Difference between Edius 5 and the educational version? at DVinfo.net
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Old June 7th, 2010, 07:21 AM   #1
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Difference between Edius 5 and the educational version?

Does anyone know if/what the difference is between the regular Edius 5 you find here... http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/583115-REG/Grass_Valley_646306_EDIUS_5_Video_Editing.html
vs. the Educational version sold here...

Grass Valley Edius 5 (Educational) for Win with Academic Discount at JourneyEd.com

I know you have to be a student for the educational one... I'm just curious as to if you're really getting the same software with the same capabilities.

I'll be using the software for editing weddings, btw.

Thanks for any insight!
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Old June 7th, 2010, 07:26 AM   #2
Obstreperous Rex
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The EULA would prohibit you from using the educational version for commercial purposes such as wedding videography.

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Old June 8th, 2010, 07:39 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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In Europe there is a canopus edius pro 5.5 crossgrade offer for the price of a upgrade, that means you can get the full version of edius pro with no limitations and it doesn't matter from which NLE you are coming from. Normal price here 750 euro, now 190 euro.
Here that offer is until end this month, I guess the same applies in the US?

I even saw that Sony was doing the same for vegas pro if you have bought one of their "pro" software in the past, also a very cheap crossgrade price.

In my case that would mean I could buy a full version of edius pro and vegas pro together for the same price of what I have to pay for a upgrade from premiere/encore cs3 bundle tot cs5!

Makes you think twice.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 05:54 AM   #4
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The EDIUS Crossgrade offer is not quite the bargain that it appears. The version for sale for the equivalent of around 190 Euros without sales tax is not the full EDIUS 5.5. package but similarly to the Educational package it does not include the 3rd-party software bundles. It is possible to buy this version with Title Motion Pro but still without all the other 3rd-party software. e.g. DVD MovieFactory, iZotope VST audio plug-ins, NewBlue video filters & all the other 'Bundled Software' listed on the Grass Valley website EDIUS 5 | Grass Valley
Grass Valley EDIUS 5

Incidentally you can use the Educational package for whatever purpose you want but you can only purchase it if you qualify as a student, faculty member or are a non-profit organisation, church etc & will have to produce documentary proof of your status when you order Grass Valley Edius 5 for Education | Genesis - The Academic Software Store
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Old June 19th, 2010, 06:44 AM   #5
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I bought it last week and paid 189 euro including taxes and for me it's a business expense, a educational package I can't even buy or if I did (buying it for my daughter) I couldn't list it as a business expense.
I needed a fast and stable cutter that can handle dslr footage on a older pc and plugins or other 3th party softare is of no use to me, in that way 189euro for a NLE like edius pro is still a bargain. Also considering it has it's own canopus hq codec included which can make you fly through any heavy compression codecs on 3 year old machines is a advantage as you have not to invest into something like cineform software.

If I would have bought a adobe upgrade I also need a new pc, the total investment of just premiere/encore upgrade and a pc would be 2000 euro while now I loose 190 euro as my 3 year old Q6600 pc handles edius pro and dslr footage without a problem. How can this not be a bargain?
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Old June 19th, 2010, 07:57 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
I bought it last week and paid 189 euro including taxes and for me it's a business expense, a educational package I can't even buy or if I did (buying it for my daughter) I couldn't list it as a business expense.
I needed a fast and stable cutter that can handle dslr footage on a older pc and plugins or other 3th party softare is of no use to me, in that way 189euro for a NLE like edius pro is still a bargain. Also considering it has it's own canopus hq codec included which can make you fly through any heavy compression codecs on 3 year old machines is a advantage as you have not to invest into something like cineform software.

If I would have bought a adobe upgrade I also need a new pc, the total investment of just premiere/encore upgrade and a pc would be 2000 euro while now I loose 190 euro as my 3 year old Q6600 pc handles edius pro and dslr footage without a problem. How can this not be a bargain?
Sorry, I didn't mean that the Crossgrade offer isn't good value just that to be sure not to compare the normal retail price of the full package to the crossgrade offer price. This promotion appears to be Grass Valley's way of increasing the number of EDIUS users without having to pay licence fees for the 3rd-party packages just as they do with the Educational package.

I am actually interested in EDIUS as I too am looking for a fast way of editing video from a DSLR (Canon 5D Mk II). I am normally using Final Cut Pro on a Mac but do have a 2 year old Q6600 system that I could use for EDIUS if it really can give me quick editing of the 5DII files without transcoding. I will download the 30-day trial package which like the Crossgrade & Educational packages has no 3rd-party packages.

BTW Do you have a link to where you bought your copy for 189 euro including taxes? The price that I found in the UK is quite a bit more expensive at about 225 Euros including VAT.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 08:07 AM   #7
Inner Circle
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Not sure if I'm allowed to link to other software sellers here so I will send you the direct link in a PM.
I also saw now they are selling the crossupgrade to the full version incl 3rd party software for 349 euro so that's still less then half the original price.

Reg editing dslr footage on a q6600, I recently purchased a 550d and have not had the time to examine the best workflow but I could play one stream in realtime without transcoding, my sound though did stutter so i"m not sure whether that is hard- or software related. Once I trasncoded to canopus HQ then ofcourse you can have more streams of dslr footage including color correction and so on in realtime. Exporting canopus HQ back out on my machine is also a lot faster then realtime. You just need to consider harddrive space as that fills up real quick with that codec (filesize X3 or 4)
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Old June 20th, 2010, 04:03 AM   #8
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Just to give you an idea about the export speed with the canopus hq codec, I just checked and on my machine (a Q6600 with 4gigs of ram and win xp pro 32 bit, no raid setup but 1 separate video disk)
I exported a 1hour 15 minute video without any colorcorrection (which was transcoded from hdv to to canopus hq avi) out to a canopus hq avi file and that toke 16 minutes.
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Old July 15th, 2010, 09:44 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Nigel Barker View Post
Incidentally you can use the Educational package for whatever purpose you want but you can only purchase it if you qualify as a student, faculty member or are a non-profit organisation, church etc & will have to produce documentary proof of your status when you order Grass Valley Edius 5 for Education | Genesis - The Academic Software Store
This is absolutely wrong. According to the EULA, you CANNOT use an educational version for commercial purposes. Chris's reply is correct.
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