UPS Ground Shipping from B&H? - Page 2 at
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Old February 12th, 2004, 02:32 AM   #16
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Was the shipping insured? Was the computer replaced?
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Old February 12th, 2004, 11:31 AM   #17
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I probably was not clear enough, it was sitting on my porch, its the fact they just left it there....I was tempted with saying I never got it but decided in the game of karma points, if I had lied and tried to get another free then I would have had my car broken into and a camera stolen or something else in divine payback.

I did checkat the time and a signature was required but ups just left it on the porch without one on a very busy street..

milking the celebrity criminal trials thank god for the freaks
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Old May 18th, 2004, 11:09 PM   #18
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This alleged decline of UPS has apparently gone on for some time. Eleven years ago, I ordered a $3,000.-plus camcorder kit (in 1993 $$). I arranged the order by phone, but paid with a cashier's check by mail. It was agreed that it would be delivered to my place of work by UPS.

At the scheduled delivery time, it didn't appear. The next day, still no show. Two days later, a neighbor called and told me that a package was delivered to my front porch a day and a half earlier and was still there. I looked and there was the camcorder, which had sat in view of the street through two days.

I should point out that I lost all my keys years ago, except the one for the back door and never use the front door. My driveway goes around the far end of the house and I don't ordinarily see the front porch when leaving/arriving. How did UPS manage to do this, when my home address wasn't even on the shipping ticket? The work address was the only one on the package.

Believe me, I've checked my front porch every day since then, even if I'm not expecting anything. Last Summer, I arrived home at 1 am and made my habitual front porch inspection. There was a tall, beautiful, naked woman out in my driveway, doing some wild, interpretive dance moves. My guess is she was under the influence of illegal substances. She ran up and down the street several times, before disappearing. Thanks to UPS, I got to see this. No, I got nothing on tape. I called the police, thinking she needed help. Ten squad cars from city, county and state agencies arrived within minutes, but couldn't find her. What could they find?

About this same time, in '93, UPS delivered an entire fast-food restaurant (everything but the bricks and mortar), all packed in about 50 big cartons and stacked them in my driveway. It was intended for a local franchise, the name of which I won't mention. But when they saw my name in the phone book, their logic led them to believe it belonged to me. The building hadn't been erected yet and there was nothing at the shipping address but a vacant lot. The packages sat there for 5 days, before the restaurant owners could be identified and summoned. They offered me a free burger a day for life, for my efforts, except I never eat such things.

Steve McDonald
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Old May 18th, 2004, 11:25 PM   #19
Join Date: Aug 2003
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I just had trouble with FedEx. Maybe it was
just the particular driver since all other ones worked out okay.
The guy just placed it in the lobby/foyer of my
apartment complex -- didn't even try ringing the
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Old May 19th, 2004, 04:49 PM   #20
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I've always been pretty happy with B&H shipping. Sometimes they do ship some items before others, but usually the items are very well packed, an if I order UPS ground it usually comes in 2-3 days, since I'm only about 90 miles away.

This vs. my ONE experience with one of those 'brooklyn camera store ripoff operations' charging my credit card for FEDEX 10am delivery when I specified ground -- and they shipped via UPS ground, and the box was poorly packed.
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