniDV and i'll edit it for you, lol!!! Fo free.
Saturnin Kondratiew is offline  
Old June 12th, 2006, 06:13 AM   #492
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Just to weigh in on the spec thing and appropriateness of asking/expecting a solid editor to do this:

I think it is absolutely within reason and a lot of people by that description should jump at it. Having a gorgeous looking spot shot on 35mm on your reel is worth it (for DP's and editors) since it will elevate the reel in a way that the same material shot on DV usually won't. I say "usually" because in the hands of a really skilled DP and director, it's possible to generate amazing looking DV that can surpass fair to middlin' 35mm...but great looking 35mm still rules the roost.

I've only recently stopped taking freebies for my DP reel, but the ones that I did take were specifically because they would fill out certain aspects of the reel that was lacking. And some of those freebies (shorts, mostly) have been the specific element that have won me paying gigs. A shrewd DP or editor will be able to identify the merits of a given project to determine whether it is worth a few days of their time to net some great looking material--on someone else's dime.

I once agreed to shoot a short film solely on the basis of the 4 opening shots, which I knew would be visually interesting. After that, the film became pretty straight-ahead, but I knew those shots would have value for me. Some 7 years later, two of those shots remain on the reel (in fact, one of them is the very first shot).

Greg, my sense is that you've already got the DP in hand, so you are in great shape to get started...once you have the footage transferred, having a series of fantastic looking screencaps should make the process of wooing a great editor to the project pretty easy.
Charles Papert
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Old June 12th, 2006, 06:25 AM   #493
Capt. Quirk
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I have to agree with some aspects. If it is truly a special work, it is well worth the time you spend on it. There have been several very successful films done by nobodies, with big names attached. It wasn't because they were paid huge sums, but because the story and conviction of the creator. It will get you more status than if you got paid to just do a job.

On the other hand, this is a DV forum, and maybe not the place to find experienced film techs ;)
K. Forman is offline  
Old June 13th, 2006, 12:38 AM   #494
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Nice to see someone does the "foot-in-cement body-twist" also while filming!

Quick question about your audio setup. Did you angle your shotguns at all or are they aligned with the camera's center axis?
Christopher Williams is offline  
Old June 13th, 2006, 03:41 AM   #495
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Originally Posted by Charles Papert
Just to weigh in on the spec thing and appropriateness of asking/expecting a solid editor to do this:

I think it is absolutely within reason and a lot of people by that description should jump at it. Having a gorgeous looking spot shot on 35mm on your reel is worth it (for DP's and editors) since it will elevate the reel in a way that the same material shot on DV usually won't. I say "usually" because in the hands of a really skilled DP and director, it's possible to generate amazing looking DV that can surpass fair to middlin' 35mm...but great looking 35mm still rules the roost.

I've only recently stopped taking freebies for my DP reel, but the ones that I did take were specifically because they would fill out certain aspects of the reel that was lacking. And some of those freebies (shorts, mostly) have been the specific element that have won me paying gigs. A shrewd DP or editor will be able to identify the merits of a given project to determine whether it is worth a few days of their time to net some great looking material--on someone else's dime.

I once agreed to shoot a short film solely on the basis of the 4 opening shots, which I knew would be visually interesting. After that, the film became pretty straight-ahead, but I knew those shots would have value for me. Some 7 years later, two of those shots remain on the reel (in fact, one of them is the very first shot).

Greg, my sense is that you've already got the DP in hand, so you are in great shape to get started...once you have the footage transferred, having a series of fantastic looking screencaps should make the process of wooing a great editor to the project pretty easy.
Funny you should say that, Charles. I've had about five or six people offer now, but one really stood out. They're an effects house, but they're cautious. So I sent them one of the scripts to one of the spots that I really liked, but discarded because of the special effects involved. It's a clever little beer ad.

I think I hooked them right from there. The guy sent back an email, admitted it made him laugh, then went through and broke it down step-by-step on what to do so they could work on the FX. They asked me to give them specific time and be patient, but if they're not swamped, they'd help out. This just from the spec. script. No shots, just what's on the page.

And I've seen their reel. They don't have any comedy spots on it, so it could work out well for both of us.
Greg Moulton is offline  
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