Storefront Pictures of Brooklyn Website Shops at
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Old December 27th, 2005, 03:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Hollywood, CA
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Storefront Pictures of Brooklyn Website Shops

Pictures of the physical addresses of website shops based in Brooklyn:

Cool to see the actual physical plant of B&H (it's huge!), not so cool to see some of the others...
Ben Winter is offline   Reply With Quote
Old January 17th, 2006, 02:24 PM   #2
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 344

That made my day! I was hunting around for a good online store and heard about the Brooklyn Dilemma. It's great to actually see how trashy the places really are.

My heart soars like a hawk. :)
Stephen Finton is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 11th, 2006, 01:40 PM   #3
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Posts: 119
I actually bought my xl2 and a flat panel monitor from 2 of these companies who turned out to be the same one. I stumbled across this link myself a couple months ago when I was thinking about buying a second xl2. My first response was "No way Jose!" then I realized I had purchased from them in the past. You can't really judge a book by it's cover. It takes a huge investment to have a million dollars worth of display inventory on the floor, and a Disneyland skyway that carries your purchase from the warehouse to the salescounter isn't cheap. These guys hammer out a living going against the big guys and ideally offer savings through reduced overhead. Our company deals regularly with a guy that has an unmarked building. It's definitely a no frills environment. You walk in and there's three sales desks and a pile of sony boxes stacked to the ceiling which for a video geek is kind of it's own Disneyland.

P.S. This should probably be a sticky. I think people should have as much information as possible before making a video purchase, and Don Wiss has definitely done his homework. It's like finding that golden link that shows tune-up specs for every car made in the last 70 years.
Jason Varner is offline   Reply

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New York, NY USA

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Bolton, Lancashire UK

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