At my age I should know better at
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Old January 15th, 2005, 07:58 AM   #1
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Location: Dublin, Ireland
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At my age I should know better

Over a few weeks I must have read the same message on 20 different threads on a dozen different topics ... "Support our Sponsors ... buyer beware of the great deals and fantastic offers"

But no, sez I. Boyd and Chris and Ken etc... they've all got vested interests in the site and probably an angle with the sponsors, yeah, sure, betcha!

So I checked out for a start and there was the writing on the wall ... in the name of God why bother with B & H? Got on to my ONLY personal friend in USA and she went further and found .. GL2 for $1899 less $250 rebate! Go for it sez I and she went. That was the last I saw of her for a week, when she phoned spitting blood, snarling like a cornered mongrel and suggesting various destinations in outer space where I might like to accept a lucrative position.

Used to be a lovely charming young girl, just a friend ... until she crossed swords with salesmen from When she declined to buy their insurance and wouldn't add on this & that & the other THEY TOLD MY FRIEND WHERE TO GET OFF. She was not amused and if I hadn't been able to say that she could contact B & H with no possibility of an insult or a scam she would no longer be my friend. Did B & H treat her with respect? What do you think? Tap in B & H in the SEARCH option and every thread you read I can now confirm. Thank you B & H. No hassle, no messing, good help, nice chap, honest "items included" list; The fact that they didn't try to cross-sell means I'll be back to buy the BP945 batteries from them too.
(Then tap in the other suppliers names and the derogatory comments are frequently understatements of their barbarity.)

But wouldn't you think at 67 I'd know better. Greed is a dog.

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Old January 15th, 2005, 12:38 PM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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Heh. Nice testimonial; sorry for your troubles and I hate to say I told you so.

Regarding vested interests -- Ken, Boyd and the rest of our volunteer moderator staff have no vested interest in pointing readers to our sponsors; as it is right now, nobody is getting so much as a dime in kickbacks (there are no kickbacks). As for myself, well, whatever I receive from our sponsors is going right back into the site.

I found a handful of trustworthy dealers -- that was the first priority -- having them advertise here was the second priority. In other words, I won't accept just any dealer who waves money at DV Info Net. They've got to be top-notch first. Then they can buy a banner, maybe. That's how it works around here.

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Old January 15th, 2005, 05:37 PM   #3
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Thank you Chris.
And it's reassuring to know that there are no kickbacks ... it was just my dirty mind. It just goes to illustrate the wide gap between being cynical and being wise. Anyway I'm learning ... that's the good news.
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Old January 15th, 2005, 06:16 PM   #4
Retired DV Info Net Almunus
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I, too, am sorry to read of your trouble, Brendan. (Although I admit to laughing aloud... at least twice...while reading your lively account.)

I certainly understand your initial skepticism at our ongoing endorsement of our sponsors. Nearing 51 I know that my general level of skepticism has grown faster than a callous under an ill-fitting shoe.

But we moderators truly are an all-volunteer corps. We receive no payment from DV Info and receive no special considerations from our sponsors; we pay the same prices that you pay.

Geez, now that I read what I wrote, my skeptical self asks why-oh-why in the world we do this!
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Old January 15th, 2005, 06:41 PM   #5
Obstreperous Rex
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You do it for the swag! I think.

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Old January 16th, 2005, 09:39 AM   #6
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B&H isn't perfect. I've had my problems with them, but I'll tell you what... they are the best place I've found so far. That's why I spend enough to probably support two or three of their employees myself.

One of the great things about B&H is that they ship fast and cheap. I wouldn't be suprised sometimes if UPS is charging them more for shipping than they are charging you.

Some stores have lower prices... like EVS is cheaper on Panasonic MQ's. However, when you factor in shipping costs they price is about the same and B&H will get the package out faster. It's like that with a lot of places... factor in shipping costs before choosing someone other than B&H.

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Old January 16th, 2005, 10:05 AM   #7
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Wow, does this mean I have to return that Porsche that B&H "lent" me? ;-)

Seriously, we volunteer here at DVinfo because we believe in Chris and his philosophy which has created the best resource of its kind on the internet. I've been online since the old arpanet days, and that pioneer spirit of helping others without really expecting anything in return is too often forgotten anymore. I'm proud to be a part of the team.
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