New 4K 60fps camera from Japan at
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HD and UHD ( 2K+ ) Digital Cinema
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Old December 4th, 2009, 02:09 AM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Athens, Greece
Posts: 344
New 4K 60fps camera from Japan

The new camera outputs 4K raw uncompressed. Not very useful but still impressing.
Its also lightweight and have nikon mount so I suspect it is S35 or FF, although is not specified in the website.
Emmanuel Plakiotis is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 17th, 2009, 01:37 PM   #2
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it seems like its just a head, and you would need a very expensive souped up computer attached to it to capture anything. Which pretty much means it wouldn't be portable and more of a "Film Studio" 4k camera. Not really for location shooting. Looks more for specialty type shoots for green screen and slomo special FX. Although 60 isnt really a fast speed.

Unless the camera was only $5,000 USD it seems like it wouldn't be worth the cost considering you'd have to spend tons of money on the back end just to have a proper system setup. And by then you'll be in the range of RED which is completely mobile and needs no beefy computer attached to it.

Specialty camera. I dont see this doing anything to the market at all, considering there are many more cameras out there that are faster or easier to setup.
Giuseppe Pugliese is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 18th, 2009, 08:41 AM   #3
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That camera is $96,000USD

I think it's more based on scientific usage rather than cinema.
Panasonic HMC150/Canon A1/JVC HD1/Sony Vegas 8.0c
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