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Old June 4th, 2005, 08:55 PM   #436
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Need Local XL2 Shooter for World Series of Poker - Vegas

Located in Las Vegas? I'm doing some web development work for an online Poker site that's on site at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas and who may need some help with shooting.

If you're in Vegas and know how to handle an XL2 and are interested in shooting up close at the tables, doing interviews, etc.... send me an e-mail through my e-mail link.

WSOP has already started and will continue through July 15. Shooting times will be sporadic.
John Locke
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Old June 5th, 2005, 12:52 AM   #437
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Wow, a Frankfort-er. My brother lives in Frankfort, I'm new to videography, and I LOVE poker. Actually just got back from a cash game tonight.

Sorry, off topic. Unfortunately I'm not really able to help you in this endeavour. However, I am an up and coming videographer and apparently we share some of the same interests. Maybe we can meet up some time and I can watch/help you work. Of course it would be for free, just learning some of the ropes. If you're interested in free labor, or someone to hang out with on-site, let me know!

Good luck with the WSOP. Hopefully someone respected will win this year.
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Old June 5th, 2005, 08:10 PM   #438
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Hey there man I'm at Shady Grove road email me at if you still need some help I do a little CG and After Effects and I also own a GL2.
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Old June 5th, 2005, 11:41 PM   #439
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need lighting help in nyc

Hey, this is a great board and I want to say thanks to everyone that has helped me out so far. June 16th I will be shooting a scene and could really use some help and tips on lighting. I have rented kino's in the past and will probably be using them again, if you have access to lighting that is a big help as well. The shooting i do is adult entertainment, the shoot is in nyc, and will probably be a late night shoot. As we are just starting out, we can't really afford to pay anyone, but if you have great lights that we could use then we can talk about a rental fee. The shoots are a lot of fun and the girls are hot, it is a pretty good time. If anyone out there with lighting experience is interested please pm me, thanks,
Joe Main is offline  
Old June 6th, 2005, 06:16 AM   #440
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Wedding Videographer Needed: Toronto Canada

I have an upcoming wedding shoot - July 9th in Brampton & Toronto Canada.
I already had someone booked for the day to assist me but he has taken another job :(
Anyways it is a photo & video production, I will be doing the still camera shots and also running the second camera. What I need is an experienced wedding videographer to run the main camera.
If you have your own equipment it is a bonus, but not entirely necessary.
Please send me an email to if you are interested.
It will be a long day (dual ceremony wedding), from 7:30am until 4pm or so.
Pay will be determined by experience and equipment you will be bringing, but it will be at least $200/day
Toogood Studios
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Old June 7th, 2005, 08:23 PM   #441
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HDV shooter needed in Houston, TX: July 2, 2005

I need an experienced HDV shooter who has his/her own camera for a 5-hour job (about two hours of prep, 2 1/2 hours of shooting, 1/2 hour of breakdown). This is in Houston, TX, on Saturday, July 2, 2005, from about 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is an ethnic fashion show.

I'm bringing my own HD10 so I'd prefer someone who has an HD10 or HD1. If you're an FX1 / Z1 shooter, well that'd only work if you have two of them so I could operate one of them. It would probably be too risky to try to match 1080i and 720p30 footage even if I deinterlaced and converted the 1080i to 720p30, let alone all the time that would take.

Please email me at tvwriter_at_mac_dot_com (no underscores, @ instead of "at," "." in place of "dot."

The job pays $260 and you'll need to supply your own tapes (3 of them). Thanks.
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Old June 7th, 2005, 09:41 PM   #442
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and they have to buy you lunch
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Old June 7th, 2005, 10:09 PM   #443
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Originally Posted by Bob Zimmerman
and they have to buy you lunch
What do you mean by that?
Murad Toor is offline  
Old June 8th, 2005, 06:39 PM   #444
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$260 doesn't seem like very much anyway. Then you want them to supply three tapes too. You want them there for 5 hours. They have the equipment and they have to supply tapes. They have to drive there. Probably it's an all day deal. For what, after everything? A couple of hundred bucks?

You should at least supply the tapes.
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Old June 8th, 2005, 11:26 PM   #445
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Originally Posted by Bob Zimmerman
$260 doesn't seem like very much anyway. Then you want them to supply three tapes too. You want them there for 5 hours. They have the equipment and they have to supply tapes. They have to drive there. Probably it's an all day deal. For what, after everything? A couple of hundred bucks?

You should at least supply the tapes.
I'm glad you got around to being more direct.

I believe in the Golden Rule. I would be perfectly happy if you or anyone else paid me $260 for a 5 hour job where I supplied the tapes. If you feel offended by paying me only $260, I'd be happy to relieve your conscience by accepting more than that. I'm in Illinois as well, so please keep me in mind. Thanks.

The reason I thought that it's a good idea for the other person to supply the tapes is that I figure people are particular about which type of tapes they feed their camera. Further, it could pose a problem for me if I was to run around town finding their particular tapes, or mail ordering them.

I am open to compensating for the cost of the tapes that the other person uses.

~$50/hour is apparently beneath your dignity. I apologize for having insulted such a great man.

By the way, I'd personally take the person out for lunch if they'd like, maybe to Pappadeaux or Pappas Brothers.

Last edited by Murad Toor; June 9th, 2005 at 08:31 AM.
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Old June 8th, 2005, 11:49 PM   #446
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OK,,,,$300 is not to bad.
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Old June 9th, 2005, 08:42 AM   #447
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My day rate is a bit more than that.

And I live in Dallas so I'd have to have travel covered.

And I have an FX1, which isn't what you're looking for. want me? ;)
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Old June 9th, 2005, 12:03 PM   #448
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Originally Posted by Bryan McCullough
My day rate is a bit more than that.

And I live in Dallas so I'd have to have travel covered.

And I have an FX1, which isn't what you're looking for. want me? ;)
Well, four hours or so of driving each way just wouldn't be worth it unless you had other business in Houston the same weekend. I'm not working with a budget where I can cover travel expenses.

If you had a Losmandy Spider Dolly along with your FX-1 skills and five hours of work, for the added value I could probably justify paying $450. I'd then have to rent an FX-1 or Z-1 for myself though, so I guess the budget would be busted in that case.

I'll probably end up using my old-fashioned three-wheeled dolly. I'll get the hotel to lay down some hard flooring over the carpet beside the runway (it's a fashion show) so I can run my dolly smoothly over it.

In case you've never seen the spider dolly, take a look:

If you know an HD10 shooter in Houston I'd really appreciate it if you referred them to me. I know Texas is a big place but I'm saying this just in case. There must be FX-1 / Z-1 people who have HD10s sitting in dark closets. Thanks.
Murad Toor is offline  
Old June 10th, 2005, 11:07 PM   #449
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I'm seeking an animator, preferably flash, for a long term project

Hi, guys. Hopefully this doesn't end up in that thread about ridiculous job offers/demands.

I am seeking an animator to work on an animated,episodic series based on this short film, "The Ninjews" ( ). This short film was included on the Spike and Mike "Sick and Twisted" DVD in 2003. PLEASE NOTE: THOUGH THIS MOVIE IS CLAYMATION, I AM *NOT*
LOOKING TO DO THE REST OF THE SERIES IN THAT MANNER. I was thinking of simple 2D animation, along the lines of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Sea Lab (reused sets and character designs, that is). I am partnered with a growing internet television company called maniaTV ( ) hosts of the show "Too Short for Hollywood (10pm EST), whose site received more than a million hits last month. This will be a long term project, as I am currently contracted to produce ten 5-7 minute episodes, with more likely to follow. The turnaround time on each episode will be six weeks or less. This is a paying gig, though the budget for this project is very modest (and I'm not in charge of it, so don't shoot the messenger). The episodes will be shown on ManiaTV, with exposure to a worldwide audience. As ManiaTV continues to grow, so will the budgets and pay scale for this project. As it stands, this project might be better for a student, or someone looking to build their animation reel, though anyone is welcome to apply (I do need to see samples of your work, however). If interested, please email: joshbass at sbcglobal dot net.

Now, I know this is not an animation forum, but I've known you guys for a long time, so you're the first ones I thought I'd post this ad to, just in case anyone on the board, or someone a board member knows, might be interested. If you know of any animation-centered forums around the net, or other places to place this ad and seek help, also let me know, please. I have a few places I'm already going to, but the more, the better, says I. So, again, thanks.
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Old June 12th, 2005, 11:23 AM   #450
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Looking for DP

Looking for a DP with experience with mini35. We are shooting a 25 min short on DVX100a. Shooting possibly lasting 2 days.

There is possibly pay. I have my own equipment.

Send me an e-mail or link to your reel. Also tell me your rate.

Jun Tang is offline  
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