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Old July 18th, 2002, 08:28 PM   #16
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Pembroke Pines, Florida
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Might anyone know if they (ZGC) have GL2's in stock- I hear they're already hard to find?
My buddy is looking to purchase but can't find one. Thanks

(I know I should email them personally- just wondering if anyone here knows..)
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old July 18th, 2002, 08:34 PM   #17
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Yes they do, as I spoke with Mizell about it today. They have just about the best price around. Give them a call tomorrow as I only think that they have two left.
Paul Sedillo
Houston, Texas
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Old July 18th, 2002, 08:36 PM   #18
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Thanks- will do
Steve Nunez-New York City
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Old July 21st, 2002, 12:20 PM   #19
Obstreperous Rex
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Mizell is a hell of a great guy. You should see him work a trade show. At DV Expo a couple weeks ago, he single-handedly ran the P+S Technik 35mm adapter demo at the Canon booth, both days back-to-back non-stop. I think I covered for him for all of fifteen minutes when he went outside to smoke a cigarette. That was his "lunch break." Plus he brought everything in by hand, walked it down to Javits from across Manhattan and carted it all out again. You can't stop that guy. He's just on all the time. Then at night you join him for a few drinks in the bar, and he's still talking business with customers. I'd like to buy Mizell a vacation but you'd have a hard time convincing him to take it.

At MacWorld last week, Adam Brooks and I took Mizell with us to dinner in Chinatown with Dan and Don Berube, and it felt good to just sit down and relax for a change. But of course we were still talking shop!

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Old November 22nd, 2002, 09:25 AM   #20
Sponsor: ZGC
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New Price for Anamorphic Attachment for XL1/XL1S

Hi Everyone,

ZGC, Inc. is offering new pricing on the OpTex Anamorphic Attachment for the Canon XL1/XL1S: Was $865 complete with adapter ring, now only $720. They're in stock and ready to ship.

Check out www.zgc.com to learn about using the adapter.

Barbara Lowry
ZGC, Inc.
Watchdog Sponsor
Barbara Lowry
ZGC, Inc.
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Old December 7th, 2002, 08:26 PM   #21
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ZGC rules!

Since I live overseas, I tend to stick with just a few companies that I order from since retailers tend to make you jump through so many hoops in order to be deemed trustworthy enough to send equipment to.

BUT...I just made my first purchase from ZGC and that wasn't the case at all. Nary a hoop was presented. They were fast, professional, gave great advice, and didn't blink when I told them I lived overseas. In fact, when I told Chris, the salesperson, that I lived overseas, she kicked into overdrive to weigh my different shipping options to find the fastest vs. most inexpensive choice.

I'll be doing a LOT of business with ZGC from now on. I'm thoroughly impressed.

P.S. Other retailers should take note of this.
John Locke
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Old December 7th, 2002, 10:09 PM   #22
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I 2nd that,,,,Chris is great to work with.
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Old December 8th, 2002, 10:28 AM   #23
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What impressed me about them is when they send your order they also send a "Thank You," and a little pad of sticky notes.

It kind of reminded me of the old days when a mechanic would wash your car and vacuum it after he worked on it.
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Old December 10th, 2002, 12:57 PM   #24
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I also enjoy ZGC's business ethics. I haven't purchased anything major since my last order in August from them, but will do so again when finances permit. I got a t-shirt last time :) I wonder what they'll throw in with a 16x manual, and ME66...
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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Old December 16th, 2002, 08:47 AM   #25
Sponsor: ZGC
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ZGC stuff

Just a clarification of what ZGC has to offer - yes, Canon is our mainstay, but there is quite a bit of manufacturer crossover with our DV products. Certainly, the matte boxes, wide angle converters and anamorphic attachments and some of the other goodies work on DV cameras other than Canon. The P+S Technik Mini35 Digital adapter, for instance, has a version for the Sony PD150 and VX2000 -- but we won't labor that point on the Watchdog!

AND -- I'll take this opportunity to thank Chris Hurd for being the knowledgeable and cool guy that he is and thank all of you tapping into the Watchdog for your support of ZGC this past year. Chris, Mizell, Patty, Guy, Les and myself wish you all a very happy holiday and successful beginning to the new year!
Barbara Lowry
ZGC, Inc.
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Old March 19th, 2003, 11:33 PM   #26
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ZGC stuff


SOme months back I placed a small order with ZGC. I was given a fair price, the items were shiped promptly and undamaged, and they functioned flawlessly once employed. I will continue to do business with you because of those things, and also because you folks thought enough of my piddling little order to send me a Thank You note. Class act.

If ZGC ever decides to venture into production, I have several comercial feature pieces I'd like to toss out of the bag and join forces with you on a producing team.

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Old March 21st, 2003, 10:08 AM   #27
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Do you have a walk-in retail location where I could actually see and try some of your products, or are you strictly mail order?
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Old March 31st, 2003, 09:59 AM   #28
Sponsor: ZGC
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Sorry for the delay in responding to your postings. I was away in Mexico for 15 days attempting to learn Spanish at a great school in Cuernavaca called Cemanahuac. That being said: thanks for the kind words about our service at ZGC. Charles, feel free to contact me directly at barb@zgc.com. Boyd, we do have visitors to our location at 264 Morris Avenue, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey, but our primary method of doing business is phone, internet, FedEx and UPS. If you would like to come, please give us a call to be sure that the specific equipment you want to see is currently in inventory before you arrive -- and so we can give you directions!

Anyone going to NAB in Las Vegas this week?

Barbara Lowry
Barbara Lowry
ZGC, Inc.
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Old April 21st, 2003, 03:48 PM   #29
Sponsor: ZGC
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Posts: 56
XL1S Two Year Warranty from Canon

Hi Everyone!

For those of you in the market for a new XL1S: Now available from ZGC, Inc., contented Watchdog sponsor, are standard XL1S camera packages with a 2 year extended Canon warranty, if purchased through June 30, 2003.

Give us a call at 973-335-4460 Eastern Standard Time and ask for Christine or Mizell.

Barbara Lowry
ZGC, Inc.
Watchdog Sponsor
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Old September 5th, 2003, 12:51 PM   #30
Sales: Reflecmedia
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New Items to check out at ZGC.

Hey all,

Some great new items to check out our website, www.zgc.com:

** New Chrosziel DV Follow Focus - Chrosziel's world renowed engineering and manufacturing, in a reasonable DV price. Units starting from $1,300. Combine this with a Zoe zoom controller and you have the perfect combination for Hollywood smooth lens moves. (www.16x9inc.com)

** Indie Dolly - Professional Dolly moves with a garage sale price. This hand crafted dolly is perfect for getting those silky smooth moves without having to pay to milk the worms. Basic kits start at $699

** Mini35Digital adapter 400 Series for Canon XL1s, Sony PD150, and starting in October, the Panasonic DVX100 - The Mini35 has revolutionized the MiniDV world, bringing true 35mm filmic cinematography to the 1/3" CCD platform. Stun and amaze your friends, family, and, most importantly, your customers by capturing breathtaking images cheaper and faster then film, without all the hassles. Taking deposits now on 400 Series units. Secure your unit before the price increase this fall. **SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY** -- While supplies last, those users sticking strictly to the XL1s can save 15% on the remaining 300 Series units. $7,200 gets you out the door and in the streets!

As always, we have a full line of MiniDV accesories for all your favorite cameras. Come check us out or give Chris and I a call.

Best Regards,

Posts before Feb 2004 were on behalf of ZGC, afterwards they're all mine!
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