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Old October 2nd, 2004, 05:21 PM   #526
New Boot
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Mumbai, India
Posts: 22
Need DOP for a DV Feature Film in India.

I'm a filmmaker from Bombay in the early stages of pre-production for my first film. A 2 hour feature film to be shot on the XL2 PAL.
Looking for a DOP who has worked extensively with the digital medium and can translate my vision with XL2 while making it look like Film. My Final output would be on Film.

Being a rather Low-budget feature, at the moment all I can offer is a Flight Ticket along with reasonable accomodation and food.
Will try my best to get a token amount going too. The duration will be around 45 days. (20-25 days of shooting).

The period I am looking at is December-January.

Would request those interested to contact me at with the subject saying :DOP.

Any Queries could also be addressed on this thread.


PS: Shooting in India can be as exhilirating or as frustrating as you would like it to be. It all depends how adaptable you are to the situation. The resources for DV film-makers can be a scarce out here. On the bright side...labour comes cheap and so do raw building resources if one has the knowledge can be quite pain-free
Zohar Lokhandwala is offline  
Old October 2nd, 2004, 10:55 PM   #527
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Posts: 8,314
If you are looking at attracting someone to travel halfway across the world to DP for you, you might want to give some idea about what the film is about. :)

Another thing you might want to consider is the dates you have chosen. Most people in North America will be celebrating holidays in December, and will probably want to be here with family during that time. Your offer intrigued me, up until I got to the December/January timeframe, as I have family commitments here.
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Old October 2nd, 2004, 11:20 PM   #528
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Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
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Digital gunfire effects artist needed

Wanted - someone to add in high quality gunfire effects in a short video.

Requirements/experience: No experience needed! This is a chance for someone with no experience to show their stuff. Although it is shot on miniDV, this is a professional level project, and professional quality effects are needed. We'll need to see a sample of your work, or alternately we can give you a test clip to do a sample effect on.

Payment: Deferred pay project, meaning you don't get paid until the overall project makes money. However, even if it doesn't make a penny, your work should still get seen by a TV audience, and it is a project that you can use on your demo reel.

Location: You can be worldwide. The avi clips can be FTP'd to you.

Details: There are probably about 10 different clips that need to have muzzle flashes added. In each clip there are multiple flashes from rapid fire.

E-mail me for more details at

Need to rent camera gear in Vancouver BC?
Check me out at
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Old October 3rd, 2004, 08:28 AM   #529
Capt. Quirk
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Location: Middle of the woods in Georgia
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I am still interested, despite the fact my wife growled about me working for christmas! Only 45 days??? ;)
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Old October 3rd, 2004, 10:33 AM   #530
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Location: Alexandria, VA
Posts: 95
Transfer Medium Format Film to DVD or CD


I have about 300 individual medium format film of my wedding that I want transfer them to DVDs or CDs.

Does any one know any place here in Northern Viriginia that provide that service or maybe some where on the web that can get this done?

I've looked at some meidium format scanner but they cost 2k plus that I can't afford.

Allan Phan is offline  
Old October 3rd, 2004, 07:07 PM   #531
New Boot
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Location: Mumbai, India
Posts: 22
To give you an idea.
The Film titled 'PotLuck' is a two hour DV feature in English.
The Film serves as an analogy to the ironies of life where you never know what comes to the table. 'PotLuck' consists of Four stories of nine people, all interlinked through a series of PotLuck Dinners.
Set in the Urban Landscape of Mumbai, the film offers a refreshing look at the lives of nine people all strugling with their own demons.

Dylan, the reason I'm considering December is
!) The city is lit up like crazy and I can get my exterior shots quite beutifully without the added expense. Christmas is part of the script.
2) Come Feb and Bombay start heating up. Its hot sticky very very humid and shooting can be quite exhausting...especially for someone who's not used to the weather.
3) I do not mind looking at Jan, but I'd still like my DOP to be here atleast a fortnight before shoot. And I want to finish shooting before Feb. I have a lot of Festival Deadlines to keep.

Keith, where can I see your work?
Zohar Lokhandwala is offline  
Old October 4th, 2004, 06:20 AM   #532
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Location: Abingdon, Virginia
Posts: 44
Hello from Southwest VA!!

Im in Abingdon which is near the TN/VA line. Nice to see other Virginians here, wish I could hook up with you all on the east side......

Doug Puckett is offline  
Old October 6th, 2004, 07:38 AM   #533
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Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 81
DIY Indie Filmmaker Course in Baltimore

Hi All,

This should be a really great course for anyone
looking to make a low-budget film on DV. We've
basically made all of the mistakes and done all of the
research for you. The time and money you'll save not
having to make 50-million trips to Home Depot and slog
through bulletin boards for answers to obscure
questions will make this course well worth the cost.

Class size is limited, so definitely sign up early.
Again, I highly recommend any indie filmmakers in the
Baltimore/DC area come out for this course!

Ryan Graham
37.5 Productions

MacGyver Guide to Low/No Budget Filmaking
4 Thursdays

7-9pm Oct 28, Nov 4, 11, 18.
Adv reg (by Oct 21) $110, $80 mbrs/series. Late reg.
$130, $100 mbrs/series.

No budget, no problem!

Learn shortcuts that won’t sell your work short from
the MacGyvers of DIY digital filmmaking in B-More,
Ryan and Tracey Graham and Ryan Stachurski of 37.5

DAY 1- Pre-Production and Special FX – Costumes,
sets/locations, release forms, food/drinks,
storyboards, special fx and most of all, what not to
skimp on.

DAY 2- Building Your Own Audio Equipment. Selecting
mics and a mixer, building boom poles, shock mounts,
wind screens and more!

DAY 3- Lighting and Editing. Building light stands,
good results from worklights and fluorescents, making
reflectors and diffusion, building your own pc
designed for editing and cheap but good software.

DAY 4- Professional DV Accessories. Building a
monitor/stabilizer arm, steadicam, dolly, crane and
Mini35 depth of field adapter.

Register at:
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Old October 6th, 2004, 12:13 PM   #534
New Boot
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 7

Howdy, I will be in Lowell, Massachusetts filming for one day around Thanksgiving on my documentary OUT OF THE POISON TREE.

I will be using either my Canon XL-1 or the new Panasonic 24P Mini-dv camera.

I need a flexible audio tech who has a good shortshotgun microphone and a few laviliers who will assist with roaming exterior shooting as well as three seated interviews in Lowell.

The dates will be confirmed ASAP but it will be either 11/22, 11/23 or 11/24 or 11/29.

Please email me if you are interested and don't forget to include a short bio or resume.

Many thanks.

Basa Pielert, Producer / Director OUT OF THE POISON TREE
Good Film Works, LLC.
Basa Pielert
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Old October 6th, 2004, 08:21 PM   #535
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Location: Miyazaki, Japan-----> Orange County
Posts: 25
A/V Tech Positions--DV Filmmakers/Sound & Lighting---Paying $$

Are you back in school? Do you need a flexible job? Do you want to be payed ($$) to get A/V experience? Our Audio/Visual services group is hiring Techs in OC CA. We have P/T, F/T positions available.

If you have:
- Experience in DV, Media or Broadcasting

- Hospitality/AV experience.

- Polished appearance/demeanor + outstanding customer service.

If you want:
- Flexible hours, Free meals+snacks.

- Training on industry standard Equip. (Canon, Sennheiser, Shure, Eiki, Sony, Source Four)

- A supportive work place.

- Some “down-time” to network, develop contacts and create advancement opptys.

- A competitive compensation package in a growing company.
Send resume w/ cover letter to

Reference my name and this posting and best of luck!
Victor Panero is offline  
Old October 7th, 2004, 01:21 AM   #536
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
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Instant Films 16 -- need help this weekend in LA

One more Instant Films this year--seems like just yesterday we had our August festival. This one is the 3rd annual Halloween festival; the previous ones have been fantastic.

OK, so who do I need? Looking for a boom person (gear is provided) who knows how to get clean tracks (we are shooting on the DVX100a). Also anyone interested in grip/electric. This would be for this upcoming weekend, Saturday the 9th.

No money, nope. Instant Films is a 48 hour filmmaking festival; the goal of the whole thing is to foster creativity and make the best films in a weekend. The screening is a lot of fun; there's drinks and cute girls (if you happen to be a girl reading this, I guess there's plenty of cute guys too) and awards and all that.

Visit the website (, see what you think.
Charles Papert
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Old October 7th, 2004, 09:41 AM   #537
Major Player
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Location: Maryland, USA
Posts: 382

I'm definitely interested in this.. are you presenting these courses?

Also, call me daft, but how do you sign up? It links to but I couldn't find (I guess) what I was looking for.
Patrick Jenkins is offline  
Old October 7th, 2004, 10:35 PM   #538
New Boot
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Location: Agoura Hills, CA
Posts: 19
Any LA based shooters?

Who have the JVC cam...just wondering. Email me. May have a gig or two lined up in the future.


Geoff Pepos

Rhythm Films
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Old October 8th, 2004, 09:37 AM   #539
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Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 81
Hi Patrick,

Glad you're interested in the course! Yes, it will be myself and two other people who are presenting it.

The missiontix link is here:

You can also call the Creative Alliance at 410-276-1651 if you have any other questions about the ordering process. Ask for Kristen, as she is the one in charge of the Moviemakers section of the organization.

Hope to see you there!

Ryan Graham
37.5 Productions
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Old October 8th, 2004, 11:16 AM   #540
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Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 98
Maybe next time...

Out of town this weekend but would love to lend a hand on your next instantfilm(tm).

Have fun!

-- Andre
aaandre (at) gmail (dot) com
It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. -- Seneca
Andre Andreev is offline  
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