HUGE Reflecmedia Chroma key system Price Drop at
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Old December 23rd, 2008, 06:16 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 892
HUGE Reflecmedia Chroma key system Price Drop

How about over 50% off??!!

If you're not familiar with Reflecmedia, be sure to watch the video Reflecmedia in action - Chroma key made easy on Vimeo

I'm so glad to see the price coming down - Reflecmedia has been one of our biggest sellers in the history of the company and so many government entities, schools, churches and corporations could benefit from the ease of use. Set-up is very quick and the results are impressive.

So what's the fuss about? Well....the Reflecmedia 8'x'8 curtain is now available in a new "non-backed" version. It's the exact same Chromatte material on the front, just not as heavy on the back. The former cost of the 8'x8' kit was over $3500! The kit includes the Litering and controller. Now imagine that same kit in your hands for just $1500! - That's over $2,000 off!! And you can use your DVinfo 5% off coupon through the DVeStore website Buy Reflecmedia Now at DVeStore

In the picture below you can see an example of me standing on the Basematte tile. The sheet is 4.5'x6.5' - after cropping in post and adding shadows - take a look at the result Manfrotto Monopod demo shot in front of Reflecmedia backdrop on Vimeo

Shadows can be added by duplicating the layer, adjusting the contrast, opacity and 3-d "perspective". I used 3 layers to create various shadows to improve the realism. Since the shadows were duplicates - they move exactly as the talent moves. Cool stuff!

Stop by our website or call 1-877-353-8077
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HUGE Reflecmedia Chroma key system Price Drop-literingblueinstalled.jpg   HUGE Reflecmedia Chroma key system Price Drop-front_shot.jpg  

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Guy Cochran
DVinfo Sponsor, Cool Gear - DVeStore!
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Old December 28th, 2008, 01:49 AM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: San Angelo Texas
Posts: 1,518

I used to have one of the "front screen projection systems" marketed to portrait studios. The 8x8' retroreflective screen seemed to do what reflecmedia screen does but the fine glass beads in the screen were super susceptible to crush, fold, and abrasion damage. I notice you demo a screen that looks like it was wadded up before unfolding for use, and a mat you stand on.

Do the retroreflective glass beads not suffer such damage in the reflecmedia products?

Bruce Foreman

P.S. I enjoy your video demos posted on vimeo. They are very well done.
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Old December 28th, 2008, 12:42 PM   #3
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 892
Hi Bruce,

I appreciate that you enjoy our videos on Vimeo. That makes me want to create more :)

The Chromatte material is fragile, at least I treat it that way. We have a 12'x10' backdrop that goes out on Rental and it gets a little beat up, but still keys perfectly. We are always folding and unfolding that one. It gets setup in the studio then goes back out, getting shipped all over the country. I think it's done more traveling this year than I have :) If something does cause a rip or tear, there is chromatte tape, in fact a roll of chromatte tape ships with every Basematte (the stuff you walk on). So even if you do get a "skid mark" or other stain on the material, it's easy to cover up.
Guy Cochran
DVinfo Sponsor, Cool Gear - DVeStore!
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