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Old April 2nd, 2005, 04:09 AM   #256
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Minneapolis, MN

We're scheduled to start shooting on May 15, and if anyone is in the area and would like to help out in anyway, let me know. We're shooting a feature length and could use an extra set of hands.


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Old April 2nd, 2005, 06:19 PM   #257
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Color Grader/Motion Graphics Artist

We need a Color Grader and/or a Motion Graphics Artist to work on a 90-second action-sports DV project. The edit of this project can be viewed using the following link:

You can live anywhere and work on this project. Files can and will be sent back and forth using high-speed internet.

There is also an upcoming 52-minute project to work on.

Please send a resume along with links to online samples of your work. Do not send attachments.
Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value. - Albert Einstein
Victor Muh is offline  
Old April 5th, 2005, 09:08 AM   #258
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North Atlanta (Duluth) Seeks Senior Editor

We are still looking for a senior editor at our corporate headquarters in Duluth, GA.

Need person with experience on FCP, AE, and Premiere Pro. Good graphical skills, editing skills- at least 5 years experience.

We broadcast weekly on a private DSS satellite channle, tour for live show support
(wrap-up videos , etc.) and prepare promo spots.

Contact Chris Carrol or Pam Tokarz

Jeff Patnaude is offline  
Old April 5th, 2005, 10:23 PM   #259
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Hey, I could do the titles for you, and for no charge. I know how it feels to be poor.

I could do your titles using After Effects and/or 3D Studio Max.

You could either send me a dub of the areas for your project on tape, CD ROM, DVD ROM, etc. Let me know your theme, and what you want.

Plus, I have literally thousands of fonts.

I can be reached at (305) 829-6605 -or-

Also, check out my web site at:

Vince Asbjornsen
Vince Asbjornsen
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Old April 6th, 2005, 05:11 PM   #260
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A fan film in canada

We are looking for help in ontario canada for a fan film being shot in the fall.

we are a special fx studio called Kre8tive Epidemic Designs my name is pete mander ( I messed up my last name somehow when I registerd here how do I change this?)

before you quit reading this.. there is some pics and a trailer to see dont judge a book by it cover yet:)

its a 3-4 day shoot for the main climax of this film and have a few comming from the US but the main part is filling costumes. and of couse once everyone is in costume who is left to help the camera guys or other guys running around the background keeping things in order?

Since I am an artist and have a great desire to make a movie ( since the industry hasent noticed) I thought Id make something including my works , more or less a masif portolio of everyone invold. and since i am using fimilar creatures and other costumes and props all altered to our style. I think someone may notice this.

I have a very quickteaser trailer i did in the backyard for a few hours just so people can see the quality of work even though the stuff in the finshed movie will be better and about 20 more of them.. I am new to posting vids online so you will need to email for the video.

This will be a fee film for the internet. a very low budget as we make all the costumes props camera eqipment animatronics etc etc. all we can ofer is a lession in the process of film making and who knows maby we'll meed some people who can help us too. everyone is credided in the film gets a poster a dvd and a prop or two from the sets.

there is too much to explain here so ill leave my email and phone number with some pics ( sometime picture speak louder then words)

email or
Studio number 905 685-3743

thanks for your time and look forward to meeting some of you

Pete mander
artist and director
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Old April 6th, 2005, 05:38 PM   #261
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Pete I wish you were in Vancouver I would have loved to help out.
Visit | stuff about living in Vancouver | My Flickr photo gallery
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Old April 7th, 2005, 08:17 AM   #262
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Hey, I live in Toronto, and Own an XL2...

Jsut curious for more details...

Matthew Nayman is offline  
Old April 7th, 2005, 11:20 AM   #263
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I'm down in the states, but a show with two of my favorite movie monsters in it? Holy Smokes

Will you be posting updates anywhere (esp. a better idea of when?)?

Thanks, good luck

- another XL2 driver
Jeff Miller is offline  
Old April 8th, 2005, 10:11 AM   #264
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Are you still looking for someone?
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Old April 8th, 2005, 12:05 PM   #265
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We've interviewed 2 people so far. I've received a resume from one other person.
Important to let everyone know-- I am NOT involved in the hiring in any way. Our company hasn't posted this job to really get qualified people to apply. I was hoping to help the process.

If anyone is interested, please make a phone call monday April 11th.

Ask for Pam Tokarz, or Norma Richardson. They may or may not be taking resumes (they should though).

If you are qualified- take a shot.
If you dont mind:
Atlanta commuting
corporate woes of work flows
Jeff Patnaude is offline  
Old April 9th, 2005, 04:22 AM   #266
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come one come all!:)

we are shooting with two XL1 cams or depending on funds may upgrade to the xl2 by that time , just money is tight for this project and time.

two of my buds are in toronto who are a big part of this project., playing a few parts.

we have freinds comming from florida michagain and NY so far. if you are interested anyone is welcome.

I am new to this will be my first film.

Pete Mander is offline  
Old April 9th, 2005, 01:25 PM   #267
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send me more info please
Fred Foronda is offline  
Old April 10th, 2005, 02:41 AM   #268
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Producing a weekly tv show in New Orleans...would love help!

Producing a weekly tv show in New Orleans...would love help!

Anyone that has some time and would like to help out... I would greatly appreciate it...

Please reply here
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Old April 11th, 2005, 07:58 PM   #269
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Any details? I'm not in LA but it's cool hearing what people are up to and what oppuritunites are available out there :}
Jeff Miller is offline  
Old April 12th, 2005, 11:01 PM   #270
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Happy to meet you !!!


I'm Hari. I live in St.Louis downtown. I'm really happy to see the conversations that you and Gary had. To be honest, i don't have any experience in film making. But i have to say that i'm energitic and dedicate myself to help you in your production.

I read most of the books about film making. I'm spending almost 8 hours in reading about different parts of indie film making. Indie is a tough job!!! I'm taking training in FCP HD and also thinking of renting a camera and do a small project. I thougt i was totally alone until i saw you're thread.

Following are the things i'm practising as of now:
Non- Fictional writing
Production coordination
Editing in Final Cut pro HD
Researching on Which camera to buy

I want to learn more on Lighting. Most of the directors out there are talking about how essential lighting is for a project and what kind of film stock to use for different kind of effects. I want to learn more on lighting to get a through understanding of effective cinematography.

Please let me know if you need help of any sort. I will be glad to volunteer. I would also be happy to form a assosciation of some sort.

Harikrishnan Ponnurangam is offline  
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