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Old April 10th, 2002, 01:24 AM   #16
Join Date: Oct 2001
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Yes I am serious.

FAT 32 is the default FS for Windows2000 and yes it has a 4GB file size limit.

Think about it. Your OS is what runs your computer, if the OS says I am using 4GB file limit then that's exactly what it will do as I bet your NLE application is on the FAT32 disk.

It is perfectly safe to do a live conversion from FAT32 to NTFS. You will not lose anything, it's simple to do, and it will get rid of your 4GB file limit. NTFS is also more stable than FAT32. If you follow the direction I gave you you will have no problems. However, when making any changes to you OS you should always back up your inportant files.

The main reason that FAT32 is included in Win2000 is for compatability with older Windows9x OS. NTFS can read FAT/FAT32 but not the other way round.
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Old April 10th, 2002, 01:33 AM   #17
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I converted my Windows 2000 OS drive from Fat32 to NTFS about 6 months ago using the exact system Adrian described above. NOTHING bad happened. It took a bit of time, but not as long as you might think. You have everything to gain. The only problem might be if you have another computer on the network that is formatted with fat32. The two computers may have some problems communicating properly, or at least that's what I've heard.

Since converting to NTFS I have made sure that each and every one of my files is 16 terabytes large! :)
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Old April 10th, 2002, 01:46 AM   #18
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NTFS can read all file systems supported by windows, it can even read OS2 fs. FAT32 however cannot read NTFS.

FAT32 is not designed to be a network file system, that is the job, and the forte, of NTFS. FAT32 is designed for standalone computers that don't have huge loads placed on them.

With NTFS you gain speed, security(down to file level), stability and complete networkability. It is the only way to go for safe, secure networking.
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Old April 10th, 2002, 02:54 AM   #19
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I'm not sure if this will solve your 4GB capture problem. Why?
He is capturing to a drive that is NTFS. What drive the OS is
should not be a problem at all (read the SHOULD here). I think
it probably is a problem with the program or the AVI type you
are using. Make sure you are capturing in AVI 2.0. Most DV
capture application go with AVI 1.0 with a certain DV type
(Type 1???) and with AVI 2.0 for the other DV type (Type 2???).
This is worth some experimenting before doing your FAT32
to NTFS conversion.

It might be wise to go with the NTFS conversion anyway
primarely of increased proteciton against data loss. For
most people security is a non-issue since they are in their
own home or inside a company where everyone has
access to all. The primary advantage of NTFS is the extra
layer of protection for your data when a system is crashing.

When converting to NTFS from a FAT32 disc remember the

- Do you have a Windows 9x installation on it as well (Dual boot)?
Windows 3.x/95/98/ME? If so, these will not boot after the
- If you want to be able to read your partition under any of
the above mentioned OS-es (NOT over a network, but perhaps
by putting the disc in another machine) it will not be able to
read the NTFS disc after the conversion
- If you have other OS-es in your network they *WILL* continue
to read your drive over the network because a network (and
the computer on the other side) do not care what type the drive
is on your computer
- make backups of your critical data before doing such a
conversion. I know it should work, it worked flawless here,
but it might go wrong.. you never know

That should cover it...

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old April 11th, 2002, 03:02 AM   #20
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There's limitation on canopus side

As far as I know there's limitation on canopus side. Just go to canopus forum and ask question there it'll be explained.

Canopus uses it's own dvcodec and wrapper.
There are modes seemless and batch capture, which will create many sequential files. You can convert those to standart dvcodec with canopus utility

canopus site: http://www.canopuscorp.com - you need to register with canopus in order to gain access to forum
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Old April 13th, 2002, 07:08 AM   #21
Capt. Quirk
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There is a workaround in Canopus for the capture limit. If you are using Canopus to edit, you can capture a reference avi. This is a bunch of two gig avi's that use an index as the video. You can play the index.avi like normal, and it goes from avi to avi automaticly.

It sounds cool, works fine... until you try to edit with Premiere. If you have no problems using the Canopus editing software, you'll be fine.
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Old April 17th, 2002, 04:29 PM   #22
Capt. Quirk
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John Crowe had suggested cutting your capture down to 10 minute clips, which is the easiest way of keeping your audio synced. However, you said you were running Win 98, which probably wouldn't handle the large file sizes. Try 4 minutes each, which would mean 15 capture clips. Seamless capture works fantastic.

As far as Win 98 goes, you said your partner needs it for some apps. Go with a dual boot. Have Win 98/Win 2000 on one drive with two partitions. Use another Harddrive just for the video. Win 2000 is much better for video and larger files. Using the secondary drive for video works faster.

Sorry, but I can't help with the board, but I can recommend Abit KG7 raid. Get all the updates and newest bios, and it is a rock steady board.
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Old April 17th, 2002, 06:59 PM   #23
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Dear Capt. Quirk,

Love that name. Anyway, your idea about the dual boot, etc. is really interesting, though since I first wrote I've installed Premier 6 on my PC which runs W2K.

Because I didn't think I could afford to build a system around a Canopus card I went w/Pinnacle's Pro-One. Have had nothing but trouble in trying to trim files, work old Premier-only projects--you name it. If I see that generic "disk full" error message one more time...

But, I appreciate so much your input; maybe it will help someone else out there!
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Old April 17th, 2002, 08:19 PM   #24
Capt. Quirk
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I wish I had posted sooner. I was stuck between Canopus DV Storm and Pinnacle Pro One. I had decided when I built my video machine, I would go with Win 2K, because it is more stable and handles larger files, as well as a raid array.

Pinnacle lost because they didn't have the Win 2K drivers. I had heard about problems with some Piannacle systems, but was willing to try them.

Anyways, like you, I have apps that won't run on Win 2 K, which is the only reason I still have Win 98. I just don't use very much :)
Best wishes with your new system,
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Old July 23rd, 2002, 04:35 PM   #25
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Canopus JD1

Has anyone out there got any experience with the Canopus JD-1 jog/shuttle controller ??

I have just got one to use with my Storm edit suite, and cannot find any drivers for the controller. The only reference is to get them from my Windows 2000 system CD.

Queries to Canopus have gone unanswered (is this typical or am I just unlucky)

Any advice would be appreciated


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Old July 25th, 2002, 05:26 PM   #26
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As a matter of interest to those who visited this post, I have been in touch with Canopus support, and they tell me that the install instructions in the manual are incorrect. All neccessary drivers are included in the Canopus install disk.


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Old August 27th, 2002, 05:31 PM   #27
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Canopus crashing

Has anyone experienced the following:

On my dual AMD system using the Canopus Storm card. The system frequently freezes, usually when trying to drop clips into the time line, or manipulate audio. The only solution is to completely restart the system. If I perservere then the next stage is the system just powers down on its own.

I have had the system back to the suppliers twice, the first time they said there were software conflicts, but I had not loaded any new software on since getting the system from them, they now tell me that I have contracted a virus, but I have not loaded on any s/w from anything other than manufacturers CD's and I have kept my system well away from any web or dial up access (I do not have any modem or network connected to it.).

The funny thing is this only happens in Storm Edit, I can burn discs for hours with no problems whatsoever

I am now having the hard disc completley reformatted, and a new mother board fitted (thank goodness for back ups) but I am not convinced that it is a virus. Does anyone out there have any similar experiences



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Old August 27th, 2002, 06:17 PM   #28
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Burning disks is not the same thing as editing video.

Number one you should be running no less than W2K, or XP Pro. Make sure all your hardware is on the HCL (Hardware Compatibility List at MS).

As far as motherboards go, get a recommendation from other Canopus users using multi-AMD processors. No sense in re-inventing the wheel, especially if some one has a working wheel.

Reformatting the hard drive is a good start. I would do a clean install too and ** NOT ** restore from backups: whatever problem you had earlier may still be in the backups.

The next chunk of s/w I install would be the Canopus. This way it has a better chance of working as it will be entered into the registry sooner.

Once you have this config working make your backup then! After that add your burning s/w and other stuff.
Nathan Gifford
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Old August 27th, 2002, 07:56 PM   #29
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Make certain you read the Storm installation sequence.

Premiere, MSPro both need to be loaded first along with xPlode Pro drivers, etc. It really makes a difference.

You must have been given one of the incompatible motherboards by your systems house. There are one or two. YOu can find out which ones on the Canopus Web site.

If your systems house build a non-compatible system for you, they owe you. Big time since the AMD MOBO issues are well known.
Mike Rehmus
Hey, I can see the carrot at the end of the tunnel!
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Old August 31st, 2002, 09:56 PM   #30
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What motherboard do you have?
The 2460 or 2462 Tyan are the only Motherboards that are approved for running dual AMD CPU's.
If you have one of these boards you are in good shape.
1) Upgrade to windows XP if you are running 2000 or NT.
2) Check your IRQ addresses for shared hardware.
3) No cards should be in PCI slot 1
4) Your memory must be seated well and on the Tyan list for compatibility.

Take a look at my configuration page for Tyan 2460
Rick O'Brien
-Multimedia Producer
See the NLE Motherboard configuration site. www.2behold.com/NLE.htm
-Stable working systems motherboard configurations-
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