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Old April 29th, 2005, 10:02 AM   #316
New Boot
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Location: Hampshire, England
Posts: 15
Thankyou, you've been a real help, it is also much appreciated that you stuck up for me and told me the truth without being patronizing. Congratulations on your own career and I hope you continue to do well.
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Old April 29th, 2005, 11:36 AM   #317
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By the way, those under 18's that you know that work at film production studios making tea, I don't suppose you know how they got their jobs? As I live a good hour away from London do you know any where nearer that need people like that. I don't have a job at the moment (not counting my Sunday job at Somerfield) as I have no enthusiasm in any jobs that aren't in the film industry in any way. I have even tried film rental shops but the business is so bad at the moment because of the Internet etc etc...?

Last edited by Lisa Heard; April 29th, 2005 at 11:38 AM. Reason: spelling and grammar error
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Old April 29th, 2005, 11:40 AM   #318
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It's all about context.

Message boards can lack emotion, the aforementioned context and above all, personality. Lisa you should be proud of your personality and your convictions. However, I agree with Rhett. A calculated risk is a bunch different from a whim. Where dreams fail, perserverence and hard work begin. Rhett's a 580. That's a lot of unconditional love.

I won't critcize your motives because that is stifling. Bravo for your motivation. Try this quick acid test to determine if you can satisfactorily burn your books and delve into the great beyond. Re-read your posts here and convince me that your language skills make you ready as a scriptwriter. Understand that my comments are not meant to injure, but to incite thought.

Think about it.
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Old April 29th, 2005, 11:48 AM   #319
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I understand what you are trying to do here and I am flattered that 3 successful film makers are trying to help. I am not much of a script-writer, I find it very hard to get my ideas on paper (although I am very good at English).
What are you really trying to say here, I can take it?
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Old April 29th, 2005, 11:54 AM   #320
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You summed it up by stating that this is a community that really wants to help. I suppose your initial reaction was to take some of the sage advice but in the next breath you quickly denounced the author's intentions because you found the response to be somewhat unsavoury.


Here it is: One should avoid biting the hand that feeds.

O.K. enough analogies. Please keep us aprised of your success. I am sure you have the guts to do it. You can use that one as a tag on your website when you publish your first web preview.
Bon Chance!
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Old April 29th, 2005, 12:27 PM   #321
New Boot
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Posts: 15
Ok I know what you're saying. I admit to that. I don't mind criticism but I relised this guy doesn't know me at all and he had me all wrong. It was my first knock down in my career I suppose.
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Old April 29th, 2005, 07:39 PM   #322
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Hi Dan,

Haven't been too active on the board lately, but just happened upon your post. I live right down the road from you in Fruitland.
Ken Davis (married to Lisa Spicer) is both a neighbor and an event videographer. Just thought I would say Hi!

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Old April 29th, 2005, 09:59 PM   #323
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heres a quick vid we did in the back of the studio.. nothing special but you can see some costumes here.

click on the above link, go to bottom screen and click FREE, next page will bring up the file to download at the bottom of the screen.

Last edited by Pete Mander; April 30th, 2005 at 07:30 PM.
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Old May 1st, 2005, 07:21 AM   #324
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Wow Pete, those costumes are absolutely spectacular! Talk about attention to detail!


I have some limited experience shooting my own (Star Wars fan) films, doing fight choreography, compositing, and own a Sony HDR-FX1. If I knew the weekend you were shooting, I might be able to come and provide a helping set of hands. Or, if you need an extra to be gutted - I can be that too :)


P.S. These costumes remind me of stuff a friend of mine named Justin Monk was involved with... ring any bells?
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Old May 1st, 2005, 08:23 AM   #325
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Letterboxed Documentary needs YOU for our film!

Hey DVINFO.NET. Im Cory Moorehead, an avid smalltown documentarian up here in Ontario Canada. Ive been recently planning and plotting out for my next documentary, which will be titled 'Letterboxed'. Now to explain the documentary. It is going to be basically about you guys, filmmakers and people who work in the television industry. In this documentary im also going to show the people what it is like to work in the television industry, by hiring a professional camera crew to follow me around for a month in my job. Now here is the part where I need you guys. This same message is going to be posted on almost every fimmaking and television message board I can find. I need you guys to add pieces to the documentary. By pieces I mean your personal stories of working in filmmaking and the television industry. By this I mean setting up your camera infront of you sitting on a chair, and just telling me about how you got started into video and the industry, and what is next for you as a video enthusiast. So in essence kind of a mini biography ( 5 - 10 mins long ) of your experience in video. Now generally for something like this I would fly out and get interviews, but this documentary is very underbudget ( 20 Grand). So I will leave this discussion open to you guys, and if I see that enough people are interested about it, I will go ahead and post some more info about how you can send me your stuff. Thanks guys, hope to hear from you.

-Cory Moorehead
Because im that...damn...good.
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Old May 1st, 2005, 10:43 AM   #326
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hI steve Thanks

Yes Ive met justin a few times.nice guy.

as for dates we are looking at august 14 to sepetember..not the entire time but a 2 day shoot in augurst maby one the week after etc etc..give me a call or send you number to

i few guys here from the DV that will be meeting up in the next month.. i can go over most on the phone now.LMK

its a big project

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Old May 1st, 2005, 12:40 PM   #327
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Originally Posted by Pete Amder
I sent out some emails best to forward me your number or call me at 905 688-8915 this is the studio number I am here 12-14 hours of the day...depending

thanks all for your interest.!

just had to change the phone number
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Old May 2nd, 2005, 09:01 AM   #328
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I am in need of an amatuer, but skilled animator. If anyone is familiar with "Run Lola Run" I am looking for something similar to their animation cuts. The project is a Mockumentary called "Real Parkwood Stories."

Reply if interested.
Corey Sturmer
Producer - Woffester Productions
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Old May 3rd, 2005, 07:14 AM   #329
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You might try's bb. BUT a warning, know that animation is very labor intensive. A guy wanted the sun and moon a few months back for free. I went as far as posting it in the ridiculous job offers post. ;)

Another place to recruit is cgtalk.

Edit - I cannot help as I do not know what Run Lola Run is and still am learning this stuff.
George Ellis is offline  
Old May 4th, 2005, 01:23 AM   #330
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want some help?

Hi, i am a total newbie getting into video. I have an hvr-z1 and am looking to get some experience by working a second camera and picking up some tips from a pro. I am in nyc and will work for free, just looking to pick up some knowledge. I have a 9-5 but can get out if the project is right, i also can shoot at night and weekends if they are open. I am 28 and a pretty quick learner, technologically knowledgable. Thanks
Joe Main is offline  
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