B&H verification. at DVinfo.net
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Old June 16th, 2005, 05:33 PM   #1
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Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 316
B&H verification.

Let me preface this by saying I have ordered several thousand dollars in merchandise from B&H over the last year, and I have never had a problem...

On thursday, I purchased a camera for someone that is leaving on a trip on Saturday. Overnight delivery, no problem! In the past, I have never once had a problem getting an item, or items shipped to this address, credit card number, of phone number...

But things have changed. I got an email (After I got home from work, so after they have closed for the day).

Unverifiable Address:

As our research indicates that your order is to be shipped to
an address with a NON LISTED/UN-PUBLISHED phone number,
we kindly request that you Fax or E-mail a scanned image of a
Phone Bill, Utility Bill or Drivers License showing the Shipping Address.

If the Shipping Address DOES have a LISTED/PUBLISHED phone number,
please provide us with that information.
How nice. For some reason they decided now would be a good time to stop trusting me. New Address? No. New Credit Card Number? No. New Phone Number? No. I didn't change one bit of information during checkout.

Last time I ever order anything rushed. Waste of $50 shipping.
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Old June 16th, 2005, 05:42 PM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: california
Posts: 342
Originally Posted by Bryan Mitchell
Let me preface this by saying I have ordered several thousand dollars in merchandise from B&H over the last year, and I have never had a problem...

On thursday, I purchased a camera for someone that is leaving on a trip on Saturday. Overnight delivery, no problem! In the past, I have never once had a problem getting an item, or items shipped to this address, credit card number, of phone number...

But things have changed. I got an email (After I got home from work, so after they have closed for the day).

How nice. For some reason they decided now would be a good time to stop trusting me. New Address? No. New Credit Card Number? No. New Phone Number? No. I didn't change one bit of information during checkout.

Last time I ever order anything rushed. Waste of $50 shipping.
hello brian

i am sorry to hear about your expirience. i too have shopped only with b&h but never had any problems at all.
di you call their 800 number? there must be a fix to it..

good luck and let us know

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Old June 16th, 2005, 05:50 PM   #3
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Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 316
I noticed that one of my statements was incorrect. I have changed my mailing address before... though not recently, and have ordered without a problem since then. I am very dissapointed, as it seems that the only possible way for the camera ($1006) to get here on time is for B&H to pay the extra difference for saturday delivery. From what I hear, that's not likely to happen... and if it gets here monday, the $50 in shipping is a waste.

In my reply to their email, with my proof of ID, I will be asking for either a bump up to saturday delivery at their cost (not normally available on their website), or to be downgraded to the cheapest possible shipping.
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Old June 22nd, 2005, 06:36 PM   #4
Major Player
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Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 316
Got it on Saturday, just in time! It's awesome that B&H uses the next day Saturday delivery.

B&H is my hero.
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Old June 22nd, 2005, 06:55 PM   #5
Major Player
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: california
Posts: 342
Originally Posted by Bryan Mitchell
Got it on Saturday, just in time! It's awesome that B&H uses the next day Saturday delivery.

B&H is my hero.
hello bryan,

what a change between posting 1+2...lol

again, i live in the san francisco area, and there is nothing even close to b&h

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Old July 8th, 2005, 05:04 AM   #6
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Atlanta GA
Posts: 1,427
To continue the love for B and H I just ordered a 20d which was supposed to arrive yeasterday, as it turned out the shipping company (who I've had numerous problems with and should have known better to trust anything with) admittedly left the shipment on the DOCK of the shipping place and it will now be (I hope only) another day before it arrives. I called B and H and they said they would refund the cost of my shipping, because this particular company (I believe thier slogan is " what can we do to you") dropped the ball. Anyhow it was a nice enough experience and took almost no time at all. Assuming I get my camera tomorrow I'll have nothing but positive things to say.
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