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Old July 16th, 2004, 03:24 PM   #346
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Mark you should be getting my demo shortly
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Old July 16th, 2004, 03:27 PM   #347
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not bad...
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Old July 16th, 2004, 03:29 PM   #348
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PA's needed for WNY Film

I am UPMing a short here in Western New York in the next couple of weeks. We are shooting 2 heavy scenes that we are in need of at least 5 PA's and some help with grips and gaffing.

If you are intersting in helping out on this shoot and to gain some experience we'd love to have you. Sorry this isn't a paying position, more for experience.

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Old July 16th, 2004, 03:30 PM   #349
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squeeky wheel is "iffy" you have to be a member and they are a bit pricey to boot
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Old July 18th, 2004, 05:15 AM   #350
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DP/Gaffer 4 Hire w/ Gear and Online Demo Reel, CA

Brett Erskine
Freelance Cinematographer w/lighting, camera, grip and sound gear
L.A./O.C. Based/Will Travel
Online resume and DVX100 demo videos available at:


Brett Erskine
Premiere Visions
Director of Photography
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Old July 18th, 2004, 05:26 AM   #351
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Hey Charles I've enjoyed your post. Perhaps you have seen some of mine in the mini35 forums. Just found this one. Hope its not too late to get a chance to work with you. I also have a few rare toys that can be nice on set. Heres my contact info/online demo reel:

Brett Erskine
Freelance Cinematographer w/lighting, camera, grip and sound gear
L.A./O.C. Based/Will Travel
Online resume and demo videos available at:


Brett Erskine
Premiere Visions
Director of Photography
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Old July 18th, 2004, 08:47 PM   #352
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Is there anyone else out there that knows where to rent such equipment in Western NY??
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Old July 19th, 2004, 12:24 PM   #353
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Currently flying a Hollywood Lite GT Series, but looking into the Steadicam Flyer as soon as I test it out.
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Old July 19th, 2004, 11:25 PM   #354
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You'll love the Flyer, she's a high-performance system. My sense is that for anyone who is used to every other rig (including Tiffen's earlier efforts like the Mini), the arm will be a revelation on the order of "oh, THAT's what a Steadicam arm is supposed to feel like! And the monitor is very bright and sunlight viewable, and has good off-axis capability.

Sort of similar to the way I feel having treated myself to my first "adult" car after years of driving s**tboxes, wagons and bland SUV, for hauling the gear around...I got an Audi A6 and am just starting to understand what the concept of enjoyable driving is all about! (kept the bland SUV for the gear, though).
Charles Papert
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Old July 19th, 2004, 11:46 PM   #355
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Hi Ed,

What kind of camera are you using on your Stedicam rig ??

Mike M.
Mike Moncrief
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Old July 20th, 2004, 09:58 AM   #356
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still open

I've had one inquiry, but we have had problems hooking up due to my work schedule and time difference.
Dan Holly
Anchorage, Alaska
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Old July 20th, 2004, 10:06 AM   #357
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Currently own a DVX100
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Old July 21st, 2004, 01:32 PM   #358
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New York City/Long Island area volunteer

Just realized that while I had brought up my desire to work for free in another thread, I never officially announced my availability in this forum. So here goes:

Shooting something on Long Island or in the city, and need an unpaid gopher to get coffee, carry boxes, or other such undesirable work? Shoot me an email (I'm sorry to say I'm the last person on the planet without a cell phone right now; gimme a week or so, and I should have one)! I'm willing to do just about anything you need done, provided I'm able, and like to think of myself as a fast learner. But I could be wrong. Maybe I'm a moron. I don't think I'm qualified to decide that.

What do I ask in return? Experience. Mind you, I'm not gonna refuse to drag cables around on the grounds that it's not "what I'm here to learn", but I'd like to start working toward a career in one of these industries. I'm not sure which industry just yet, though, so I'm up for anything. Film, video, whatever's your bag.

Now, you may ask me, "What can you bring to the table aside from your open minded but annoyingly self-deprecating attitude?", and I'm glad you do. I've yet to make a movie of my own, but I do excel at one thing: spending thousands of dollars on equipment that's too good for me, learning how to use it, and then not using it. I have a VX2000, ME66, Evolution 100 wireless mic setup, assorted cables...nothing fancy, but potentially useful in a pinch.

I also have in my possession a '91 Chevy Extended 1 ton passenger van, courtesy of the University of Maryland (won it in an auction in '02). Formerly used by the marching band to traverse the campus, it's been driven less than sixty thousand miles. Passed inspection and emissions tests a week or two ago, got it registered in my name, and it's ready to go. And with only ONE row of bench seats installed (it's capable of becoming a fourteen person bus, though I don't own the necessary seats), there's more than enough room for any big, heavy, possibly dirty stuff you've got to toss inside. It'll be a pain to park in Manhattan, what with being a van (an extended one, at that), and it's registered as a passenger vehicle, so I can't double park; I could have that changed easily enough, though, if need be. The DMV out here is surprisingly fast.

The van is also air conditioned, for those extra muggy summer days. :)

With regard to my ability to travel: I am not, unfortunately, intimately familiar with the city OR the island, but I do own maps. They're (mostly) current, and laminated so I can mark my route to wherever it is you need me. Not to mention my dad's been living in New York for the last fifty nine years, give or take, and can give me tips and shortcuts should I need them.

Speaking of my father, whom some of you I'm sure have heard me ramble on about at great length, he's a plumber, and I've been working beside him for two and a half/three years now. Should you need plumbing related props, or licensed, insured master plumbers to hook something up, well, I'm your guy. And if you need deals on pipe, or other such material, I can probably swing that too.

So there you have it! Here I am, ready to work and learn, and give everything I can to your film or video production. Should I fit the bill for your project, feel free to contact me via email at to schedule something. I may need a day or two's advance notice (a bit more if you need my father's services), though, to prepare--remember, I've never done this before--so try and let me know as soon as possible.

Other than that, your whim is my command.
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Old July 21st, 2004, 07:03 PM   #359
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I would do it for you, but just do yourself a favor and buy DVFilm Maker. It's cheap and will do the job. You can even download a trial version to test it for yourself. Good luck.
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Old July 21st, 2004, 07:09 PM   #360
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Where in WNY, what are the specific dates, and do you need camera PA's?
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