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Old May 24th, 2004, 12:18 PM   #241
New Boot
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Washington, D.C
Posts: 24
Looking for DC filmmakers

Hi everyone,

My name is Anthony Faust and I'm a film producer in D.C. I'm developing a short and I'm looking for local producers to collaborate with.

I'm looking for DPs, grips, actors, and most of all, a producer to help me develop the project. Feel free to email me at I'm eager to get started and I want to work with someone who has a passion and enthusiasm to make a good film.

In the meantime, check out my latest short,


Anthony Faust
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Old May 26th, 2004, 12:21 PM   #242
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Anyone in Korea need a hand?

I will be moving to Korea in July. I am looking to help out on any size project. I have an XL1s. I want to get better at using it and do something useful.
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Old May 26th, 2004, 01:12 PM   #243
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Portsmouth (UK) shoot - September

I have a three day event shoot in Portsmouth in September, and need a lighting tech with equipment to assist. Can anyone help ?


Steve G
Steve G
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Old May 28th, 2004, 08:43 AM   #244
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Location: Oceanside Harbor, CA
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Anybody anywhere near Erie, PA? I really want to work,
learn, get involved with people. I have resources, I'm
looking for knowledge, interaction, imagination, endless
possiblities. Thanks!
Michael Best is offline  
Old May 29th, 2004, 10:47 PM   #245
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At Least One 1-day Job in DC / June 12

I'd like someone to take a job I can't. I know it's short notice and I apologize for that, but they gave me short notice as well. The reason I can't is I already have another commitment in Chicago that day.

The job is videotaping an ethnic fashion show on the afternoon of Saturday, June 12, in Washington, D.C.

It will involve two cameras, one stationary and the other taking a variety of shots. The event will likely run about 60 minutes, but may take up to 120. Both cameras should be of the 3-chip variety.

Please post here with any general questions or email me for specifics: _tv_writer_at_mac-dot-com_ (without the underscores and dashes; I put them in to avoid scavenger bots).

Thank you!

Murad Toor
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Old May 30th, 2004, 05:56 AM   #246
Capt. Quirk
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Will the job pay enough for travel?
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Old May 30th, 2004, 07:39 AM   #247
RED Code Chef
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I've moved your thread and changed the title to better indicate
what you are looking for.

Rob Lohman,
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Old May 30th, 2004, 09:56 AM   #248
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Keith, this job will cover travel but there won't be that much left after that if you're coming from Florida, or in my case Chicago.

The pay will be $350 for the two camera, two hour shoot. This is more likely a job for a D.C./MD/VA shooter, but I'd be thrilled if you decided to do it. I was willing to go and pay my travel expenses out of that fee because I am a past-president of the group that produces the fashion show. I suppose anyone else traveling from far to do the job would do it for the sake of novelty. The show features Pakistani clothes, both modern and traditional.

I am going to edit the show, and I'm doing that on a spec basis.
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Old May 30th, 2004, 10:06 AM   #249
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I can do that. I have an XL1 and access to another that we can use for the lockdown. Where is the show? What time is it? Can you cover expenses also? (just tapes, not travel).

Let me know, I am definitely interested, especially if I can have permission to use the footage for my reel also...
Barry Gribble
Integral Arts, IMDB
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Old May 30th, 2004, 10:20 AM   #250
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Barry, that's excellent. The fashion show is scheduled tentatively between noon and 4 p.m. By now they should have finalized the exact timing. I will call the folks organizing the event to find that out. It will be a two-hour show at the most. I'll address the reel question later today because right now I have to take off. The answer to that is yes with conditions.
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Old May 30th, 2004, 03:47 PM   #251
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Primetime Music Video Show Seeks DIRECTOR OF SALES


WYA Video Productions seeks a dedicated Director of Sales to
join our talented team. The Director of Sales will be responsible for attracting and managing clients who seek to have a commercial, music video, EPK, or other production produced/aired.

Director of Sales will receive a 15% commission for any work secured. Ex., a $3000 secured production will result in $450 compensation.

WYA Video Productions is a PrimeTime Music Video Show. Our program is a mixture of music videos, interviews, and performances of celebrity artists and local artists. The show reaches 700,000 DIVERSIFIED subscribers in New Jersey, consisting of five counties, and over 100 cities. The duration of the show is one hour and airs 1-2 times a week depending on geographical location. Our program is very successful in reaching the DIVERSIFIED 14- 34 year old demographic.

Our services include:

* Commercials can be produced, edited w/graphics, and aired on the show for 13 weeks starting at $2000. Other packages offered at varying prices.

* Music Videos can be produced, edited w/graphics, and aired for a 4 week rotation. The music video will be programmed alongside celebrity artists in the music industry. Starting price is $3,000

* EPK's can be produced, edited w/graphics and receive partial
airtime for negotiated rates starting at $3,000 for five (5)

* Airtime only can be purchased at $650/13 weeks for commercials, $1000/4 weeks for music videos. Airtime for other productions vary.

The show airs as follows:

Jersey City- Mon 6pm & Fri 5:30pm, Ch. 64

Union Zones and Essex County- Mon 6pm, Ch. 27

Plainfield- Mon 6pm & Thurs 6pm, Ch. 73

Meadowlands- Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 6pm, Ch. 65/73 with the box

Monmouth County- Mon 5:30 pm & Fri 6pm, Ch. 95/83 with box


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Old May 31st, 2004, 12:26 AM   #252
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Posts: 125
I spoke with a couple of the people involved with the show tonight but I forgot to get the exact timings. I'll get them tomorrow night.

I'll address everything over email tomorrow evening.

The good news I got tonight is the parent organization has hired a videographer for the entire weekend, which includes two cameras at the fashion show. I just need to make sure their end product doesn't conflict with ours. The scope of theirs is supposed to be an overview and recap of the whole weekend's events, whereas ours is going to be solely focused on the fashion show. It will be a lot more compelling to watch a four-camera production, and they're supplying me with the raw tapes from the other two camera feeds.


edit: The show is scheduled to begin at 1:30 and end at 3:30 p.m. Barry, I'll email you the rest of the details. Thanks again!
Murad Toor is offline  
Old May 31st, 2004, 08:15 AM   #253
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Location: Lanexa Va
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Virginia Productions

I'm Bill and live in the Williamsburg VA area. There is a group of producers and animators living in the area that have joined together showing each of our skills and abilities on a DVD that we are currently making. I own Canon XL-1 camera and edit on Final Cut. Just wondering if others in the area would like to join us.

There is strength in numbers!

Bill Cloughly
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Old May 31st, 2004, 05:24 PM   #254
New Boot
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Posts: 5
Canon XL-1 and FCP owner looking for work

I am a Media Arts graduate from the University of South Carolina with experience in film and video production, including pre-production and editing. I also do web and multimedia design. I am in South Carolina but I am looking to move to New York (or wherever work is). I can do professional-quality work for much less than others charge. If you are interested in working with me please contact me at I am interested in any type of film/video/media work and I am more than willing to travel/relocate.
Jacky Schuler is offline  
Old May 31st, 2004, 08:54 PM   #255
Capt. Quirk
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Hey Jacky, welcome! If it's work you're looking for, keep your eyes open here, and at as well.
K. Forman is offline  
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